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Questions tagged [resurrection-of-jesus]

Central tenant of Christianity, that Jesus Christ rose from the dead following his crucifixion

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5 answers

Which Jesus died or in what sense did Jesus ("God") die for our sins

Jesus is "fully God" & "fully man". Jesus (the man) is made up of body+spirit(+soul). Jesus (God) is a spirit. Which of these "natures" died for us, considering that: ...
James Stuart's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Why did John describe the resurrection differently than the synoptics?

Below are the passages describing Resurrection Sunday from each of the Gospels. Matthew 28:1-9: "Now after the Sabbath, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other ...
Human the Man's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Does the body of Jesus breathe oxygen in heaven?

Before Jesus died on the cross, his body was functioning as of that any other human being where he was breathing to stay alive and then he took his last breath and died. Then rose from the dead and ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
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1 answer

Which are the OT prophesies referred to in the Nicene Creed in relation to Jesus' Resurrection?

St Paul writes in 1 Cor 15:4 that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day in accordance with the scriptures. We recite the verse in the Nicene Creed also. Now, we see Jesus mentioning his death and ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can I know that I believe the resurrection of Jesus? [closed]

How can I know that I believe the resurrection of Jesus? Many Christians say that the belief in the resurrection of Jesus is the necessary condition of being a Christian. However, I don’t know whether ...
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3 answers

Where did Jesus go and what did he do between His death and resurrection? (non-Trinitarian perspective)

How do non-Trinitarian Christians respond to the question where did Jesus go and what did he do between His death and resurrection? This question is asked as a parallel to this existing question. ...
Hold To The Rod's user avatar
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3 answers

Where did Jesus go and what did he do between His Death and Resurrection?

Without going into the specifics of three days and three nights or some configuration, where and what did Jesus go and do between the time of His death/burial and His resurrection, if anything? We ...
SLM's user avatar
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Is the resurrection of Col 3:1 the millennium?

The two verses bear many of the same referents. If this were the case then many of what I refer to as "delusions" regarding the end times can be shown to be without merit. Col 3:1 ¶ If ye ...
brmicke's user avatar
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How does the Catholic Church reconcile the resurrected body pictured by St Paul in 1 Cor 15 vis-a-vis the narrations in Luke 24 and John 21?

We read in Luke 24:31 (NRSVCE) how Jesus walked with two disciples on the way of Emmaus post-Resurrection and joined them for a meal: When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Are there alternatives for the resurrection and stolen body hypothesis? [closed]

According to the stolen body hypothesis, the body of Jesus was stolen from the tomb. Alternatively, Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Besides these hypotheses, are there ...
Riemann's user avatar
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1 answer

According to Emanuel Swedenborg, who is the man Jesus, born of a woman, who died and then was resurrected?

An article titled "The Lord" at the website of the Swedenborg Foundation states that Emanuel Swedenborg believed “that the Lord is God from eternity and that he himself is that Lord who was ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Where was the blessed Virgin Mary on Jesus' resurrection?

We know that the bible tells us that Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene first when Jesus was risen in Mark 16:9 RHE 9 But he rising early the first day of the week, appeared first to Mary Magdalen; out ...
Kaylee A's user avatar
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Is the Feast of First Fruits rather related to the Start or the End of the 50-day-count?

I have seen scholars associating the start of the 50-day-count to a "Feast of First Fruits", but when reading Lev 23:6-14 and Exo 34:18-26 I rather see this as a small ceremony related to ...
Thomas Lorenz's user avatar
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How do you say "My Lord and my God" in Aramaic or Hebrew?

Thomas said, "O Κύριός μου καὶ ὁ Θεός μου" (koine Greek), "My Lord and my God" (English). What would he have said in Aramaic (Hebrew?) in John 20:28? Would it relate to Adonai and ...
Jim Gaidis's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

When, and by whom, did what we now call Easter Sunday first become known as Resurrection Sunday?

During the course of my search into the origins of ‘Resurrection Sunday’ I found some interesting information, but mainly to do with the name ‘Easter’: The naming of the celebration as “Easter” seems ...
Lesley's user avatar
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1 answer

How do Christians who believe that Jesus preached to the dead in Sheol justify reversing the chronological order of verses 18 & 19 of 1 Peter 3? [closed]

1 Peter 3:18-19 has been one of the most controversial passages in the Bible throughout time. And for good reason. I'd like to address a particular interpretation of the passage, however. 1 Peter 3:...
Rajesh's user avatar
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1 answer

Where was Jesus's soul during the three days of His death?

There is a three day period between Jesus's death and resurrection. Where does the Catholic Church teach Jesus's soul was during that time?
Luke Hill's user avatar
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6 answers

Why doesn't hallucination, common burial, legend, and gullibility explain the rise of Christianity (rather than the Resurrection)? How is this wrong?

What scholarship refutes the following view of history? How do we know this alternative to the Gospel is incorrect? Jesus is executed by the Roman empire after preaching a loving humanism based on ...
Internet User's user avatar
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2 answers

What are scholarly books for and against the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus?

In order to have a well-rounded understanding of the arguments for and against a historical resurrection of Jesus, what would be a comprehensive list of must-read scholarly books defending its ...
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How do Jehovah's witnesses respond to the historical evidence for the physical resurrection?

Jehovah's Witnesses propose a non-physical resurrection. How do they respond to people like William Lane Craig or Gary Habermas who make evidentiary based arguments for the resurrection?
Luke Hill's user avatar
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What is meant by the Jehovah's Witness statement "Jesus was dead, forever dead."?

The following is pulled from an answer to this question: According to Jehovah's Witnesses, In What Way is Jesus Human. It would appear, then, that the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus had his ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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According to Biblical Unitarians, who resurrected Jesus - the Father or the Son?

In John 2:19-22 Jesus tells the Jews that he will perform a miraculous sign by raising the temple of his body in three days. "Jesus answered, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise ...
Only True God's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the historical basis for the claim that there were hundreds of eyewitnesses to the resurrection of Jesus?

I've heard, in several informal situations, claims to the effect that there were hundreds of eyewitness to the resurrection of Jesus. That many saw him and even interacted with him over the span of ...
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How is the resurrected Jesus related to the Trinity?

The Doctrine of the Trinity is affirmed by the Catholic Church and more in general by the large majority of Christian denominations, Orthodox, "mainline" Protestant etc., with some relevant ...
Miguel de Servet's user avatar
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2 answers

Did John the Evangelist make a mistake in counting the post-resurrection apparitions of Jesus?

We see Jesus making his post-resurrection apparition before the disciples on various occasions: first, to the disciples on their way to Emmaus (Lk 24: 13-35), second, to the disciples in the absence ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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Can Anselm's reasoning for the Incarnation be adapted to the Resurrection?

In Cur Deus Homo, Anselm provides an argument primarily in natural theology (as I understand it, anyway) for the proposition that the divine nature assumed a human nature for itself, without confusion ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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2 answers

What is an overview of arguments for and against the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus? [closed]

What is an overview of arguments for and against the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus? Was Jesus' resurrection a historical fact? What do scholars and historians have to say about all this? Is ...
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3 answers

Jesus' Resurrection occurred before angel rolled back the tombstone?

Many exegetes claim, without proof, that Jesus resurrected before the angel rolled back the stone, in order to show that he passed through it as he could walk through doors or as he was born out of ...
Geremia's user avatar
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How does Catholic Church reconcile the time of and the manner in which Jesus' resurrection was disclosed to Apostles?

We read in Mk 16:1-8, the the Angel's instruction to the women who visited the tomb of Jesus on the day of his Resurrection, and its outcome: When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Do The Original Houses of Numbers Still Exist?

Are there still leaders of these households or are they obsolete? Reuben: 46,500 Simeon: 59,300 Gad: 45,650 Judah: 74,600 Issachar: 54,400 Zebulun: 57,400 Joseph: Ephraim: 40,500 Manasseh: 32,200 ...
mister mcdoogle's user avatar
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Was Jesus resurrected after or {within} three days of his death? [duplicate]

Was Jesus resurrected after complete 3 days, or he resurrected in the third day?. I mean if he had been resurrected in the third day, this means that he had spent less than 72 hours before his ...
salah's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

Who resurrected Jesus - the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit?

In John 2:19-22 Jesus tells the Jews that he will perform a miraculous sign by raising the temple of his body in three days. In John 10:18 Jesus says he has authority to lay down his life and ...
Lesley's user avatar
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1 answer

Are the gospels enough to convince one of the divinity of Christ? [closed]

This is a follow-up to my previous question. Thomas had received the message from his fellow disciples that Jesus had risen from the dead. Being the skeptic that he is, he then rejected their ...
RandomUser's user avatar
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Are there Christians who believe that Jesus does not have a physical body right now?

I've researched about this topic online and I could only find one Christian website so far that affirms this belief. Does anybody else know if a particular ...
AngelusVastator's user avatar
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Can pastors at Evangelical denominations teach that Jesus was resurrected with an invisible and immaterial body?

Murray Harris has views of the resurrection body of Jesus which fall within the statement of faith for the Evangelical Free Church in spite of the fact that the body is not a human body. Another ...
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-1 votes
1 answer

Do some deists believe in Resurrection of Christ? [closed]

I once met one guy on Youtube who says he believes that Jesus was so moraly perfect (secular language to say sinless) that He got attention of the Supreme Being (i.e. God) and that this Supreme Being ...
curious's user avatar
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2 answers

Was there silence in heaven when our Lord and Saviour was crucified?

Revelation 8:1 says that when the seventh seal was opened "there was silence in heaven for about half an hour." This speaks of a dramatic pause before the next series of plagues (NIV Study Bible ...
Lesley's user avatar
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13 answers

The resurrection & Deut 13 - If a prophet says "Let us worship another god" - Do NOT follow him, even if he gives a sign/miracle

It seems that Christian apologetics very much rests on the historical veracity of the resurrection. That is, if we can verify the resurrection, than we have an objective rationale to believe in the ...
Big Mouth's user avatar
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0 answers

Is There Any Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus like some papers or something? [duplicate]

Is there any historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus like some papers or something or from some sources that are not from the bible . I am asking this because an atheist said to me ...
mina nageh's user avatar
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4 answers

How can apologists argue that if Jesus did not rise again then Christianity and the Church would not have lasted, when other religions have?

As I reflect on this Easter holiday, as a spiritually young person, I thought of the idea that's often repeated: that if the resurrection of Jesus were not true, then Christianity and the Church would ...
user45280's user avatar
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Who did Christ first appear to after his resurection?

In First Corinthians, St. Paul says the Cephas (Peter) was the first that Christ appeared to after he was raised to life, yet in the Gospels it is said that Mary of Magdala was the first. I am ...
W. L. Brown's user avatar
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How does the Christology of the Baha'i faith differ from that of trinitarian Christianity?

In his letter dated 28 March 1941 addressed to the believers throughout the West, Shoghi Effendi emphasizes: As to the position of Christianity, let it be stated without any hesitation or equivocation ...
Lesley's user avatar
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2 answers

What's the first ancient document composed by a non-Christian denying the resurrection?

What is the first ancient document composed by a non-Christian denying the resurrection of Jesus that we have access to? I am specifically looking for a document actually penned by a non-Christian, ...
Joseph Hinkle's user avatar
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1 answer

Does the Minimal Facts Argument have the potential to the biggest Christian revelation over the last thousand years? [closed]

I recently came across the "Minimal Facts Argument" by Dr Gary Habermas. In short, the argument is that there are a half dozen reliable historical facts (even for those who'd judge the NT as ...
Mr Heelis's user avatar
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From an Evangelical perspective, why didn't the resurrected Jesus appear to those who doubted that He was the promised Messiah?

In Matthew 27:42, we read: "He saved others," said the chief priests and elders , "but he can't save himself! He's the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in ...
rhonarula's user avatar
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What was Van Til's view on the use and validity of historical proofs for the resurrection?

Cornelius Van Til was the pioneer of presuppositional apologetics, and was one of the founding members of Westminster Theological Seminary. The defenses of faith that he developed sought to apply the ...
Joe M G's user avatar
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Has Numbers 19:11-12 been considered when discussing why Jesus rose on the third day?

Has anyone ever considered Numbers 19:11-12 when discussing why Jesus resurrected on the third day and not another day? I was reading my daily bible reading and this struck me during the reading. ...
K. Hughes's user avatar
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4 answers

Did the conversion of Paul occur before or after the Ascension?

According to the Bible, the conversion of Paul occurs when he is walking on the road to Damascus and suddenly has an encounter with the resurrected Jesus. My question is, did this encounter occur ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Where were the two 'thieves' that were crucified at the same time as Jesus, laid to rest?

Where were the two 'thieves' that were crucified at the same time as Jesus, laid to rest? as Jesus was in the tomb, where were their bodies put? Thank you
Mrs Jones's user avatar
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Is it possible for a spirit to eat fish? [closed]

Is it possible for a spirit to eat fish? Then how did Jesus eat fish after his resurrection (Luke 24:43).
shyam sunder's user avatar