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Middle Ages quaint anniversaries for March 25th?

The following blog has a quaint list of anniversaries for the Feast of the Annunciation: Thus we find in some calendars of the Middle Ages the following quaint “anniversaries” listed for March 25: ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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3 answers

What date was the second Easter?

When did the early Christians celebrate the second Easter? Did it fall on the same day as the Jewish Pasch (Sabbath day / Saturday) or on the next day (Sunday)?
Geremia's user avatar
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Biblical Calendar - New Month 1 or 2 Days After Dark Moon?

A special question for people who have studied previously the biblical calendar and its relationship with the moon phases. Most of us agree that the New Moon (aka First Sliver / First Crescent / ...
Thomas Lorenz's user avatar
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Did the Catholic Church make a conscious effort in re-naming the seven days of the week?

We see the Church having had great influence on many aspects of the development of human kind, including education, culinary habits etc. The very division of history by the term Before Christ and ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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What is the difference between the Christian and the Jewish calculation of Anno Mundi?

Both Judaism and James Ussher (and the premillennialists afterwards) attempted to date the year that the earth was created (Anno Mundi). But Judaism set Anno Mundi to be 3761 BC while James Ussher ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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Quotations from the early church fathers who support the Jewish year 6000 as significant to eschatology

In Judaism, Year 6000 (2239 AD) marks the latest time for the initiation of the Messianic Age so the Year 6000 will mark the beginning of Sabbath day for God. 2 Peter 3:8 says: But do not overlook ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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Why is the Jewish Passover on 28 March 2021 but Good Friday is on 2 April 2021?

I've just noticed that the Jewish Festival of Passover falls on Sunday 28th March (2021), the night of the full moon, but the Christian Church is celebrating "Good Friday" on Friday 2 April (...
Lesley's user avatar
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Why aren't Christmas and New Year's Day the same date?

As I understand it, the modern calendar is separated by Jesus's birth (B.C. for "before Christ" and A.D. for Anno Domini). Ignoring the fact that Christ was probably born between 6-4 B.C and ...
BarocliniCplusplus's user avatar
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Which regional rules of lent fasting or holy days of obligation should a Catholic follow?

If I'm Catholic Argentinian by birth and citizenship and reside in Argentina, then the only thing to check is if I'm Eastern Catholic or Roman Catholic. If I'm Roman Catholic, French in nationality ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Google calendar for catholic holdiays/holy days of obligation?

The one I've been subscribing to for almost 2 years is this one en-gb.christian#[email protected] This can be accessed here or here I guess (re region: I have not seen any ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Why does the Eastern Orthodox Church call the 49 days following Easter, Pentecost, and the Western Church does not?

Just from Wikipedia I have found that the 49 days before Pentecost are called "Pentecost" (there's even "Mid-Pentecost" which is the midpoint from Easter to Pentecost) but in the Western Church I can'...
Rob's user avatar
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5 answers

Could December 25 as the birthday of Jesus have come from Pagan influences?

Could December 25 as the birthday of Jesus have come from Pagan influences? I am asking this due to the information in the following sources: “NIMROD” – The LORD of Christmas Church of Satan ...
Siju George's user avatar
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When was the festival of the see of Peter in the 6th Century?

I've been researching the Decrees of the second Council of Tours (AD 567), specifically Canon XXI: Some still hold fast the old error, that they should honour the 1st of January. Others, on the ...
Charlie Tizzard Ó Kevlahan's user avatar
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Why was Thanksgiving in the US traditionally the last Thursday before Advent? [closed]

Prior to a change instituted by President Roosevelt I understand United States Thanksgiving was the last Thursday in November. This is invariably the last Thursday before Advent Sunday (Nov 27 - Dec ...
davidlol's user avatar
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Was there a special Sabbath in addition to Passover when Jesus was crucified?

My question is based on John 19:31 which says that on the day Jesus died it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Was this special Sabbath (on which no work could ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Is it allowed to deviate from the Catholic Liturgical Calendar during a pilgrimage?

Later this year I am helping to lead a Marian pilgrimage. The days we are away are all non-Marian feasts or obligatory memorias. (Following the general Catholic Liturgical Calendar.) Is it ...
lonesomeday's user avatar
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What liturgical calendar does the Anglican Ordinariate follow?

Is the liturgical calendar that the Anglican Ordinariates follow the same as the Novus Ordo (Ordinary Form) calendar, or the Tridentine (Extraordinary Form) calendar, or perhaps it is the same as the ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
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Do Mormons celebrate Christmas on/or around the 25th of December?

Being a denomination which prides itself of the restored beliefs of the original church before false doctrine infiltrated the truth, do Mormons celebrate Christmas on/or around the 25th of December? ...
David's user avatar
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When was Sunday first called the Sabbath?

I am looking for the first extant record of Sunday being referred to specifically as the "Sabbath" or "Christian Sabbath" I am not asking which day the early church gathered. I am not asking which ...
Joshua's user avatar
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What is an overview of Jesus' ministry during Holy Week?

Starting with his arrival in Jerusalem, what is an overview of events in the final week before his resurrection as they occurred on specific days of Holy Week? Note: I'm looking for an answer that ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Why is the date of the 2016 Passover a month late when compared to Easter?

Jesus was put to death on Passover eve Nisan 14. This was the first full moon following the vernal equinox.this year the vernal equinox is March 20.2016 The first full moon after March 20 is March 23 ...
Kristopher's user avatar
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What is the significance of the Julian calendar for the Orthodox church?

Why do many Orthodox churches continue to use the Julian calendar?
sirdank's user avatar
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Why do some Advent calendars have days in random order?

Some advent calendars, such as those made by LEGO are made with calendar days shown in a random order. Why is this?
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Why do (at least some) Messianic Jews celebrate the birth of Jesus on the 15th of Tishri?

In an (attempted) answer to the question of Why is Christmas on December 25th? from the perspective of Messianic Judaism, it was stated that Messianic Jews believe that Jesus (Yehu’shua HaMashiach) ...
bruised reed's user avatar
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In the Catholic Church's calender, what are Solemnities, Feasts, and Memorials?

In researching for this question: Anne and Joachim are the parents of Mary - is this a Catholic dogma? | @H3br3wHamm3r81, I came across Each year the Church venerates the memory of Saints Anne &...
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What is the origin and development of the calender of the Western Church? [closed]

Happy New Year. So today, being the first Sunday in Advent, marks the beginning of a new year in the western church, that is the Roman Catholic Church, and those Protestant churches which are ...
brasshat's user avatar
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What determines when the Flores de Mayo and the Santacruzan festival will occur each year?

As Wikipedia says: Flores de Mayo (Spanish for "Flowers of May") is a Catholic and Aglipayan festival held in the Philippines in the month of May...The Santacruzan is the pageant on the last ...
kuzzooroo's user avatar
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Which Orthodox churches are on the New Calendar, and which are on the Old Calendar?

I'm trying to determine whether or not a majority of Orthodox are on the Old or on the New Calendar. I don't need numbers for this question, but I do need names. Who are on the Old, and who are on ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
9 votes
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Which Orthodox Churches Accept the Baptism of Heretics?

Primary Question: Orthodoxy is divided on whether to baptize converts who were baptized by heretics under the Trinitarian formula. Some groups baptize them; some groups only require chrismation. ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
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Why were Jehovah's Witnesses holding a Memorial Service for Jesus on Tuesday, March 26 2013?

I was approached by two Jehovah's Witnesses who invited me to a memorial service for Jesus to be held on Tuesday, March 26th. The flier they gave me said that this is the anniversary of Jesus' death. ...
parap's user avatar
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Which denominations believe that John 19 indicates that the crucifixion had the date of Nisan 14?

According to Wikipedia: The modern Jewish Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread is seven days, starting with the sunset at the beginning of Nisan 15. and According to some interpretations, ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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What is the connection between Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Lent, etc?

Coming from a Protestant tradition, I grew up hearing about Lent but never having any practice associated with it. In the years since, I've gathered that there's some sort of connection between ...
jimreed's user avatar
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Why is Christmas on December 25th?

Why was December 25th chosen as the day to celebrate Jesus' birth?
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When is the end of the Christmas season for Latin Rite Catholics?

When does Christmas really end for Catholics? I know it starts different for most Eastern Orthodox, but for Latin Rite Catholics, like myself, I don't know when it actually is supposed to end. At the ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Why is Easter celebrated on a different day every year and Christmas is not?

It is well known that on Easter we celebrate Jesus' resurrection, but every year it is held on a different date, whereas Jesus' birthday—Christmas—is celebrated on the same day every year. ...
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10 votes
7 answers

"AD & BC" vs "CE & BCE" [closed]

Is there an official Christian statement for or against the use of AD & BC vs CE & BCE when it comes to the identification of the time before and after the birth of Christ? What is the ...
Jim McKeeth's user avatar
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