Questions tagged [nrsv]

New Revised Standard Version, a 1989 Bible translation updating the Revised Standard Version

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Why is "Friends" capitalized in 1 Maccabees in the NRSV?

Throughout 1 Maccabees in the NRSV, "Friends" is capitalized when referring to the King's friends. Why is this? My only guess is it's an official title. Specifically, I would like to ask about 1 ...
user12711's user avatar
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Why were some words omitted in Luke 18: 24 in Catholic editions of NT?

We see different kinds of presentation of Luke 18: 23-24 concerning the rich man wanting to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. For instance we read .... " But when he heard this, he became sad; for he ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

What’s so liberal about the NRSV?

I recently ran across this comment suggesting that the ESV translation was undertaken because the NRSV was ‘too liberal.’ I’ve often been curious what prompted this split in the KJV-lineage group, and ...
Susan's user avatar
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Bible comparison KJV vs NRSV-CE

I am wondering what are the differences between the King James Version and New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition bible (this is almost the other question about NKJV and KJV Bible) From the ...
Barnstokkr's user avatar