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Questions tagged [death]

The point at which the spirit is separated from the physical body, tuning the body into a lifeless thing

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If the righteous are not spiritually alive in heaven then from where did the spirits of Moses and Elijah come from at the transfiguration?

According to the author of this article who is from White Throne Ministries, he teaches that the spirits of the dead are not in heaven but sleep in the sands awaiting one of the two resurrections. He ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
-4 votes
2 answers

Why do Catholics believe that the dead can be saved when the Bible states otherwise?

This question is directed to followers of the Catholic Faith, why do they believe that the dead can still be saved if we intercede for them when scripture explicity states that it is appointed for men ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
8 votes
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Necromancy and prayers for deceased loved ones?

Well, I was recently listening to Mike Wingers Biblethinker Q and A, and in it he said that attempting to speak with deceased loved ones is equivalent to necromancy in many cases. The question I had ...
lightwalker's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Will it feel like Jesus comes back immediately after death? [closed]

Ok so, I haven’t seen anyone ask this question really… Since when we die we know we won’t have any knowledge, ecclesiaties 9:5 nor any consciousness we will be in a state of slumber right? It will be ...
Jesus Died For Our Sins 's user avatar
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Immediate life after death in Christ?

If there's immediate life after death in Christ, why in the second coming, will he raise those who died in Christ Jesus? John 11:25 I am the resurrection & the life those who believe in me, even ...
Wilfredo Ruiz's user avatar
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According to Catholic theology, can a damned person be resuscitated, converted, and then go to Heaven?

In canto 20 of Dante's Paradiso, Dante describes what Ciardi's footnotes on lines 106-117 say is a pious tradition that Pope Gregory (540-604) prayed for the salvation of the Emperor Trajan (53-117) ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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This question is for Unitarians/Biblical Unitarians as well and it is based on Acts 7:59-60

Acts 7:59-60 59 And they went on stoning Stephen as he called upon the Lord and said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit! 60 And falling on his knees, he cried out with a loud voice, "Lord, do ...
Mr. Bond's user avatar
-3 votes
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What do Christian Scientists mean when they say death is an illusion?

Christian Scientists say that illnesses are an illusion and, as far as I understand it, what they mean by that is that all illnesses are psychosomatic. But they also say that death is an illusion. ...
FlatAssembler's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

What happens in heaven if you remarry?

Let me just pretext by saying I am not a Christian and everything I say is based on my limited knowledge as a non-christian. I am asking this question purely out of curiosity. Please correct me if ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Did pastors or clergymen get killed by snakebite?

We read in Acts 28 how St. Paul survived the bite of a deadly viper in the Island Melita. In fact, we seldom come across Christian missionaries, pastors, or clergymen getting killed by snakebite. One ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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How to adherents to Christian mortalism understand death and the human soul?

This is a question for those who see Christian anthropology of one part (Monism). The belief that human soul is not immortal and that man is a unity, that is, not a duality of soul-body, or a ...
Dan's user avatar
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Do we know which side of Christ was pierced by the Roman soldier during His Passion?

Do we know which side of Christ was pierced by the Roman soldier during His Passion? Have any serious studies been done to determine which side of Christ was pierced by a lance during the Crucifixion ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Arius' death was it miraculous or was he poisoned?

Arius' death was it miraculous or was he poisoned? Arius died in 336, at Constantinople of some gory intestinal disorder. Some believe that his death corresponded to the prayers of the Patriarch of ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Would a Catholic priest refuse a funeral due to suicide?

In the movie Constantine, Rachel Weisz's character begs a Catholic priest to give her twin sister a funeral, but he refuses because she committed suicide. Is this an accurate depiction of Catholicism? ...
Neil Meyer's user avatar
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Death of animals before the fall - what did the early church fathers believe?

I recall somewhere in Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology he mentions that it is possible that animals died before the fall (I don't recall the exact page or quote but it's not directly relevant to my ...
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Did St Paul have a death-wish?

We hear St Paul stating in Phil. 1:20-24 (NRSVCE): For me, living is Christ and dying is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which I prefer. I ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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3 answers

Can you explain purgatory and how to get out?

We have the concept of purgatory. I read in different places that purgatory happens after death. But what should be stated clearly is whether they mean physical death or spiritual death when ...
JustBeingHelpful's user avatar
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How did literature contemporaneous to the New Testament understand the "Second Death"?

The term "second death" appears four times in Scripture, all in Revelation (all NKJV, emphasis added): He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes ...
The Editor's user avatar
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What is the Biblical basis of the view that you must believe in Jesus BEFORE physical death? [duplicate]

It seems a very common belief that you must believe in Jesus / to be saved before physical death in order to have salvation. However where is this stated in the Bible? According to this view, why is ...
scm - Personal Friend of Jesus's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "rest in peace" ("RIP")?

According to the New Testament of the Holy Bible, what is the interpretation of the phrase "may his/her soul rest in peace. RIP"?
Prashant Akerkar's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, can the dead in Christ affect this world?

According to Catholics, can those who have died in this world and gone to be with God/Christ (i.e. those who were saved) interact with this world in any fashion? Answers should, if possible, include ...
Matthew's user avatar
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According to Protestantism, can the dead in Christ affect this world?

According to Protestants, can those who have died in this world and gone to be with God/Christ (i.e. those who were saved) interact with this world in any fashion? Answers should, if possible, include ...
Matthew's user avatar
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What is the meaning of "GNU" and how should it be displayed on a cremation urn?

I've been hired to build a cremation urn, which includes an engraved plaque with the name of the deceased, dates, a quote, etc., and the client has asked for the letters "GNU" to be included ...
type_outcast's user avatar
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Why does the marriage bond cease with death?

I know Jesus says marriage ends with death, but I don't understand WHY marriage ceases to exist with death. I prefer Catholic answers to this question.
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
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According to Protestant New Testament exegetes, did Jesus use figure of speech with respect to the second death in these 2 places in scripture?

If we read John 16:25-30 we know Jesus sometimes spoke figuratively. Jesus even said so Himself. My question is, in 2 places in Scripture is Jesus using the term death figuratively to refer to the ...
Cork88's user avatar
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Can Jesus' death be considered as a suicide?

As God is Omnipotent and Omnipresent, he already knew that is going to die and since he is all powerful he could have escaped the death. As he willingly did it, can it be considered as a suicide? As ...
jgm's user avatar
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How do believers in post-mortal consciousness respond to objections by the Jewish Encyclopedia article on the immortality of the soul?

I'm specifically referring to this article: -- Some quotes IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL (late Hebrew, "hasharat ha-nefesh"...
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-3 votes
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Why do some Christians have trouble with the concept of non-existence? [closed]

Atheists have no trouble understanding that: When someone dies, their consciousness, personality, and self simply cease to exist. One day it might be possible to take a copy of someone's mind, store ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
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Is it odd that there is only one sentence about the death of David?

I read in 2nd Samuel from the time that David was anointed with oil to the beginning of Judges to Davids death and burial. Davids life is described in much detail, great detail. Both good and bad are ...
Peter Kettler's user avatar
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According to believers in an eternal conscious torment/separation, what is the biblical basis for distinguishing between life and consciousness?

According to believers in an eternal conscious torment (ECT) or separation (ECS) of the wicked, this is the punishment that Revelation 20 refers to as the "second death". But, if the damned ...
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How do advocates of an intermediate state explain that the Old Testament seems to be unaware of the existence of the Bosom of Abraham?

Proponents of an intermediate state typically regard the story of Lazarus & the rich man (Luke 16:19-31) to be informative on the realities of the underworld. According to the story, Hades / Sheol ...
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How do Christians who believe that eternal life begins now explain the fact that Christians die?

Many Christians believe that eternal life begins now. For example, in the article The Destiny: Eternal Life, John Piper states: In believing we have eternal life NOW, not just in the future. In John ...
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According to Christian mortalists (aka 'Soul sleep' advocates), does eternal life begin now (before death), and if so, does it continue after death?

Many passages seem to suggest that one becomes born again and obtains eternal life on this side of eternity (before death). For example, regarding eternal life, the Apostle John said: 24 Truly, truly,...
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9 votes
9 answers

How can the wicked live for eternity in hell when they are completely separated from the only source of eternal life?

There are some who believe that the "Second Death" in Revelation is not literal, but figurative of eternal separation from God in hell. Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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What are we to understand from Jesus committing his spirit into the Father's hands?

And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." Having said this, He breathed His last. Luke 23:46 How would non-trinitarians explain Jesus ...
steveowen's user avatar
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Does the Catholic Church teach where Lazarus’ soul was before being resurrected?

In the classic Bible story, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead after Lazarus was dead for 4 days. Where (if they do at all) does the Catholic Church teach his soul was? If there isn’t a specific ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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What if God instantaneously moves people from one time to another? [closed]

If God exists outside of time and space, he isn't bound by their physical laws. In particular, he may be able to ignore the flow of time, experiencing different places and times in non-sequential ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
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According to soul sleep adherents, what's wrong with an "Occam's razor" interpretation of 1 Samuel 28 (Saul and the Medium of En-dor)?

By an Occam's razor interpretation of 1 Samuel 28, I mean an interpretation that is as straightforward as possible, which doesn't require making unnecessary assumptions or special pleadings in the way ...
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What did the Apostolic Fathers believe regarding the state of the dead and the afterlife?

In the context of related debates such as: Bipartite vs. Tripartite natures of man, Soul sleep vs. Consciousness during the intermediate state, and Annihilationism / Conditional immortality vs. ...
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How do believers in the tripartite nature of man (body, soul and spirit) reconcile Genesis 2:7, 1 Corinthians 15:44-45 and Matthew 10:28?

Essentially I'd like to know what trichotomists (i.e. believers in a tripartite nature of man, consisting of body, soul and spirit) have to say about a question I recently asked on Biblical ...
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How do believers in the tripartite nature of man (body, soul and spirit) explain Jesus' omission of the word "spirit" in Matthew 10:28?

Matthew 10:28: 28 `And be not afraid of those killing the body, and are not able to kill the soul, but fear rather Him who is able both soul and body to destroy in gehenna. [YLT] 28 And fear not them ...
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According to believers in post-mortal consciousness, do animals also remain conscious after death?

Short version If humans remain conscious after death, do animals also remain conscious after death? Longer version I'm trying to figure out if there is any fundamental difference between the spirit of ...
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How do believers in the dead being conscious explain the absence of reports about afterlife experiences by Lazarus and other resurrected individuals?

The Bible records several accounts of resurrections. A gotquestions' article titled How many people were raised from the dead in the Bible? lists several examples: The widow of Zarephath’s son (1 ...
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3 votes
6 answers

What is the biblical basis for the belief that the spirit of a person remains conscious after death?

What is the biblical basis for the belief that the spiritual part of a person remains conscious after their bodily death? In other words, what is the biblical basis against Christian mortalism / 'Soul ...
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Christianity, community, friendship, and relationships

I have an ongoing and repetitive discussion with a Christian about the importance of relationships where they say that everyone dies alone. Are there good arguments from the Christian perspective ...
Geoff Burns's user avatar
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How do those who believe that the dead are conscious explain passages in Psalms that seem to suggest otherwise?

I'm specifically talking about the following passages (courtesy of this very insightful answer): Psalm 6:5 "For there is no mention of You in death; In Sheol, who will praise You?" Psalm ...
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According to Catholic Church, how long should a person pray for the soul of his/her dear ones after the death of the latter?

Catholics believe in the existence of Purgatory where one's soul gets purified before one is granted entry into the abode of God. So, we have November, the month dedicated to the prayer for the souls ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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7 answers

Why did knowledge of good and evil result in death?

In Genesis 2:17 God said to Adam: "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." (KJV) Why ...
brilliant's user avatar
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Will Lucifer be burn for whole eternity? [closed]

Non-regret sinners will spend a whole eternity in hell. Will Lucifer get the same destiny as well?
Davi Américo's user avatar
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What is meant by the Jehovah's Witness statement "Jesus was dead, forever dead."?

The following is pulled from an answer to this question: According to Jehovah's Witnesses, In What Way is Jesus Human. It would appear, then, that the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus had his ...
Mike Borden's user avatar