What is meant by "God's Omnibenevolence"?
As one tag is Reformed theology, I would suggest that omnibenevolence is not a teaching in the Protestant branch. It might be worth checking where this idea comes from. It certainly is not found in ...
What is meant by "God's Omnibenevolence"?
The word omnibenevolent comes from the Latin word omni, meaning “all,” and the word benevolent, meaning “good” or “charitable.” In other words, God is absolutely good and no action or motive or ...
Is Book of Genesis 3:14 to 3:19 supposed to be an example of Doomerism/Nihilism/Incelism?
If you're looking for only two broad brush stroke takeaways from this passage of Genesis I would suggest the following:
The entrance of the disposition of sin into the human nature has had ...
What is meant by "God's Omnibenevolence"?
I am not sure that "omni-benevolence" is a way to describe God. There are many scriptures that directly say that God "hates" or "detests" this or that. So it is not an &...
What is meant by "God's Omnibenevolence"?
The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. - Psalm
The extent of God's love in scope is universal. No person whom God has created has not received love from God.
The extent ...
Why did Abraham go back to Haran?
The premise of the OP is not correct, Abraham did not "make a turnaround to Haran", Haran is on the way from Ur to the Promised Land. Ur was in southern Mesopotamia, Haran was in north ...
Is Book of Genesis 3:14 to 3:19 supposed to be an example of Doomerism/Nihilism/Incelism?
From Is Genesis 3:16 about Pain in Childbirth? Yes? or No?:
‘itsabon is used only three times in the Bible. In each case it talks about what fieldwork will be like as a result of the curse on the ...
What is meant by "God's Omnibenevolence"?
Laws are an intrinsic part of any creation, you understand how laws are important from the created world. You can start with scientific laws like gravity, imagine a world without the law of gravity , ...
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