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Questions tagged [angels]

They are spiritual beings often depicted as messengers of God in the Old Testament and New Testament. There are also fallen angels, who chose to follow Satan.

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6 votes
3 answers

Why does the church of latter day saints not recognize the obvious sin of the angel Moroni according to the account of Joseph Smith's own words?

While having a conversation with a member of the Latter day saints. I did some independent research regarding their official account of the origin of their Faith. I did not see any similar question, ...
Wyrsa's user avatar
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If God YHWH is “the Angel of the LORD” in the form of pre-incarnate Jesus in the OT, why does He not “rebuke” Satan Himself? (Zechariah 3:2)

Some Protestants and Catholics believe “the Angel of the LORD” frequently mentioned in the OT, to be God YHWH himself in the form of pre-incarnate Jesus. They use the unbiblical term of “theophany” ...
Js Witness's user avatar
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What's the scriptural reason why Satan/Devil/Lucifer hates humans? Are there differences on this issue amongst Catholic, Protestant, & Orthodox faiths

What is the reason Satan hates humans according to scripture? Were we in anyway responsible for his fall according to the Bible? Why is he dedicated to our destruction? By way of analogy, the Islamic ...
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If there is no great or small sin why did the sin commited by the devil make him liable to eternal damnation?

Most Christian denominations teach that the devil and his angels cannot be forgiven because they committed an eternal sin, while Adam and Eve committed a mortal sin, hence they can be forgiven. How ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
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According to the Catholic Church, are demonic unclean spirits the ghosts of dead humans, or the presence of fallen angels?

1 Samuel 28:7-8 ESV The Medium of Endor Raises the Spirit of Samuel Then Saul said to his servants, “Seek out for me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her.” And his ...
Joshua B's user avatar
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In the Catholic view, why did the Devil and his angels rebel? [duplicate]

As stated above. I know the out-of-pocket answer is "pride", but I'm curious. The angels all had full knowledge of the choice and the resultant consequences, yet a third rebelled. Was it ...
ConnieMnemonic's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Do marriages have their own guardian angel?

Societies (churches, cities, nations) have guardian angels, but does every marriage or family have its own guardian angel? Marriages and families are societies, too. Has any Catholic angelologist (...
Geremia's user avatar
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3 answers

How are God, angels, men and devils related, according to the Scriptures?

I see a lot of pseudo-Scriptural mysticism on the subject of the identities of angels and devils, men and God. I say mysticism not to dismiss attempted explanations categorically, but because the ...
pygosceles's user avatar
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1 answer

Are demons different from fallen angels? [closed]

Is it true that demons are the spirits of the giant breed that was brought forth when angels intermarried with the daughters of men while fallen angels remain to be angels in a fallen state? Is there ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Do the angels in heaven ever get scared of the thunders and lightnings proceeding from the great white throne?

I have read the scripture and learnt that spiritual entities like the demons are capable of emotions of fear, this can be validated by the Biblical verse where The Holy Spirit speaking through the ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Do Trinitarians believe that the saints become angels upon the resurrection?

I have a question pertaining to Hebrews 12:22-23, which says: “But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to myriads of angels in joyful ...
Joshua B's user avatar
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How to reconcile the belief that the "angel of the Lord" in the OT is the pre-incarnate Jesus with Hebrews 1:5?

Summary of the question: How can the "angel of the Lord" be the pre-incarnate Jesus if Hebrews 1:5 makes the point that God never said "Thou art my Son" to any angel? Those who ...
Aleph-Gimel's user avatar
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If Jesus is arch-angel Michael then he was created? [closed]

The Jehovah witness and Seventh Day Adventist denominations believe that Jesus is the arch-angel Michael. The reasons for this belief is based on the Biblical verses that Jesus will shout with the ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Did Israelites ever think that Egyptian gods were part of Yahweh's heavenly/divine council?

I came across an article that described how Dr. Michael Heiser shows that sections of scripture such as Psalm 82 talk about the Hebrew God as the head of a divine council of elohim, i.e. gods. So did ...
Traildude's user avatar
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Who was the angel of the LORD that stops Abraham from carrying out the sacrifice?

And what is the name of this angel of the LORD, who later also made many other appearances, but only in the Old Testament?
Beloved555's user avatar
-2 votes
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Were the angels a bit too harsh with the disciples post-Resurrection and post-Ascension?

We see in Luke 24 how the angels at the empty tomb of Jesus post-Resurrection, put a point blank question to the confused women disciples: Why are you searching for the living among the dead? Going ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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2 answers

According to Catholicism, can an entire nation be possessed by a demon? [duplicate]

Nations have guardian angels; but, according to Catholicism, can an entire nation be possessed by a demon? Catholic perspective on this question
Geremia's user avatar
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What are the tongues of angels in comparison to the tongues of men?

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. (1st Corinthians 13:1 KJV) Is there a Greek or Hebrew root wording to ...
Zachary Theriault's user avatar
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Can a nation be under the control of a demon?

In the helpful answers to my other question, Do all nations have guardian angels?, it was determined that nations can indeed have a guardian angel. But according to the Catholic Church, can a nation ...
Anon's user avatar
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Where were Satan and his angels when God devastated the Earth during Noah's Flood?

There is no doubt that angels (both the Holy and the Fallen) had a strong influence in the antediluvian world. Satan was the serpent of Eden. But, during Noah's Flood, where was he, what was he and ...
Felipe Ligeiro's user avatar
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Are there any passages in Early Christian literature that discuss angels and pagans?

Are there any passages in Early Christian literature that discuss angels and pagans? Are there any statements that suggest that angels were created specifically by God only for Christians and not for ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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Are Zerachiel and Sariel the same angel (according to orthodox churches)?

I know that Zerachiel and Sariel are both rather tied to Judaism as they are most prevalently found in the book of Enoch. In most denominations of christianity this book is not recognized as a canon, ...
Saha's user avatar
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Do angels come in the divine category?

Are angels considered divine for being heavenly beings? Was the adjective divine θεῖος /θείας theios ever used for angels? Whether in Greek scripture OT NT, early Christians or in Hebrew Bible? What ...
Michael16's user avatar
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Is there any concept of angel numbers in Christianity?

Just wanted to confirm if there is any concept believed in Christianity related to angel numbers or numerology? I have read in this angel number blog that it relates to Christianity. Just want to ...
musnousha's user avatar
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The Catholic Church seems to teach that we cannot ask the saints/angels for anything else other than to pray for us, but I don't understand why?

Angels have powers inherent to their nature. So why can't we just ask an angel to use his power to help us, instead of asking the angel to pray for us while we wait for God to grant the request? If it'...
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
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Based on Catholic theology, can angels create or destroy matter?

In the Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas Aquinas says that "angels do not assume bodies from the earth or water, or they could not suddenly disappear." Source: Ia Q. 51 Art. 2 (Whether angels ...
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Does the Personalistic Norm apply to Divine Persons?

St. Pope John Paul II would be wont to say: "the person is a good towards which the only proper and adequate attitude is love." but in this sense, does "person" equally apply to ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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What prayers to use for vespers before an 'Angelic Feast' when the feast is raised to a solemnity?

Assuming Ken Graham's answer is more correct than Andrew Leach's on this question: If your the cathedral parish of your diocese has burned down, is the feast day of the patron saint still a solemnity? ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Were angels with God in the beginning?

The Book of Job indicates that angels were with God in the beginning, when the heavens and the earth were created Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who ...
Bob's user avatar
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What is the Catholic perspective on why are Angels and Archangels at the bottom of the "Angelic Hierarchy"?

I read this today in the Exodus 90 readings for St. Michael's lent: The traditional hierarchy, in order of ranking from highest to lowest, is listed as seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominions, virtues,...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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10 answers

If all demons are believers, then why are some humans atheists?

According to the Bible, all demons are believers: You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder! (James 2:19 ESV) Yet, this is not the case for (all) humans. Some ...
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What is an overview of the main arguments that angels do or do not already exist at Genesis 1:1?

Genesis 1:1 is "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." But there's no mention of God creating angels. What are the main arguments that angels were or were not already ...
Only True God's user avatar
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Has an angel or a demon ever been recorded on camera?

Simple question: has an angel or a demon ever been recorded on camera? I'm open to answers from any Christian groups/denominations. Related questions: Has a healing miracle ever been recorded on ...
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Are the fallen angels already in hell?

Aquinas argues that angels achieve their end by a single meritorious act. They either choose God, thereby possessing the Beatific Vision, or the reject him and fails permanently to achieve the end ...
Rich_Dragonfruit_789's user avatar
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What medieval theologians debated whether angels are male or female?

Hildebrand, Man, Woman, and the Meaning of Love, § "Friendship Between Man & Woman", §§ "There are many spiritual differences between the sexes" claims: In the Middle Ages the ...
Geremia's user avatar
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On what basis do some Protestants believe the angel of the Lord is the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ?

If they are identical, would this mean Jesus is a created angel or has always existed? In these two verses, it appears clear that the angel of the LORD is identical to the LORD. And the angel of the ...
SLM's user avatar
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What is the view of guardian angels, of saints now in heaven, appearing on earth?

In Acts 12:15 it is argued by some that at least one person may have thought Peter's angel might have talked like him. See the reference to Matthew 18:10 that speaks of guardian angels. In Jewish ...
Jess's user avatar
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Does anyone know hòw many Christian groups believe the term 'angel of the Lord' means 'The Lord'?

Many places are cited 'angel of the Lord' as if whatever is said is said by the angel themselves not by the angel as messenger for the Lord. Judges 2:1 and on is an example but there are several. Then ...
2FollowHim  's user avatar
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How do believers in modern demon possessions and exorcisms interpret 2 Peter 2:4?

2 Peter 2:4 (ESV): For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; If the angels that sinned ...
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Did Christians actually debate how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

I've heard references to debates about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, and it's always been presented as a pointless exercise. If such debates have actually occurred, presumably the ...
Tim's user avatar
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Can demons manifest in bodily form in the physical, just like angels do in the Bible?

The Bible records many accounts of angels physically manifesting themselves to people, whether for the purpose of delivering a message, or to get them out of trouble, etc. It also appears that most ...
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Are there any Biblical allusions to St. Raphael or Uriel outside of Tobit?

There are a number of Angels in the Bible, but only a handful are named. I was just listening to the Relevant Radio podcast Trending With Timmerie and she was talking about how Gabriel, while not ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Which denominations believe in modern angelic interventions?

The Bible has tons of accounts where angelic beings paid a visit to our physical realm to carry out specific assignments. Concerning angels, Satan himself, while tempting Jesus in the desert, cited a ...
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Do any denominations teach that angels have, or do not have, free will?

With minor variations, most Christian denominations generally believe that: Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, the Serpent, etc. are all the same being. Lucifer rebelled against God. One third of the angels ...
Ray Butterworth's user avatar
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Are demons as strong as angels?

Demons are fallen angels. Are they as strong as angels are? Or are they weaker because they've been "kicked out" from heaven?
Davi Américo's user avatar
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Should the "angel of the abyss" be capitalized? [closed]

I am discussing the doctrine of the Jehovah's Witnesses concerning the identity of Abaddon in Revelation 9:11. The names of persons (e.g. Matthew, Mark, and Luke) along with words that are part of ...
Tyconius's user avatar
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What is the connection between St. Michael and people who work in grocery stores?

When examining the wikipedia page on St. Michael it says: Michael the Archangel is the patron saint of grocers, mariners, paratroopers, police officers, and military personnel. Mariners, military, ...
Resting in Shade's user avatar
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What's the proof for the existence of Angels as well as angelic hierarchy?

It's said that most influential medieval work on angelic order was written by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite. How much authority do his works still hold and what's the metaphysical foundation and ...
user30303's user avatar
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Has the Lord handed over the souls of the redeemed to St Michael?

In Ken Graham's answer to a separate question, he cites a prayer to Saint Michael used in the Catholic rite of exorcism. The Latin text of the prayer includes the passage: tibi trádidit Dóminus ...
Matt Gutting's user avatar
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How do deniers of Jesus' divinity explain that the angel at Revelation 22:9 did not include Jesus in the list of beings that can be worshipped?

Note: this is an adaptation of a question asked on Hermenutics.SE. Check it out if interested in answers from different viewpoints. When John fell down to worship the angel that had just showed him ...
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