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1 answer

Did the original sin cause some animals to be wild?

The Bible teaches that God created everything and when He beheld what he had created, it was good. Since the animals were created before us, and God beheld them and saw that every animal was good. I ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
-1 votes
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According to theistic evolutionist Christians, did the dinosaurs transgress so that God allowed their destruction?

According to theistic evolutionist Christians, did God allow their destruction because these creatures had done something to warrant it? This is because God is all knowing and knew from the moment ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
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What is an overview of Christian viewpoints regarding animal sentience and their capacity to feel pain and suffering?

What is the Christian perspective on animal sentience and their capacity for conscious experience of pain and suffering? Do Christians affirm the consciousness of animals and their ability to suffer? ...
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6 votes
2 answers

According to Christian evolutionists, how can the suffering of evolution be reconciled with a loving God?

A renowned Christian who believes in evolution is Francis Collins: Collins also has written books on science, medicine, and religion, including the New York Times bestseller, The Language of God: A ...
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About the spiritual soul: can animals apprehend universals?

I'm struggling with this question for a while: It seems like dogs do know what dogs are. Is it possible for a dog to only recognize individuals and not grasp the universal concept of dog? I thought ...
hellofriends's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

From a Thomistic perspective, why is there homosexuality among animals?

St. Thomas Aquinas said: "Union of male and female is said to be of natural law, because nature has taught this to animals: yet she has taught this union to various animals in various ways ...
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
4 votes
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According to believers in post-mortal consciousness, do animals also remain conscious after death?

Short version If humans remain conscious after death, do animals also remain conscious after death? Longer version I'm trying to figure out if there is any fundamental difference between the spirit of ...
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-3 votes
1 answer

According to Young Earth Creationism, how did carnivores come into existence?

According to Young Earth Creationism, were all animals vegetarian/vegan before the fall? If so, how did carnivores come into existence? Did carnivores evolve from vegetarian ancestors? Were carnivores ...
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0 votes
3 answers

What is an overview of Christian viewpoints on the 'animal cruelty' argument for veganism?

One of the most popular and strongest arguments for veganism is what I would call the 'animal cruelty' argument, namely, that non-vegan diets--including vegetarian ones that tolerate dairy and egg ...
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Do any Christian groups teach that animals will *go* to heaven?

AFAIK, most Christians would agree that animals don't have souls in the sense that people (humans) do. Many would say further animals don't have free will. Thus, AFAIK, most Christians would say that ...
Matthew's user avatar
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2 answers

Why isn't the Spanish bullfight immoral, according to Catholicism?

The Catholic Church has never condemned this traditional event in Spain and the Catholic Encyclopedia (which received Nihil obstat from the Church, that is, apparently the Catholic Encyclopedia is ...
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

When did animals begin to die?

When did animals begin to die? Did animals begin slowly dying at the time of the fall of Adam and Eve or had it happened earlier at the fall of Satan, which may be what Romans 8:20 is hinting at? For ...
brilliant's user avatar
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What is an overview of Christian viewpoints on why God sanctioned eating meat after the fall if veganism was already the pre-fall standard?

Genesis tells us that Adam, Eve and all animals had originally plant-based diets, as God provided them with every plant and tree for food: 29 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant ...
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4 votes
4 answers

Are there philosophical explanations for why God would allow animals to suffer due to non-human causes?

I just finished watching CosmicSkeptic's video titled Christianity's Biggest Problem, in which Alex O'Connor, the owner of the channel, presents the problem of animal suffering as the biggest ...
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Animal Kingdom before Sin Came into The Garden

Were animals back then dangerous to each others, such as predators stalking and killing their prey? And were they dangerous to people like they so often are today?
Arizona-Jack's user avatar
7 votes
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Understanding of "clean" and "unclean" animals before dietary laws

In Genesis 7:2 we read Of every clean beast thou shall take... Up until this point God never revealed the basis for His distinction between clean and unclean animals. Does it mean the ...
Tiago Peres's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Does Catholic Church condemn cruelty to animals? [duplicate]

The Government administrtion in my country, India, has of late been positively intervening against cruely to animals including stray dogs and domesticated cattle . I would like to know whether the ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

(LDS view) Do animals have a possibility to eternal life and is this dependent on Jesus atonoment applied to them?

This is my other question that was inspired by what a quotation in this other question says about pre-existence prior to conception. The highest rated answer quotes from The Encyclopedia of Mormonism,...
x457812's user avatar
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Why is the word "dragon" in the Bible?

I'm not asking about what is the dragon, it's the devil okay, but my question is why is it called "dragon", why dragons exists in the Bible, when they are nothing more than mythical creatures. ...
Lynob's user avatar
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19 votes
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What is the Catholic teaching on the use of animals?

During a conversation on crocodile farming for production of meat and leather in the Third World, the person I was talking to found that it was cruelty against animals and that humans, in the 21st ...
Tiany Slowriver's user avatar
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Can a Christian eat semi cooked or red-blood running meat? [duplicate]

Can Christians Today, eat semi-cooked or blood running red meat?
Pramod Kumar Eleti's user avatar
10 votes
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Why does Justin Martyr say that those who are unworthy of seeing God will become imprisoned in animal bodies?

In Dialogue with Trypho, an early Christian text, Justin Martyr and a Jew named Trypho discuss the nature of the soul and its interaction with God. After talking a bit about if animals could see God ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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Under what basis does the Catholic Church consider animals, in particular great apes, not to be persons?

The Catholic Church teaches that out of earthly beings, only humans, and not animals, are persons and therefore many rights, like the absolute right to live, are enjoyed only by humans. As the CCC ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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9 votes
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Origin of La Madonna Del Gatto

Someone purchased a copy of "The Christmas Cat" by MaryAnn MacDonald for my children. At the end of this fictional book depicting a cat which soothes a colicky baby Jesus and helps Jesus (and his ...
James Shewey's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, were animals created in the image of anything?

Humans are made in the image of God, but what about the animals? What are the animals in the image of? Is there any Roman Catholic doctrine on such a question?
Aigle's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis of the "goats are evil" trope?

Having spent some time cuddling and playing with goats, which are delightful creatures, I have to ask: What is the biblical basis of the association, common even among Christians, of goats with Satan ...
Sidney's user avatar
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5 votes
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What was done with animals WITH defects?

A quick search reveals that the phrase "without defect" appears at least 46 times in the Old Testament. What happened to the animals that had defects? What is a defect, and were they fit for ...
adamdport's user avatar
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What is the significance of the donkey Jesus rode on Palm Sunday?

I'm working on different symbols of Palm Sunday. Has anyone done work on the significance of the donkey Jesus rode on?
user26623's user avatar
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Why were animals killed in the OT? [duplicate]

For many reasons Jews had to offer an animal for healing their relations with God. But why needed those animals to be killed?
Marijn 's user avatar
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If "Old Law is done away with",then what about bestiality and incest? [duplicate]

Leviticus 18:7 states: "Do not violate your father by having sexual relations with your mother. She is your mother; you must not have sexual relations with her." Isn't saying that the old law is "...
Keith's user avatar
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What is the Christian symbol of the unicorn, and what does it suggest? [duplicate]

What is the Christian symbol of the unicorn, and what does it suggest? I have seen it in the seals of certain churches.
Texasnole's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the Biblical basis for mankind being morally required to treat animals well?

In the modern day, humanity farms animals to such a degree that rampant animal suffering is present across the board. From our egg and milk industry to our meat industry conditions are appalling and ...
Edge's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Do Young Earth Creationists believe that insects, microorganisms, and animal cells died before the Fall?

As explained in answers to other questions,1 2 young-earth creationists (YECs) believe that there was no animal death prior to the Fall. They accept that plants must have "died," since man and now-...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How do Young Earth Creationists explain the teeth of animals if there was no death before the fall?

Before the fall of man, did lions and tigers and other sharp-toothed animals have the flesh eating type of teeth? After looking at their teeth structure it seems that their teeth would have a terrible ...
Richard Brown's user avatar
3 votes
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Does the Bible say if animals in Eden were carnivorous, or when animals on Earth became carnivorous?

Do the canonical writings of any Christian group say if animals in Eden were carnivorous, or when animals on Earth became carnivorous?
Andrew's user avatar
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Does it state ANYWHERE in the Bible that pets can or can not go to heaven? [closed]

I've heard it both ways , but can't seem to find it. Some have told me dogs have no soul so they can't go, but I am sure my dog feels guilt when he steals food from the cat. Is that not a sign of a ...
wade's user avatar
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What common dog species were the ancient Jews familiar with?

The Bible tends to put dogs in a negative light, which may be appropriate: but I'm wondering if dogs of Bible times existed differently than our highly trained obedient breeds of our time. ...
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5 votes
1 answer

According to the Catholic Church, do animals have free will?

Do animals have free will or are they already pre-defined in what they do? Also, how does the answer to this question affect humans when we use our free will to interact with animals? I'm looking for ...
Jeff's user avatar
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6 votes
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According to Catholicism, does intelligence or rationality belong to other animals by participation?

In the Summa Theologica, Question 108(5), St Thomas Aquinas writes: Therefore, if anything is to be called by a name designating its property, it ought not to be named from what it participates ...
Popopo's user avatar
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According to the YEC view, did the animals eat the forbidden fruit?

Assuming the Young Earth Creationist view that the Genesis account is literal history... When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit they were condemned to death which caused every subsequent human to ...
Jevison7x's user avatar
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21 votes
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Where did Noah find polar bears and penguins in Palestine, according to those who accept a global flood?

According to Christians who accept a literal global flood, how could animals accustomed to thriving in extreme temperatures be found in a common place for preservation aboard the ark?
Ryan's user avatar
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