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Questions tagged [morality]

The differentiation among intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good (or right) and bad (or wrong). Use this tag for questions which focus on the APPLICATION of an ethical standard to particular situations. Use this tag when it's the parameters of the SITUATION rather than the standard itself that prompted the question. Use the "ethics" tag instead for questions on the standard itself, rather than the situation.

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Is there "guilt by association", according to Catholic moral theologians?

In other words, when does association with public sinners become itself a sin or make you a participant in others' sins? Association is not one of the 9 ways of participating in others' sins: By ...
Geremia's user avatar
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I'm seeking to understand Christian moral epistemology

Specifically, I'm interested in works (articles, books, etc.) explicating the philosophical dimensions and implications of the idea that the law is written upon our hearts. That seems to me to suggest ...
inkd's user avatar
  • 19
2 votes
5 answers

Christian Accountability for Actions Done in Fight or Flight

Christians, when our brain goes into "fight or flight" mode are we held to the same accountability for our actions as when we are in our normal meditative state?
Cody Rutscher's user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

Do all moral humans go to heaven?

Given a person X who leads a "moral life" based on the law laid out in the Bible. Given that X does not believe in the existence of God or any other God. If the Christian Faith happens to be ...
8Mad0Manc8's user avatar
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3 answers

Can you prove that God is just for punishing Jesus without taking into account Jesus also being God?

If Jesus was merely a man, then God would seem unjust for punishing the innocent Jesus in place of the guilty due to violating the following: Man is to be put to death for his own sin and not for the ...
another-prodigal's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it a sacrilege to administer the Eucharist to non-believers?

When I was a child, I attended a Catholic summer camp where the majority of campers were not baptized and did not profess any faith. This camp held weekly celebrations of mass, and distributed the ...
Cardinal System's user avatar
-1 votes
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According to Catholicism, would a person who had a vasectomy but never had sex afterwards be committing sin?

While I’m aware that the Catholic Church teaches that having sex after a vasectomy (or getting your tubes tied for women) is sinful because it is an act of contraception, I was wondering if the church ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How should I report a priest for promoting sin?

Last summer I was traveling and I stopped for mass in another state. Throughout mass I was rather uncomfortable due the celebrant's demeanor/conduct, but I brushed it off as "just a bad case of ...
Cardinal System's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How best to analyse Moral Therapeutic Deism from the viewpoint of biblically-centered Reformed Protestantism?

I only heard this term a few days ago. Although I’ve had to go to various web-sites to try to find out about it, I feel confusion growing and seek help from Reformed Protestants. At first, I thought ...
Anne's user avatar
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2 answers

What aspects of normal human behavior have people mistaken as the work of the flesh?

In Galatians 5, Paul helps us understand the work of the flesh, such as in verse 17: "For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for ...
Steve's user avatar
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To what duties do author's rights (𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘶𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘴) correlate?

McHugh & Callan, O.P., Moral Theology says […] rights and duties are correlative—there being a duty that corresponds to every right, and vice versa To what duties do author's rights (ius ...
Geremia's user avatar
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From a moral perspective, how would a Catholic moral theologian justify modesty?

From the Catechism of Pope St. John Paul the Great: §2521 Purity requires modesty, an integral part of temperance. Modesty protects the intimate center of the person. It means refusing to unveil what ...
Cosmic Cat's user avatar
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Is a Catholic marriage valid if one or both spouses are in a state of mortal sin at the wedding?

Suppose Alice and Bob are both Catholics, and they are getting married. If one of them has committed a mortal sin and has not been to Confession at the time of the wedding, is their marriage valid?
Someone's user avatar
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6 answers

Is the worship of God coerced?

In essence I'm asking that if there was nothing after death, but we believed that God existed, would there be any reason for us to worship God. It then seems like humans are coerced into worship, ...
Gh1's user avatar
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Is making a small joke about a bishop mocking?

My friend was mentioning a bishop, so I bluntly made a joke "What? Like the chess piece?" I got a few laughs from my other Christian friends before that friend who mentioned a bishop said it ...
chanel Y.'s user avatar
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According to Catholicism, is ”damn” a blasphemous expression?

A lot of things in today's culture have names with the word "damn" in them, e.g., the restaurant Hattie B's Hot Chicken has a menu option named "Damn Hot". I'm sure it was a sin ...
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
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Did G.K. Chesterton ever write specifically about a Christian's moral responsibilities?

As a school assignment I'm supposed to compare two authors on the topic of morality. Specifically the question is: how ought a person to relate to Christianity / how should Christianity affect one's ...
Cicero's user avatar
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Does Catholic morality (i.e. Natural Law) reject the idea that different cultures fundamentally think differently?

In the aftermath of the attack on Israel by Hamas, I've been listening to Ben Shapiro saying some things that I would like to know if are in-line with Catholic morality. It doesn't much matter what ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Was Solomon fatally misled by his father' example, when King David married many wives and concubines?

Royal Regulations When God reluctantly gave permission for Israel to have kings, He laid down several stipulations: (1) Only a fellow "brother" Israelite could be chosen; no foreigner, (2) ...
ray grant's user avatar
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Does voting for a pro-abortion candidate constitute formal cooperation in his crime of promoting child killing?

According to Catholic moral theologians, does voting for a pro-abortion candidate constitute formal cooperation in the politician's crime of promoting child killing? My question is very similar to &...
Geremia's user avatar
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What is the controversy around gamete inter-fallopian transfer within Catholic moral theology?

I was listening to Pints With Aquinas July 29th episode with Trent Horn, he mentioned that a practice of gamete inter-fallopian transfer is an open question in the Catholic Church. What are the ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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5 answers

Does the Bible provide an age of consent?

I was debating with my Muslim friend on the immorality of Mohammad marrying Aisesha at an incredibly young age (Sahih al-Bukhari 5134), in which he responded that nowhere in the Bible does it give an ...
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2 answers

According to Catholic moral theologians, is it more conducive to the unbaptized's possible salvation to marry or remain single?

According to Catholic moral theologians, is it more conducive to the unbaptized's possible salvation to marry (other unbaptized) or remain single?
Geremia's user avatar
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What is an overview of moral theories in Christianity?

What is an overview of moral theories in Christianity? From my own research, I know of at least three: Divine Command Theory. Wikipedia presents the following summary: Divine command theory (also ...
user avatar
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1 answer

What is the definition of Moral Good in God's omni-benevolence

A recent question asked about God's omni-benevolence, free will and God's ability to do evil. My counter to that was to look at Divine Command Theory which defines moral good as God's will, the ...
Lio Elbammalf's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

What's Christians take on pirating authors books, software, movies etc?

This question may sound like making excuses but please don't down-vote, it's a big issue specially in middle east. I'm living in Iran and because of the sanctions I'm not able to transfer money using ...
ElectronSurf's user avatar
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3 answers

How is the claim "lust is evil" shown to be true in Christianity without appealing to Divine Command Theory?

In Matthew 5:27-30 Jesus affirms very unambiguously the sinfulness of lust: 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a ...
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3 votes
8 answers

Are good and evil in Christianity ultimately based on maximizing wellbeing and minimizing suffering? [closed]

Let me illustrate with a few examples. Examples of good in Christianity: Love: it's evident that love feels good and promotes behaviors that make others feel good. Therefore, love ranks very high on ...
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3 answers

Which of the Ten Commandments becomes a subject of aberration if a Christian evades Income Tax?

In many countries like India, Return of Income Tax due to the Government from the citizens are filed online on the dedicated Tax Portal . Each citizen is required to disclose the income he earned in ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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3 answers

How is selling the use of a house not usury but selling the use of wine, separately from the wine, is?

St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica II-II q. 78 a. 1 co., says that usury is to sell the use of a consumable good separately from the consumable good itself: To take usury for money lent is unjust ...
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
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Why does the author of Hebrews picture Esau as an immoral and godless person?

We read in Hebrews 12:16 : See to it that no one becomes like Esau, an immoral and godless person, who sold his birthright for a single meal. Gen 25:29-34 tells us how Jacob "bought" the ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
-1 votes
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What Early Church Father taught that marriage is between a man and a woman?

It is very obvious that marriage biblically is defined as being between one men and women one (Genesis 2:23-24, Matthew 19:5-6, Mark 10:6-8, 1 Corinthians 7:2, Hebrews 17:4) but what Early Church ...
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How is Tamar Viewed in Judeo-Christian tradition?

Personally I consider Tamar, the wife of Judah, to be one of the great women of Bible -- the Mother of most Jews and the foremother of Jesus. However, her story is a troubling one. She is most famous ...
Dan Fefferman's user avatar
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Did any Early Church Father believe that being armed/self-defence was justified?

As you know there were many prophets in the Bible who were armed and had swords for self-defence. Jesus himself allowed St. Peter and his apostles to buy a sword for self-defence. But did any of the ...
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How binding are encyclicals on practicing Catholic's beliefs?

I am reading through certain encyclicals from Popes on economics, and I wanted to know how binding they are on my beliefs (if I were to be a Catholic who follows church teaching). Are they binding? Do ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, is tempting another person a sin?

According to Catholic theologians, is tempting another person always a sin? It would seem to be a sin, because tempting someone is to lead him into sin, which is the sin of scandal. It would seem not ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What is the Biblical basis for prohibiting sex outside marriage?

My friend is a Progressive Christian who says that the bible doesn't condemn or even mention sex outside of marriage in the bible. Is this true? If not, what is the Biblical basis for condemning sex ...
user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Can Christians have a right to defend themselves? [closed]

My friend is a Progressive Christian who argues that as Christians it is immoral for Christians to either defend themselves or their family and must be like Jesus a pacifist, he then goes on to quote ...
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4 votes
2 answers

According to the Catholic Church, are sex positions that can’t bear children sinful?

Note that my question is asking about married couples, not just any two people engaging in intercourse. According to the Catholic Church, would a husband in wife be in sin if they committed any of the ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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What does the Bible say about gender segregation and free mixing of sexes in public places?

Islamic scholars claim it is against Islamic rules to attend events where there is free mixing of men and women (such as concerts, proms and parties): There follows a list of haraam things which both ...
a_sid's user avatar
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Did the Early Church Fathers condemn polygamy?

Today I was debating with a Christian who believes in polygamy and claimed that the Early Church Fathers allowed for the act of polygamy, is that true and is there any evidence that the Early Church ...
user avatar
11 votes
12 answers

Was Jesus Christ a refugee?

Yesterday I was debating the topic with my Progressive Christian friend who claimed that the Lord was a refugee. Was Jesus Christ, by definition, a refugee?
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0 votes
1 answer

As Christians can we support immigration control? [closed]

As Christians are we allowed to believe in immigration control or want control as to who enters the country? If yes, then how do you interrupt verses such as these, which seem to support the concept ...
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Doesn't God giving orders to demons contradict the principle of double effect?

Doesn't God giving orders to demons contradict the principle of double effect? 1 Kings 22:19-23, 1 Samuel 16:14 and Judges 9:23 clearly seem to say that God gave orders to demons. Thomas Aquinas also ...
GUILHERME DE SOUZA's user avatar
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Is there such a thing as moral neutrality in Catholic thought?

Or in other words, is there any human act that is neither good nor evil? For example: Eating a bowl of cereal. I would say it is good, because it is a part of human nature to eat food, and a bowl of ...
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According to Catholicism, why are all sins against the 6th and 9th Commandments grave matter ex toto genere suo?

In my prayer book from 1930, it says, in an examination of conscience, under the 6th and 9th Commandment (emphasis mine): It is sufficient to remind penitents that each and every act, if deliberate, ...
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4 votes
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According to the Catholic Church, if one, faced with the threat of being burned alive, denied Christ, would his sin be mortal?

If one, faced with the threat of being burned alive, denied Christ, would his sin be mortal? It seems that it was treated as such in history, but how can this be so in light of CCC 1859 which says ...
Ph Ex's user avatar
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What is the Church's traditional understanding of usury and has it changed?

From scripture, it would seem that the taking of interest on any loan is unjust (Leviticus 25:36–37). Most people are also familiar with the fact that usury used to be condemned by Christians. But, it ...
jaredad7's user avatar
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From a Thomistic perspective, why is there homosexuality among animals?

St. Thomas Aquinas said: "Union of male and female is said to be of natural law, because nature has taught this to animals: yet she has taught this union to various animals in various ways ...
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
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Is God indirectly responsible for moral evil, according to Catholicism?

I thought it was obvious that God is indirectly responsible for moral evil. For example, God created the Devil, and the Devil freely chose to do evil. But the Catechism says "God is in no way, ...
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar