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GratefulDisciple's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
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  • Canada
26 votes

Is abortion okay, if the mother's life is at risk, according to Catholicism?

23 votes

Why don’t Christians accept Muhammad as the true prophet?

22 votes

Did God change from a wrathful God to a loving God between Old Testament and New Testament?

21 votes

The resurrection & Deut 13 - If a prophet says "Let us worship another god" - Do NOT follow him, even if he gives a sign/miracle

16 votes

What is the theological significance of the label "Christian", according to evangelicals?

15 votes

How is young-earth creationism theologically harmful, according to those who do not adhere to it?

14 votes

Believing that Christianity is "probably" true vs. being fully convinced that Christianity is definitely true?

14 votes

How to get the most out of the Bible with just one reading?

14 votes

Did God the Son become flesh?

13 votes

If every denomination is skeptical of every other denomination, why shouldn't non-Christian outside observers be skeptical of all denominations?

12 votes

How do Christians respond to the criticism that Jesus of Nazareth did not bring world peace?

12 votes

Can Muslims be considered Muslims and Christians at the same time in the sight of God?

12 votes

What was the language that Enoch spoke and did the Book of Enoch get written 3000 years BC is there any proof or carbon dating of that?

12 votes

How do Christians who reject pre-fall death reconcile their views with the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event (66 million years ago)?

11 votes

How do Cessationists respond to "the counterfeit proves the real" argument?

11 votes

What are the predominant Christian views on whether Jesus had to specifically die by crucifixion? Could he have chosen another kind of death?

11 votes

Was Constantine The Great a Nicene Christian?

11 votes

What have Christians taught during past plagues and pandemics?

10 votes

From a trinitarian perspective, how do you biblically reconcile Jesus dying and Jesus being God?

10 votes

Why is faith the quality that God chooses to reward?

10 votes

Are there theological explanations for why God allowed ambiguity to exist in Scripture?

10 votes

Why are transgender prayer requests "too far"?

9 votes

What's the difference between apostasy and heresy?

9 votes

What is the Biblical basis for the idea of 'creation ex nihilo'?

9 votes

Are there modern cases (1900 - present) of heavenly visitations recognized and endorsed by a denomination?

9 votes

Are there any Christian groups or denominations that believe that non-Christians have access to the power of the Holy Spirit?

9 votes

If the universe clearly suggests a designer, why do so many physicists and biologists not believe in God?

9 votes

Why didn't Protestants unite with the Orthodox against Papal primacy after the Reformation?

9 votes

How do believers in hell respond to the argument "What finite crime deserves an infinite punishment?"?

9 votes

According to the Catholic Church, is belief in trinitarianism required for salvation?

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