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7 votes

Catholic Lay Saints Who were Economically Well Off When They Died

St. Sabina was a rich Roman martyr whose house on the Aventine Hill was donated to the Church. St. Paula was noble Roman widow who funded St. Jerome's translation of the Vulgate. Ven. Pauline Jaricot (...
Geremia's user avatar
  • 41.5k
7 votes

How do Catholics respond to the claims that the cross has pagan origins?

This is a non-starter because it rests upon multiple logical fallacies, meaning it's a non-argument for anything other than one's inability or unwillingness to be logical. Namely, it commits the ...
Sola Gratia's user avatar
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6 votes

Has the prohibition against construction and veneration of statues and images been abrogated?

This is about correct teaching and the meanings of latria and worship. TL;DR(1): if the bishops do not ensure proper teaching regarding religious images, they let the faithful down. That's where the ...
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
5 votes

How do Catholics respond to the claims that the cross has pagan origins?

How do Catholics respond to the claims that the cross has pagan origins? Of course the cross was of pagan origin and you are probably not correct that there are other "references that agree that ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
  • 74.6k
5 votes

When did the Catholic Church first introduce the veneration of Mary?

OP: the time line of events within the Church that led to the acceptance of the title "theotokos" at the Council of Ephesus (A.D. 431) and how the veneration of Mary developed thereafter. ...
SLM's user avatar
  • 15.1k
4 votes

Catholic Lay Saints Who were Economically Well Off When They Died

St. Marie-Azélie Guérin died a well-off business woman: Louis was a watchmaker and Zelie a lace-maker who employed 15 women or more at a time, allowing them to work from their homes. Zelie’s lace-...
Biro Cash's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes

Is Gertrude the Great's mariology considered erroneous in modern Catholicism?

Fergusson doesn't appear to understand Catholic mariology. Mary is not a "feminine expression of deity"; she is not a feminine aspect of God; she is not God, as Protestants often ...
Geremia's user avatar
  • 41.5k
4 votes

Why does paragraph 103 of the Catechism speak of veneration of the Body of Christ? Shouldn't it be "adoration"?

No, the catechism should NOT speak of "adoration" in that context, but that's not because the body of the Lord is not to be adored. Because only God is to be adored, there cannot be a ...
eques's user avatar
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4 votes

Do Roman Catholics really venerate Icons and Holy Scripture equally?

From the tone of your question, I'm guessing you're thinking Catholics ought to find as much divine truth in paintings as they do in the written gospels. That's not the case. Venerating the book of ...
qxn's user avatar
  • 504
3 votes

According to Catholicism, what is the difference between veneration and devotion?

They're two different actions in Catholic theology. A Catholic devotion is the rituals and customs of 1, worshiping God, or 2, honoring the saints. Examples of these are "The Way of the Cross&...
lebaptiste's user avatar
3 votes

Are Roman Catholics required at any time to bow down to statues or images?

Are Roman Catholics required at any time to bow down or make obeisance to or kiss statues, images, icons, etc. (i.e., inanimate objects)? The short answer is no. Basically, it is an act of personal ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
  • 74.6k
3 votes

Has the prohibition against construction and veneration of statues and images been abrogated?

It seems like you want to embrace Iconoclasm, but cannot bring yourself to leave the Barque of Peter. Unfortunately, however, I cannot write anything not backed up by sources, so I fear it will be ...
Wtrmute's user avatar
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3 votes

What happened to the sandals of Jesus?

What happened to the sandals of Jesus? There exist a pious tradition that the sandals of Jesus are kept at Prüm Abbey in Germany. The Sandals of Jesus Christ were among the most important relics of ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
  • 74.6k
2 votes

Are Roman Catholics required at any time to bow down to statues or images?

Unless one is familiar with the Catholic religion, one will find it odd, if not downright sacriligious, to bow down to bread and wine (inanimate objects per the OP). From the Catechism of the ...
SLM's user avatar
  • 15.1k
2 votes

How do Catholics respond to the claims that the cross has pagan origins?

There are 3 separate points or questions actually asked here that need to be addressed Did Jesus die on a cross or a stake? The word stauros and its definition are the problem here. Stauros meant ...
M.R. Christian's user avatar
2 votes

Early Church on image veneration?

In terms of written evidence, there are a number of references in the Early Fathers to veneration of the Cross. This from the Catholic Encyclopedia: Justin Martyr (d. 165) describes it [the Cross] in ...
Dan Fefferman's user avatar
2 votes

Early Church on image veneration?

The early Church adamantly warned Christians not to treat objects made to look like gods or animals in the way pagans did. They were even encouraged to be careful to avoid stumbling other Christians ...
Anne's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a dogmatic or theological (yet not dogmatic) justification for kneeling before a statue/icon of the Virgin Mary?

In one passage, we have the answer to the whole thing: 1 Chronicles 29:20 (DRB) And David commanded all the assembly: Bless ye the Lord our God. And all the assembly blessed the Lord the God of their ...
Sola Gratia's user avatar
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When did the Catholic Church first introduce the veneration of Mary?

When did the Catholic Church first introduce the veneration of Mary? For traditional Catholics, the response would in simple terms be that it was passed down from Apostolic Times! Meaning that the ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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1 vote

On the "Decrees of Urban VIII" Regarding the Veneration and Representation of Deceased Persons in the Manner of Saints

On the "Decrees of Urban VIII" Regarding the Veneration and Representation of Deceased Persons in the Manner of Saint In the papal bull entitled Sanctissimus Dominus Noster of 13 March 1625, ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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1 vote

Why does paragraph 103 of the Catechism speak of veneration of the Body of Christ? Shouldn't it be "adoration"?

I'm not catholic, but they post all their stuff online and document so here is what I found. There are 3 levels of "veneration/adoration" according to Fr. James Latria, The adoration of God....
Wyrsa's user avatar
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On the End of the Patristic Era as Considered by the Catholic Church

On the End of the Patristic Era as Considered by the Catholic Church? There is no clear cut definition on the end of the patristic era. It is generally considered to end with St. Bede the Venerable in ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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The Early Protestant Reformers largely venerated Mary, when did this sentiment change and why?

The Early Protestant Reformers largely venerated Mary, when did this sentiment change and why? It was probably around the 17th - 19th centuries that Protestant theology began to change in this regard, ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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The Early Protestant Reformers largely venerated Mary, when did this sentiment change and why?

Protesters Why were the Early Protestants still venerating Mary to an extreme? The answer lies in the very word, Protestant. These men were in the main all ex-Catholic priests. They had been steeped ...
ray grant's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, what is the difference between veneration and devotion?

A person can worship God, but doesn't worship a saint, only venerates, which means to deeply honor, respect the memory of the saint, pray to them and even have faith in their supernatural powers from ...
freethinker36's user avatar
1 vote

Why do the Catholics and Orthodox keep relics and bone fragments? Isn't this disrespect for the body?

Why do the Catholics and Orthodox keep relics and bone fragments? Isn't this disrespect for the body? The the Catholic and Orthodox Churches this is a theological way of honouring the saints. There ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
  • 74.6k
1 vote

How do Catholics respond to the claims that the cross has pagan origins?

According to Justin Martyr, in "Dialogue with Trypho", Christian's should not be concerned with such things. Here are the Chapter titles which summarize the chapter, taken from the New Advent (...
Pavel Mosko's user avatar

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