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Questions tagged [catholic-bible]

The Bible as accepted by Roman Catholics, including the books deemed "apocryphal" by protestants

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What part of the deuterocanonical books might be objectionable to Jews?

Regarding the Old Testament canon, Protestants follow the Jewish canon based on the assumption that this is the canon accepted by Jews before the coming of Christ. However, the historical evidence ...
Dark Malthorp's user avatar
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Which books in the Catholic Old Testament, precede the canonisation of the Hebrew Bible?

Which books in the Catholic Old Testament, precede the canonisation of the Hebrew Bible? I understand for example that the Books of Macabees isn't part of the Hebrew Bible Canon, but from what I heard,...
barlop's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What would happen if the Mass were not celebrated worldwide on a given day?

For example, if no Mass were celebrated worldwide this Sunday, what would happen? Is there any teaching in Catholicism about this? It doesn't necessarily have to be on a Sunday; it could be on a ...
Arrtgar Verg's user avatar
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On the quantity defecting in the Great Apostasy?

On p. 230 of Fr. F. W. Faber's The Precious Blood, we find the words: In the days of Antichrist, when two-thirds even of the faithful shall fall away from the Church. Now, "a revolt" is ...
DDS's user avatar
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Does the Book of Revelation indicate whether human souls will be fighting during Armageddon?

I am a Catholic and I would like to know if the Book of Revelation in the Catholic Bible (or in other Christian Bibles) has anything to say about whether human souls will be fighting during Armageddon....
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Book of Revelation overview in Catholic Church

What does the Catholic Church believe about prophesy in the Book of Revelation? Does that mention the Second Coming of Christ? Can you give me a brief overview of the subject in Roman Catholic belief?
Amal's user avatar
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2 answers

Is Roman Catholic Dogma really used, by necessity, in Scriptural interpretation?

The following is taken from the body of a recently asked question asking how many in the New Testament are called or actually claim to be the brother or sister of Jesus Christ. It is not scoped for ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is Our Lord Ever Referred to as "Jesus" by His Enemies?

Our Lord is often referred to as Jesus by the writers of the Gospels; however, I cannot think of an instance where He is referred to, or called, Jesus by any of His enemies (or strangers). Can anyone ...
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1 vote
1 answer

Is the Orthodox canon right? [closed]

I am considering becoming an Orthodox Christian but what is really stagnating me from joining the Orthodox Church is their canon: Orthodox Christians have a much larger canon than both Protestants and ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Catholic Translation of the bible which inserts the four marks in Matt 16 "on this rock I will build my church"

I'm trying to track down a Catholic bible translation. I saw a screenshot of it online (a picture of a physical copy) a few months ago but have yet to identify which translation it is. The key thing ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
0 votes
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Does the Catholic Church have any teaching on cannibalism?

Does the Catholic Church have any teaching on cannibalism? I wasn't able to find much about it.
Guilherme de Souza's user avatar
4 votes
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Why did St. Jerome place Peter's letters after James's letter if Peter was the leader of the apostles and the church?

The Catholic Church believes Peter to be the leader of the apostles. Also, by the time that Pope Damasus I commissioned St. Jerome with the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible (AD 382), the papacy ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
0 votes
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Protoevangelium (Genesis 3:15) translational differences

When reading on Biblical Prophecies, a big one is Genesis 3:15. The Douay-Rheims translation says "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy ...
Dash Ivey's user avatar
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Hebrew translation for the Deuterocanonical books?

Is there a Hebrew translation for the Deuterocanonical books (including 1,2 Maccabees)? Any available online?
Mike's user avatar
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5 votes
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St. Albans Psalter - history of manuscripts used to translate the Psalms

Recently I had cause to do research into the St. Albans Psalter. My task was to ascertain if the Latin translation of the Psalms was biblical and to establish which manuscripts formed the basis for ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Which wisdom books are advice of a father to his son?

Which of the following wisdom books, Proverbs Ecclesiastes Wisdom Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), are advice addressed by a father to his son? Yes, Job, the Psalms, and Solomon's Canticle of Canticles (...
Geremia's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, how should one read the Catholic Bible?

Is there any order that we should follow to read the bible? Like whether we should follow some chronological order or just read randomly. I am just starting to read the Catholic Bible and don't know ...
Jeena's user avatar
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2 answers

Do Catholics believe in the Old Testament? [duplicate]

In the Old Testament, all the works of People who were born pre Jesus are depicted, so what are the main books of Catholic faith ?
HuHu's user avatar
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What is the dating for the last books of the Catholic Old Testament?

What is the dating for the last books of the Catholic Old Testament? I'm aware that Maccabees is pretty late, like 1XX BCE (end of 2nd century)... I'm wondering if any books are later than that.
barlop's user avatar
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How can one have eternal life by the death of Jesus or by Jesus teachings? [closed]

Before the death of Jesus, Jesus was teaching the birth of eternal life(birth of the Spirit) which steps are not completely describe by the four gospel (Matthew, mark, Luke, and john). On several note ...
Ben's user avatar
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11 votes
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Why does the Catholic church not sanction the KJV translation?

One of my favorite Bible translations has always been the King James (I suppose because of the medieval feel), but I have always been fascinated by the much longer history of the Catholic Church and I ...
anonuser's user avatar
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How did attitues to the deutero-canonical books in the Western Churches change during the second millenium? [closed]

What was the pre-Reformation understanding and how did that change during and after the Reformation Era for Protestants and for Catholics? What is the current position?
karma's user avatar
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How do Catholics defend the apparent errors found in the deuterocanonical books?

How do Catholics defend the apparent errors found in the deuterocanonical books? Errors in the Apocrypha
David's user avatar
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Is the Vulgate the official version of the bible for entire Catholic Church, or just the Latin Church?

The Latin Vulgate is considered to be the official version of the bible of the Roman Catholic church. I'm wondering if this means it is only the official version of the Roman Catholic Church, or does ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
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What is the origin of the Catholic Pope in the Bible?

It is well known that the most important position in the Catholic church is the pope, but how did this position arise? I know that Peter was told by Jesus that he was "The rock upon which He will ...
Jesse's user avatar
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How do Catholics view physical and digital copies of the Bible?

When I was in high school (a mission school), our principal (an Italian theologian and priest) was disgusted with the small blue New Testament bibles! He would throw them out of the window if he ...
mykey's user avatar
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Is the Catholic canonized Bible closed?

Traditionally most Christians hold that the Biblical Canon has been closed because of the end of the Apostolic era. But if the Pope speaks from "Ex Cathedra", isn't that stating his teaching is ...
Theo Christos's user avatar
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Bible comparison KJV vs NRSV-CE

I am wondering what are the differences between the King James Version and New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition bible (this is almost the other question about NKJV and KJV Bible) From the ...
Barnstokkr's user avatar
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Reading NIV bible for AR points

I am noticing that my child may earn Accelerated Reader points for reading sections of the Student NIV Bible. We are Catholic. Is it appropriate for my child to read the Student NIV version of the ...
Mike's user avatar
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Why are the Psalms numbered this way in some Catholic Bibles?

I am looking at a Catholic Bible and I see the following: PSALM 1 [...] PSALM 9-10 [...] PSALM 51 V50 Miserere PSLAM 52 V 51 [...] PSALM 150 Please see image below. What accounts for this numbering?...
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-5 votes
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How does the Pope's recent evolution comments line up with the Gen 1; 1-5 text? [closed]

Gen 1:1-5 1 In the beginning God *c r e a t e d * the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over ...
Hello's user avatar
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4 answers

How can the Pope's recent actions not be viewed as condoning homosexuality? [closed]

How is the Pope biblically justified in co-celebrating mass with the homosexual priest who advocates for same-sex sexual touching and fondling between Catholic church adherents in same-sex ...
Hello's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Which is the "correct" bible for Catholics?

There are many versions of the Bible, such as the: King James Bible NIV NRSV But which is the "correct" bible for Catholics to read?
Carl479's user avatar
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Why is the Vatican against "The Son of God" movie?

I didn't watch that movie, I watched a Catholic Maronite priest saying that the Vatican issued a warning about the movie saying that it's not about the true message of Christianity. The priest added ...
Lynob's user avatar
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What is a gospel, and how many gospels are there in the Catholic Bible?

Is there a difference between 'books' and 'gospels'? I've read that there are 73 books in the Catholic Bible, but are all of these considered gospels? Or are there just four gospels in total: Matthew, ...
StudentofReligion's user avatar
10 votes
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Do Catholics have an "Apocrypha" or just a "Bible"?

Pardon my ignorance here, but I am just wondering if the Apocrypha is labeled as such by Catholics? To clarify, a Protestant would refer to the 66 books of Protestant Scripture as "the Bible", and to ...
Jas 3.1's user avatar
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