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Questions tagged [bible-translation]

Questions regarding different translations of the Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek texts.

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Is the error in translation of Genesis 19:5 deliberate? [migrated]

I'm curious about a mis-translation in Genesis 19, verse 5. The hebrew version is ה וַיִּקְרְאוּ אֶל-לוֹט וַיֹּאמְרוּ לוֹ, אַיֵּה הָאֲנָשִׁים אֲשֶׁר-בָּאוּ אֵלֶיךָ הַלָּיְלָה; הוֹצִיאֵם אֵלֵינוּ, ...
JavaLatte's user avatar
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Did Lot have only 2 daughters?

I cannot interpret ancient Hebrew, and so this is a question about the translation of Genesis 19, and what fits most consistently with the original texts. There are 2 'clues' from the text in Genesis ...
Birdbrain's user avatar
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Sources and character of the Almeida Bible translation

Growing up I was told Rev. Almeida translated the whole Bible directly from Hebrew and Greek and cross-checked with translations in Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, and Dutch. I now know that this is ...
user50793's user avatar
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A question about the death of Judas [duplicate]

Can someone solve this contradictions about judas death. 1: did he commit suicide or he fall accidently and died? Did he throw the money and walked away or did he purchase the field? Please use ...
sha chow's user avatar
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Whose work in translating the Hebrew and/or Greek Old Testament is the basis for the Jehovah's Witnesses' Old Testament? [duplicate]

Follow up question to Has the Watchtower addressed why they haven't released their own Hebrew Interlinear of the Old Testament?
another-prodigal's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Has the Watchtower addressed why they haven't released their own Hebrew Interlinear of the Old Testament?

Follow up question to Where can I find a Jehovah's Witnesses version of a Hebrew Interlinear Old Testament?
another-prodigal's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Where can I find a Jehovah's Witnesses version of a Hebrew Interlinear Old Testament?

Where can I find a Jehovah's Witnesses version of a Hebrew Interlinear Old Testament? I'm at my wits' end googling for one.
another-prodigal's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Biblical Doctrine forbidding sex outside marriage [duplicate]

How do we get that “Sexual Immorality” equals “Sex outside of marriage?” I cannot find Old Testament law stating it is forbidden. I can only find where sex outside of marriage, along with sexual ...
Bogus David's user avatar
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Is the bread really Jesus body - Transubstantiation? [closed]

I've heard a million complex arguments about this for both sides - but here is my take on it. There are only 3 possible things in this situation. The bread truly becomes Jesus' body. The bread does ...
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What is the oldest published translation of the Lord's prayer into a Jewish (as opposed to Syriac) Aramaic dialect?

Not necessarily 1st century Galilean Aramaic, it can be the Imperial Aramaic used for parts of the book of Daniel, or the Targumic Aramaic used in the interpretive Jewish translations of Scripture. ...
TruthSeeker's user avatar
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What General Guidelines Should be Considered When Obtaining a Personal Bible?

There are so many different Bibles available in the market today. They have a plethora of features unavailable just a few year ago. There's a whole gamut of things to choose from that dear ...
ray grant's user avatar
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From which Greek text is the 'Bible in Basic English' translated?

I have been unable to find out whether the new testament part of the Bible in Basic English is translated from the 'Received Text' (Textus Receptus) or from the Westcott & Hort/Nestle Aland '...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Is the Union Version not a direct translation of KJV?

The translation to Chinese by Union Version of Bible at this website says: 提 摩 太 前 书 1 Timothy 1:10 行 淫 和 亲 男 色 的 , 抢 人 口 和 说 谎 话 的 , 并 起 假 誓 的 , 或 是 为 别 样 敌 正 道 的 事 设 立 的 。 The corresponding ...
Tim's user avatar
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5 answers

What facts determine which Bible translation should be chosen? [closed]

It is correct that there are different English translations of the Bible; And different publishers, different editions, or prints. So, what facts would determine which translation one should consider ...
Tim's user avatar
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How do Jehovah's Witnesses reconcile John 1:3 with Colossians 1:15-16?

This question asks and answers the addition of the word "other" in the NWT of Colossians 1:15-16: 15 He is the image of the invisible God,the firstborn of all creation;16 because by means ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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Which Bible translations did Aquinas use when writing his commentaries and citing them in his theological works?

We know that early in his career (as baccalaureus biblicus, before he wrote his Summa) Aquinas lectured on the Bible and wrote his own commentaries in addition to using the Catena aurea as well as ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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Why does St. Thomas Aquinas cite Proverbs 11:14 as Ecclesiastes 4:9?

I’m currently doing a read through of “On Kingship” (De Regno) by St. Thomas Aquinas. In paragraph 8, he cites Ecclesiastes 4:9 as saying With this in mind, Solomon says [Eccl. 4:9]: “Where there is ...
Luke Hill's user avatar
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Is there an English or German translation of "La Bible de Jérusalem : Edition revue et augmentée"?

An academic Theologian recommended to me the Jerusalem Bible as the one with the greatest amount of scholarly references. I purchased the "Reader's Edition" with the Dali illustrations (...
Matthias's user avatar
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Rev. 13:18---"Number of a Man" or "Number of Man"?

Rev. 13:18 in, for example, the Douay-Rheims Bible, is given as follows: Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the ...
DDS's user avatar
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Why does the Authorized Version use the name "Jehovah" only in four verses?

What’s special about Exodus 6:3, Psalms 83:18, Isaiah 12:2, & Isaiah 26:4? Why does the Authorized Version translate the Tetragrammaton as Jehovah in those four verses, but replace it with LORD or ...
TRiG's user avatar
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What does it mean to say a bible translation is "evangelical?"

In this comparison of ESV/NIV/NET translations, several references are made to how evangelical a translation is: I am happy to endorse the ESV, with the understanding that the scholarship, largely ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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Is the King James Bible banned in China?

I understand there are state-sanctioned churches in China, but that implies that Bibles in China are edited by the CCP. Would an Anglican Bible be legal, or at least easy, to bring into China?
Ethan Miller's user avatar
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Searching for Extended English Language Bibles

There are Luther (German) Bible to English parallels out there, however, the Luther Bible includes the Apocryphal texts and the English parallels do not. What I want to know is if there are any ...
Things that are art And why th's user avatar
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Does the “until now” in Romans 8:22 mean that the creation's groans have ended?

“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭22‬ ‭NIV‬‬ “For we know that the whole creation has been groaning ...
Thejesusdude's user avatar
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Are any Classical Hebrew translations of the New Testament based on ancient languages other than Koine Greek?

There seem to be many Hebrew translations of the New Testament, both Classical and Modern. However, most of these seem to be based on some form of the Koine Greek New Testament (whether it be the ...
TruthSeeker's user avatar
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I ran across someone who claims the bible translation as we know it is wrong

I ran across someone who claims the bible translation as we know is wrong. They claim the term Father should be replaced by Creator. And that the bible was contaminated by catholic scholar. is this ...
Mattie Voohies's user avatar
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Approved Norwegian Bible translations within Catholicism?

Which modern-day Norwegian Bible translations have been explicitly approved by the Vatican or other authorities authorized to make such an approval? The Catholic translation of the New Testament by ...
SoSfT's user avatar
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Why are updates of the KJV Bible in American English?

Bible translations like the NKJV and the ESV are meant to be descendants of the KJV Bible. Why then are these written in American English as opposed to traditional British English?
Gabi23's user avatar
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Catholic Translation of the bible which inserts the four marks in Matt 16 "on this rock I will build my church"

I'm trying to track down a Catholic bible translation. I saw a screenshot of it online (a picture of a physical copy) a few months ago but have yet to identify which translation it is. The key thing ...
TheIronKnuckle's user avatar
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Where did Erasmus get his Byzantine text(s) and what connections did the Waldenses have if any?

Of the Byzantine texts that Erasmus had at his disposal, where did he come by them? Also, did the Waldenses provide any either directly or indirectly?
bitshift's user avatar
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Where can I find a PDF scan of Rahabi Ezekiel's "Travancore Hebrew New Testament" or "Book of the Gospel Belonging to the Followers of Jesus"?

It is a polemical rabbinic translation of the entire New Testament, allegedly in an uneven and faulty Hebrew, and with a strong anti-Christian bias.
TruthSeeker's user avatar
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1588 Welsh Bible - which Hebrew and Greek sources?

I stumbled upon this while watching a history documentary It mentions the use of Hebrew and Greek source text for the translation. However it doesn't ...
bitshift's user avatar
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Did the experts and authorities behind the King James Version believe that their work was divine, inspired and inerrant?

As you know, there are Baptist and Protestant sects throughout the English-speaking world that believe that the King James Version is the best - or only - completely trustworthy theological resource. ...
kjv studies's user avatar
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Which translation of the bible does this version of the Lord's Prayer come from?

When I was very young, the version of the Lord's Prayer that I was taught went like this: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in ...
loremIpsum1771's user avatar
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Throughout church history, what have been the major, influential translations of the Bible?

I've heard the King James Version of the Bible was influential. Were there other versions/translations of the Bible that were influential and/or prominent in church history? For example, I've heard ...
Jesus is Lord's user avatar
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Are any English versions of the Bible suspect according to Lutheranism?

Do Lutherans officially warn about any Bible translation?
Al Brown's user avatar
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What is the oldest copy of Genesis 26, and is there a place to see a side-by-side translation? thanks

What is the oldest copy of Genesis 26, and is there a place to see a side-by-side translation? thank you!
user44409's user avatar
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Why is Yir’ah Translated as ‘Fear’ Instead of ‘Respect’ in Christian Bibles?

A very common struggle newcomers have with Christianity is reconciling the terrifying God of the Old Testament with the loving God of the New Testament. Most of the problem lays, in my opinion, at the ...
James McLellan's user avatar
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What are the most widely used simple-English bible translations in mainstream protestant churches?

For the purposes of reading longer sections of scripture as a story or for "un churched" audiences, more accessible versions can be really useful but there are a lot to choose between and ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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Is the Book of Mormon in English as authentic as in the original, or is Joseph Smith's translation imperfect? [closed]

It is commonly held in religion that the authenticity and authority of Scripture is highest in its original text, since human translators can introduce errors and misunderstandings not present ...
curiouslds's user avatar
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Where can I find Julia Smith's translation of the Septuagint?

Julia Smith writes in her preface to her translation of the Bible, I had studied Latin and Greek at school, and began by translating the Greek New Testament, and then the Septuagint, from which our ...
7MessRobHackOpen's user avatar
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How has the Chinese Patriotic Society modified the Bible in China?

Listening to The World Over Live from April 8th 2021, Raymond Arroyo said that Xi Jianping was adding the "Ten Commandments of Xi" into the Bible. That might have been hyperbole, but does ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Are Catholics allowed to entertain that the Old Vulgate might contains errors?

In Decrees of the First Vatican Council (1868) in Session 3, Chapter 2 "On Revelation", items 6-7 state: The complete books of the old and the new Testament with all their parts, as they ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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Was the KJV "too highly colored in many places with the party ideas and opinions of those who made it"?

In the Emphatic Diaglott, the second paragraph under the heading "To the Reader" states: But can it be fairly said that such is the case with our present English Version? We opine not. ...
agarza's user avatar
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Did King James have any words put into the book of Deuteronomy in the translation of the Bible?

I have been told that there is a letter held by the University of St. Andrews, Scotland from King James telling the translators to include words against witchcraft; this being a follow-on from the ...
Bob's user avatar
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Hebrew translation for the Deuterocanonical books?

Is there a Hebrew translation for the Deuterocanonical books (including 1,2 Maccabees)? Any available online?
Mike's user avatar
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Does the Old Testament word Sheol have Greek or Hebrew origins?

The word "Sheol" is a fairly modern word used in modern translations of the Old Testament to represent hell, Hades or The Grave or 'The Place of the Dead'. It's the Hebrew's conception of ...
user12711's user avatar
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What is the shortest English translation of the Gospel of Mark?

I'm trying to figure what the shortest translation is of the bible because our professor is making us hand-write some pretty lengthy passages. Though I can't get around writing it, he doesn't care ...
Papu's user avatar
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St. Albans Psalter - history of manuscripts used to translate the Psalms

Recently I had cause to do research into the St. Albans Psalter. My task was to ascertain if the Latin translation of the Psalms was biblical and to establish which manuscripts formed the basis for ...
Lesley's user avatar
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How did Luther have access to the Masoretic Text?

I understand that Luther and others translated the Old Testament into German from the Hebrew Text. How was the Hebrew text accessible/available to them in the 16th century?
Pieter Rousseau's user avatar

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