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Questions tagged [fall-of-man]

the event of Adam and Eve rebelling against God

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2 answers

Did Adam join Eve in disobedience to save her?

Adam was not with Eve when she ate the fruit Satan offered her. He did not hear the conversation, otherwise, God in His response would have said that Adam listened to the serpent, but God said that he ...
brmicke's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

What Was God’s Role in the Fall? [closed]

What was God’s role in the Fall (if He had one)? I’m learning about the Calvinist (or perhaps hyper-Calvinist) view of Pre-determinism, and respectfully, it causes me great concern. Perhaps I’m ...
Craig A's user avatar
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0 votes
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Concept of attractiveness

I want to ask why would God create such concept as attractiveness if He does not look at someone’s looks? 1 Samuel 16:7 ”for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” ...
Lucy Red's user avatar
-4 votes
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Did The Creator intend at first for Adam and Eve to have children?

We know that Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel and their 600 (I forgot the exact number) after Heaven was taken from them for consuming the fruit. But if hypothetically, if they hadn't sinned, would they ...
MikeyJY's user avatar
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According to Christian ethical views other than Divine Command Theory, what exactly made Adam and Eve's eating the forbidden fruit evil?

For scoping purposes, let's assume that Divine Command Theory is false. This means that explanations of the form "X is evil because God said so" would be out of scope. Having clarified that, ...
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7 votes
2 answers

Death of animals before the fall - what did the early church fathers believe?

I recall somewhere in Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology he mentions that it is possible that animals died before the fall (I don't recall the exact page or quote but it's not directly relevant to my ...
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According to LDS what is the Biblical basis for commending Adam's disobedience in the Garden of Eden?

Joseph Fielding Smith wrote ( In contrast to most readers of the Bible, we believe that Adam and Eve both ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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According to LDS, if the Fall was a positive thing why would God condemn sin in the flesh?

This answer to a question asking about the relationship between LDS and Catholicism contains the following as one of 3 main doctrinal differences between Mormonism and Catholicism: belief that the ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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3 answers

Ignorance of Adam and Eve

Was the sin of Adam and Eve caused by partial ignorance? Before the fall they were ignorant about the shame of nakedness.
Stevie C. 's user avatar
2 votes
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Are there any theories or traditions for dating how long after creation the Fall of Man occurred?

Apologies if this question is too speculative. The Bible does not explicitly state how long after Creation the Fall occurred. It can be argued to have occurred before the birth of Seth at the very ...
Tom888's user avatar
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4 answers

How many, if any, denominations hold that Adam and Eve were perfect before the fall?

This question asks how Adam and Eve could choose to sin if they were perfect, and in a personal conversation recently someone stated "They were a little bit depraved. Even 'very good' is not ...
Isaac Middlemiss's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

What did Satan get out of deceiving Eve and Adam into sinning?

The devil deceived Eve into eating what was forbidden. She then persuaded Adam to do likewise. After eating, they gained knowledge of good and evil. It is my view that God's true intentions, his ...
Felicia's user avatar
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Are there any Christian scholarly publications on the differences between the nature of humans pre-fall and post-resurrection?

What was the nature of humans (i.e., Adam and Eve) like before the fall? What will the nature of humans be like after the resurrection (when those who are saved receive glorified bodies)? Are there ...
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-3 votes
1 answer

According to Young Earth Creationism, how did carnivores come into existence?

According to Young Earth Creationism, were all animals vegetarian/vegan before the fall? If so, how did carnivores come into existence? Did carnivores evolve from vegetarian ancestors? Were carnivores ...
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From a Protestant perspective, do we really have free will if sin nature is passed on from Adam and Eve to us?

If we are born with a sinful nature from Adam, does that really mean we have free will, since the sin nature makes us more likely to choose to sin?
exodus's user avatar
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Is there any Christian teaching as to where Adam and Eve were sent after their fall from the Garden of Eden?

In Islamic teachings, it is said that, after the fall from the Garden of Eden, Adam found himself on Mount Safa and Eve on Mount Marwa. (Of course, these locations are near enough so they found each ...
elyar abad's user avatar
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If Adam and Eve have not sin, would there be any population on earth? [closed]

In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were innocent until they both ate the fruit of knowledge and evil and the curtain of their innocence were exposed and realised that they were naked. Having said ...
Kaylee A's user avatar
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4 answers

How do Christians who reject pre-fall death reconcile their views with the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event (66 million years ago)?

Many Christians believe that creation was cursed because of Adam & Eve's fall into sin, and that death entered creation because of the fall but not before. In other words, the idea of pre-fall ...
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What is an overview of Christian viewpoints on why God sanctioned eating meat after the fall if veganism was already the pre-fall standard?

Genesis tells us that Adam, Eve and all animals had originally plant-based diets, as God provided them with every plant and tree for food: 29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant ...
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1 vote
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Is the wages of sin our natural death? [closed]

Does anyone else believe that our natural deaths are not the punishment for sin? Id always thought it odd that if our natural deaths were the punishment for sin, then why would God raise everyone for ...
Dawn So's user avatar
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If God know everything prior to its happen then was God unable to know that Adam and Eve will sin? If He knew then why did He kept that there? [duplicate]

God knows everything. He must have known that Adam and Eve will sin. So why did He knowing that they will sin made that situation to happen?
Summer Nepal's user avatar
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3 answers

Is choosing to commit sin a possibility in Heaven?

According to the Bible 'sin' by definition is anything that is against God! Which is why God cannot commit sin [Hebrews 6:18; Titus 1:2], not that He doesn't choose to commit sin. This is because God ...
TeluguBeliever's user avatar
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3 answers

Why did God banish Adam and Eve for eating fruit? [closed]

Yes, He told them not to but if you can humour me a little, why should this punishment be regarded as fitting the crime? It’s just fruit, right? Isn’t God testing our patience with such an injunction? ...
Singleminded Compass's user avatar
-2 votes
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Eating a specific fruit that God didn't permit was an act of disobedience, agreed, but?

I understand that eating a specific fruit an apple in Heaven that God disordained eating was an act of disobedience... true agreed. But what I do not understand is that since Adam and Eve were both in ...
Manzoor Muzaffar's user avatar
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Does the Bible ever describe the Fall in ways different than Genesis 3?

In his book In the Beginning, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote the following with regards to the pre-Pauline hymn of Phil 2:5-11: We cannot consider this extraordinarily rich and profound text [Phil ...
Doubt's user avatar
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How does Human Nature relate to Angelic Nature, specifically regarding sin and free-will? [closed]

I have seen quite a few questions on here asking: How could Lucifer, being a perfect creation, have fallen or sinned? However, my question is this: What can we find in the Scriptures about the ...
Miles Fett's user avatar
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Any radical transformation in case of incarnation without fall?

There are some reasons considered by the Catholic Church to assume the Incarnation even without the Fall. Simply speaking, Jesus would come even if Adam and Eve would not have eaten the apple. There ...
Karel Macek's user avatar
8 votes
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The fall was part of God's plan?

@JBH pointed out in the comments within *Could* Adam and Eve have children before the fall? that on the latter day saints website it states that The fall is an integral part of Heavenly Father's ...
Chris Rogers's user avatar
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According to LDS teaching could Adam and Eve have children before the fall?

2 Nephi 2:23 states And they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin. ...
Christopher King's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Where does Augustine say that Adam and Eve were in Eden for just six hours before sinning?

In Calvin's Commentary on Genesis, he spends some time dealing with the question of how long Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden together before they sinned. He writes: The opinion has been ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
2 votes
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From a Calvinist perspective, if Adam refused the fruit what would happen to their descendants?

And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold: and she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave to her husband who did eat. Genesis 3:6 What ...
aska123's user avatar
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How do Mormons view events like the Holocaust considering that they view Adam's fall as a move forward?

In Christianity in general, a common view of Adam's transgression has been that it was something bad that resulted not just in a loss of something good. Among the consequences of Adam's ...
SherlockEinstein's user avatar
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How do proponents of Original Sin support a strictly literal interpretation of Genesis

Many modern theologians who adhere to the doctrine of original sin are often proponents of the claim that Genesis is to be interpreted strictly literally (most strictly as a 7 day creation of a young ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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Why did so many early church fathers say that sex was a consequence of the Fall?

According to an Orthodox that replies to someone else in an exchange regarding marital sex, he states "remember the words of Psalm 50" (Psalm 51 in Masoretic-based Bibles): I was conceived in ...
shackra's user avatar
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Were we to remain in the Garden of Paradise forever if Adam had not sinned?

I read this statement from the Catholic resource. Q. 255 A. We were not to remain in the Garden of Paradise forever even if Adam had not sinned, but after passing through the years of our probation ...
Grasper's user avatar
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Is the emotion of sexual passion a result of the fallen state? (Catholic perspective)

I found very good information on this site where the author logically and according to the Catholic teaching explains certain parts of sexual behavior. I agree and practice what is written, just in ...
Grasper's user avatar
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According to Mormons, why did God make Eve's childbearing painful?

This question is about the following explanation from this page at “If Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all ...
SherlockEinstein's user avatar
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What are some sources of March, 25th being the date of the creation of the world, or of the creation of Adam and Eve, or of their disobedience?

As per title, I read -- in a very uninformed way -- of these traditions, among many others, in regards to March, 25th: A) it would be the date of the creation of the world B) it would be the ...
Rintil's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis for the belief that man is no longer made in God's image?

According to an Adrian Rodgers radio broadcast man is no longer born in God's image due to the Fall. What is the biblical support for this assertion? The broadcasts are archived here; the one I heard ...
Mike S's user avatar
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According to Augustine, what's the difference between regenerate life and that before the fall?

In Augustine's four stages of the Christian life, is the Reborn Man in the same state as the Pre-Fall Man? In which state was Christ the man while on earth? [Editor's note: OP refers to the 4 stages ...
Old Geezer's user avatar
5 votes
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Creation, Fall, Redemption (Restoration/New Creation): Who said it first?

Who is the author who first described the biblical metanarrative of scripture as Creation, Fall, Redemption -- and some include Restoration or New Creation?
jvriesem's user avatar
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How could Adam and Eve lose their just standing before God if it was given to them as a Grace and not earned?

I have often heard pastors, internet preachers especially, repeat that, "We did nothing to earn our salvation and there is nothing that we can do to lose it" or something to that effect. These are ...
Marc's user avatar
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According to Ravi Zacharias's apologetic argument, how could love have existed prior to the fall?

Ravi Zacharias explained in a Q&A (14:50) that for true love to exist between God and man, the current creation is the only possible way for it to exist. He gave four possible examples of creation,...
Gerhard Botha's user avatar
4 votes
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Original Sin as described in The Poem of the Man-God

How do the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding the nature of Original Sin conflict with the (alleged) private revelations of Maria Valtorta, as documented in her book The Poem of the Man-God? ...
JCopernicus's user avatar
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In Catholic teaching, what specific actual sinful act did Adam and Eve commit, and what level of authority can be applied to this teaching?

What I am asking What does Roman Catholic theology hold to be the nature of the original sin? If we consider the Tree of Knowledge, its fruit, and Adam and Eve partaking of it as all being metaphors,...
JCopernicus's user avatar
13 votes
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Adam and Eve Clothed in Light Before the Fall - Origin of this belief?

I've stumbled multiple times across the claim that Adam and Eve were clothed in light before the fall, and afterward they saw their nakedess not merely as a new form of enlightenment ("Suddenly I feel ...
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Who was the first to reject the historicity of Adam?

Since the nineteenth century the early chapters of Genesis have been very controversial. For some issues, like the age of the earth, it is well established that there have been many different ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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Does Young Earth Creationism teach that Adam and Eve only had a concept of morality after the fall?

Does Young Earth Creationism teach that Adam and Eve only had a concept of morality after the fall, once they had eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? If so, would they have been ...
DJW's user avatar
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Do any theologians argue that in the Fall, Adam sacrificed himself out of love for Eve?

I've heard a few Christians say, perhaps half-jokingly, that Adam only ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden because he realized that it was the only way for him to stay with Eve. By this ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
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What prominent Christian thinkers (if any) held to polygenism and if so how did these thinkers view original sin? [duplicate]

Have any influential or well known (be it in scholastics or in media) Christian thinkers express views that the first 'couple' was 'couples' (polygenism) and if so, how did they reconcile this ...
Manwe Elder's user avatar