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Questions tagged [abortion]

The artificial termination of a pregnancy.

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Was Margaret McBride exonerated for the abortion? Or forgiven? Or what?

Not sure I understand what's going on here Excommunication of Margaret McBride. It says McBride was an administrator and member of the ethics committee at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, ...
BCLC's user avatar
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According to the Catholic church, what sin does the husband commit if the wife has aborted?

Imagine husband and wife conceive but later find out that the child would be severely ill and disabled. The wife wants an abortion but the husband doesn't. The wife decides to abort. What sin does the ...
Anon's user avatar
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3 answers

Did my post baptism absolve my sin of abortion? [closed]

In my 20’s, my mom made me abort a child. Later, I was baptized Protestant. I went through RCIA. Did my baptism absolve my sin or must I confess?
ConCon's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is Evangelium Vitæ §58 the first magisterial document to call abortion murder?

John Paul II, Evangelium Vitæ §58 (25 March 1995): The moral gravity of procured abortion is apparent in all its truth if we recognize that we are dealing with murder Is this the first magisterial ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Is it an act of justice to abort an unborn child as that child would then go to heaven? [closed]

On the topic of unborn/infants dying without being baptized, could one argue that, as those babies would not go to hell but instead to heaven, it is an act of mercy or justice to abort babies to "...
uggupuggu's user avatar
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What happens to all the zygotes and fetuses that are aborted or miscarried? Do they get a pass to go to heaven? [duplicate]

I have heard Christians claim that the zygotes and fetuses that are aborted or miscarried get a free pass to go to heaven. Is this true? I can't find anywhere in the Bible where this is the case. The ...
Saber Truth Tiger's user avatar
5 votes
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Does voting for a pro-abortion candidate constitute formal cooperation in his crime of promoting child killing?

According to Catholic moral theologians, does voting for a pro-abortion candidate constitute formal cooperation in the politician's crime of promoting child killing? My question is very similar to &...
Geremia's user avatar
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Has Christianity ever separated abortion from feticide?

In the didache it says: you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is begotten. There currently is a judge in my state who claims that an ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Why are Evangelical Christians pushing to outlaw abortions without clear Biblical guidance on abortion? [duplicate]

Laws, especially when made for moral reasons, should have unambiguous support in God's Word. But God's Word is far from unambiguous on this issue. The clearest passages addressing abortion (although ...
Biblasia's user avatar
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In Catholicism, under what circumstances is 'abortion' condoned?

In Catholicism, under what circumstances is abortion condoned besides ectopic pregnancy? Two specific circumstances I'm wondering about: If the pregnant female was raped at a very young age e.g. 5 ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Given a 2% rate of ectopic pregnancies, the 0% live birth rate and high maternal fatality rate, how is preventing abortion moral? [closed]

In 2% of pregnancies, the fertilized egg implants somewhere other than in the uterine lining, often in the Fallopian tubes ("tubal pregnancy"). Ectopic pregnancy - Symptoms and causes - ...
Technophile's user avatar
7 votes
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What is an overview of Christian viewpoints on the afterlife of aborted babies?

What does the afterlife look like for an aborted baby? What happens to their consciousness (if any)? What happens to their spirit/soul? Since these are presumably controversial questions, I'm ...
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17 votes
8 answers

What are the main arguments used by Christian pro-lifers to justify their stance against abortion?

With Roe v. Wade being "consigned to the dustbin of history", the need for changing hearts and minds with respect to abortion in the USA has never been greater. What are the main arguments ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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What is the Catholic Church's answer to Nancy Pelosi's argument of a double standard between abortion and the death penalty?

US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was recently barred from receiving communion in her diocese by her bishop over her obdurate viewpoint with regard to abortion, in response she said: I wonder ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Did the Catholic Church Refuse Communion to Nazi Leaders Advocating Late Term Abortions as a Form of Birth Control?

In the news recently was the issue of denying communion to those claiming to be Catholic, but allowing for late term abortions as a form of birth control. The Roman Catholic assumption, if I ...
Jess's user avatar
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Does the RCC view 'prevention of ovulation' in the same light as 'abortion'?

Jacob Rees-Mogg, the Leader of the British House of Commons and Lord President of the Council, was corrected publicly by a Labour Member of Parliament when, in declining to engage in debate regarding ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Does the 5th Veritas Covid Whistleblower on Pfizer change the Catholic Church's position on the the morality of the Pfizer vaccine?

To some it would smack of nothingburger, but it's notable enough to publish as a "Whistleblower" report that Pfizer has been testing performing embryonic stem cell tests with more than just ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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According to the Catholic Church is there anything special about a heartbeat?

This response to the fetal heartbeat anti-abortion bill passed in Texas got me thinking about whether the heartbeat detection stage was rather arbitrary or in line with some sort of idea about ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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To what degree of certainty is the Catholic Church condemnation of abortion infallible?

It seems the Catholic condemnation of abortion has the same theological importance as the founding of the Catholic Church by Christ—i.e., that it's a dogma of faith (de fide) and morals (moribus). ...
chris griffin's user avatar
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Is abortion okay, if the mother's life is at risk, according to Catholicism?

Is it okay to abort a baby when the continuation of the pregnancy may result in the death of his or her mother, according to Catholicism?
Dark Knight's user avatar
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Can Catholics or other Christians support ending abortion without making it illegal?

I want to end abortion. I don't believe outlawing abortion will end abortion. I believe the best way to end abortion is to put in place a social safety net which encourages women keep their children ...
Ashpenaz's user avatar
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Are politicians who are integral to passing pro-abortion laws automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church?

According to this article, "Any Catholic accomplice in the act of procuring an abortion, even though not specifically mentioned in Canon #1398, receives the same penalty of automatic ...
Only True God's user avatar
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How best for a Christian to explore the ethics of a Covid-19 vaccine that might use farmed cell-lines from aborted foetuses?

I looked through the CMF website at their Briefing paper When demand outstrips supply: A Christian view of the ethics of healthcare resource allocation during the COVID-19 pandemic: “The British ...
Anne's user avatar
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Is using medication derived from tissue of aborted fetuses compatible with Catholic teaching?

Obviously no one should take any medical advice from StackExchange, but from a purely theological/canon-law perspective: What does Catholic teaching or canon law say about using medicine developed ...
curiouscatholic77's user avatar
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How are ectopic pregnancies supposed to be dealt with according to the Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church is against abortion in all cases, except, I've heard, where the life of the mother is at serious risk and the child has no chance of survival. A good example of this would seem to ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Are Catholics free to disagree about whether it is prudential to not forbid abortion by law?

Question: Are Catholics free to disagree about whether it is prudential to not forbid abortion by law? Namely, can a Catholic ever take a position, that abortion should remain legal for any reason (...
Thom's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, is it sinful to physically harm abortion doctors to prevent them from performing abortions?

Question: Is it sinful to physically attack a doctor who performs abortions and break his fingers so that he can not perform an abortion? If yes, why? If no, why? Does it depend on the circumstances? ...
Thom's user avatar
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How did Christians respond to abortion in the early Church?

I think that the churches (all Christians, Catholics, Protestants, Greek Orthodox and others) should be involved in the fight against legalized abortion. I am looking to the history of the Church to ...
RichJ's user avatar
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Does the Catholic Church teach that it is sinful to vote for a pro-abortion politician? [duplicate]

Say that a person were to vote for a candidate because they liked their positions on a variety of issues. However, they were also pro-abortion, meaning that they are at odds with the Catholic Church's ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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According to the RCC, is supporting abortion the same sin as having an abortion?

According to the RCC is supporting abortion the same sin as having an abortion? (Not talking about the doctor. But supporters of the act of abortion.)
Gerrard's user avatar
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On what basis does the Catholic Church oppose penalisation of women guilty of abortion?

There is a very heated public debate about abortion in Poland at this moment. Pro-life organizations, seeing opportunity in the fact that the current government claims to be pro-Catholic, formally ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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What is an overview of Christian arguments against the "unconscious violinist" analogy used to support abortion in the case of rape?

I was originally looking for any Christian Church that is against abortion in the case of rape that has also responded to the scenario below or something similar to it. I was instead advised to revise ...
Red Rackham's user avatar
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Does Roman Catholic doctrine recognize a moral distinction or difference between abortion and birth control?

Understanding that birth control is renounced in Catholic doctrine, is there a sense that abortion is weightier because in involves the death of a person in addition to the ethical problems Catholics ...
Ben Mordecai's user avatar
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According to Roman Catholicism, is it a sin to vote for pro-choice politicians?

Let's not make this a debate about pro-life and pro-choice views of abortion. According to Roman Catholic teaching, would it be a sin if I voted for a pro-choice politician such as Bernie Sanders?
Azure's user avatar
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How have commentators historically viewed the death of the fetus in Exodus 21?

The proper translation of Exodus 21:22 and the proper interpretation of Exodus have been battlegrounds in the contemporary abortion debate: When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so ...
Mr. Bultitude's user avatar
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Can Pope use his Interdict power to force changes in national laws regarding abortion?

I had once read in Church history about Rome's use of the Interdict power during the Protestant split, that is, to instruct the clergy of an entire nation to deny the Sacraments. Rome's intended ...
eternalsquire's user avatar
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According to the Catholic Church, does abortion need to be confessed, and is it a mortal or venial sin?

I am not Catholic yet, but am attending RCIA and my first confession is next week. I had an abortion years ago. According to the official teaching of the Catholic Church: Do I have to confess this? ...
Terry's user avatar
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Which denominations allow abortions, and why?

Are there any Christian denominations that allow abortion? What (Biblical) argumentation do they use to justify this?
Karel Macek's user avatar
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According to Catholic doctrine, is every woman that has an abortion automatically going to hell?

This is something I've just heard but never verified. Does the Catholic church teach that every woman who has an abortion automatically earns hell no matter what? If so, then why? And how are other ...
LCIII's user avatar
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Difference between contraception and abortion? [closed]

I'm not sure where I could ask this question so I'm posting here. Sorry if this will create too many answers or a long debate. I just can't find the category where I can ask. If a parent says to a ...
Grasper's user avatar
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Does this scripture shed light on the humanity of the unborn child? [closed]

As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything. Ecclesiastes 11:5 (ESV) This quote states ...
user avatar
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Has the Catholic Church or any large Christian organization ever had a policy of paying people to not have abortions?

Has the Catholic Church, or any large Christian churches or denominations, ever had a policy of paying money to people to not have abortions? For example, paying $10,000-$40,000 for a mother to ...
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18 votes
5 answers

Does Numbers 5:11-22 describe sanctioned abortion? [closed]

Numbers 5:11-22 NIV 11 Then the Lord said to Moses, 12 “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘If a man’s wife goes astray and is unfaithful to him 13 so that another man has sexual ...
aceinthehole's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis for the claim that abortion is morally acceptable (when there are no complicating factors)?

Several Protestant denominations take an official position on abortion that it can be acceptable under certain circumstances, and that in those circumstances the choice can be made by the woman. ...
Narnian's user avatar
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Does the Catholic Church consider abortion to be murder?

As a Catholic, I know that I am accountable to a higher law than human/positive law. The natural moral law is the guiding force behind the formation of my conscience and if human laws are not in ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Abortion and Biblical End Times Prophecy [closed]

Is there anything in scripture (or even private revelation to the saints) which says that near the end of the world, the world as a whole will come to accept abortion as morally acceptable?
Peter Turner's user avatar
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What is the Biblical basis for the belief that life begins at conception? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What is the biblical basis for the claim that abortion is immoral? Related to some recent questions, what is the Biblical basis for believing that life begins at conception? ...
thursdaysgeek's user avatar
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What is the basis for the Catholic teaching that abortion is immoral/sinful?

What is the doctrinal basis for the Catholic teaching that abortion is immoral? I understand that these will be based on Scripture, but will likely come from official Catholic documents. So, I'm ...
Narnian's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis for the claim that abortion is immoral?

The Catholic Church, as well as many other Christians, believes that abortion is inherently immoral, based on the belief that life begins at conception. What is the biblical basis for this position? ...
Narnian's user avatar
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Is abortion okay if it is medically necessary? [closed]

I'm sure that most of us agree that abortion is sinful and certainly not okay...most of the time. However, I'm thinking of two rare circumstances that may be exceptions. The mother would die but the ...
El'endia Starman's user avatar