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What is the Protestant view with what happens to a Christian who resists the Devil but he doesn’t flee?

It likely means that submission to God is being misunderstood or mistakenly undertaken. The immediate context in James is one of friendship with the world equated to enmity with God which brings ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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Saints Who Disobeyed Parents or Superiors in Order to Avoid Committing Sin

Saints Who Disobeyed Parents or Superiors in Order to Avoid Committing Sin? St. Thomas Aquinas disobeyed his parents when he felt called to become a Dominican. He was imprisoned by his parents with ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Saints Who Disobeyed Parents or Superiors in Order to Avoid Committing Sin

Consider St. Dymphna: A beautiful princess whose beauty closely resembled that of her deceased ...
DDS's user avatar
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Can a Catholic Bishop Lose His Ecclesiastical Rank without being Defrocked?

Pope Pius XI took the cardinal's hat away from the great Jesuit theologian Louis Billot (1846-1931), because of the latter's associations with the conservative (albeit atheistic) French political ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Saints Who Disobeyed Parents or Superiors in Order to Avoid Committing Sin

St. Perpetua, who was martyred in the early 3rd century, refused to renounce Christianity despite the urging of her father. In her own words: A few days after, the report went abroad that we were to ...
DLosc's user avatar
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Saint Quotes on Holy Obedience to Overcome Satan

How about the following quote from St. Francis de Sales: ``The Devil doesn’t fear austerity but holy obedience.'' See:
DDS's user avatar
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What, historically, was the stance of the Catholic Church about the duty to obey non-Christian governments?

What, historically, was the stance of the Catholic Church about the duty to obey non-Christian governments? The faithful should obey the laws of the lands in which they are in, providing that they are ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Which denominations teach that people who have not heard the Gospel can be saved through obedience to God?

Salvation for the dead is one of the four primary missions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Extensive ancient and modern revelations and teachings address this extremely important ...
pygosceles's user avatar
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What is the Protestant view with what happens to a Christian who resists the Devil but he doesn’t flee?

What does it mean that a Christian submits to God, resists the devil, but the devil doesn’t leave? Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. - James‬ ‭4:7‬ Of course he ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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According to universalists, why should we obey God?

Universalism rejects the natural theology of liberalism, wishing to be distanced from much of the modernist religious spirit of the age (a century ago), to recover what it would call Christianity’s ...
Anne's user avatar
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According to universalists, why should we obey God?

There are two things that most universalists generally agree with- they deny that “hell” lasts forever, and they deny that we have a free will. The sovereignty of God- mixed with his desire that all ...
Cannabijoy's user avatar
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What do proponents of "Free Grace" theology believe about the salvation of Judas?

I have never heard anyone argue for the salvation of Judas before, but I believe that grace is free, and that justification is by grace alone, in Christ alone, by faith alone, according to the ...
MutluAnne's user avatar
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Which scriptures are used to justify ignoring feelings?

I can't speak for every church but, what comes to mind here for me, and i hope it answers this question is. Romans 8:5-8 5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh ...
Daniel Moore's user avatar

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