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What Do the Seven Heads of the Beast Represent?

The Beast and Seven Heads In the context of Bible prophecy the term beast refers to a political entity or a kingdom. You can understand this from the incident in the book of Daniel where the empires ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
3 votes

What Do the Seven Heads of the Beast Represent?

The view given below mainly accords with what others call the "Allegorical" view, but the author states his book as being "The Resumptive Interpretation", described like this: &...
Anne's user avatar
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What Do the Seven Heads of the Beast Represent?

The view taken in my own book (which is futurist at least as regards ch7 onwards) is that the beast from the sea is an echo of the beasts from the sea in Daniel ch7, which are usually (correctly, I ...
Stephen Disraeli's user avatar
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What Do the Seven Heads of the Beast Represent?

I gave a decent answer to a similar question which happens to answer yours. See this post:
AFrazier's user avatar
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