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11 votes

How can Jesus Christ be a "mediator between God and men" when he himself is fully God?

The question posted is reasonable and understandable. The answer immediately following on, given by the OP to the OPs own question, might better have been put into an answer box and posted as an ...
Anne's user avatar
  • 37.4k
6 votes

If Christ Has Been Given All Authority Why Does He Need to Make Intercession For Us?

The authority given to the resurrected and glorified Christ includes his role as mediator for sinful humans, just as he also has the roles of Priest and King. Since ascending to heaven, sinful ...
Lesley's user avatar
  • 33.9k
5 votes

If Christ Has Been Given All Authority Why Does He Need to Make Intercession For Us?

I think your question stems from a misunderstanding of the nature of authority. To have authority does not simply mean to have absolute control over something. Authority is often - even usually - ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
  • 32.5k
4 votes

According to Catholicism, can the saints be given the title "co-mediator of Grace"?

Mediation is a relative term. That is you can't mediate something from yourself to someone else per se. For example, Christ mediates between God and man (being Himself both). Thus, any of us can ...
Sola Gratia's user avatar
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2 votes

How can Jesus Christ be a "mediator between God and men" when he himself is fully God?

I think the difficulty you are experiencing in understanding the role of Christ Jesus as mediator between God and sinful humanity might stem from a wrong assumption. You say: "One who ...
Lesley's user avatar
  • 33.9k
1 vote

How can Jesus Christ be a "mediator between God and men" when he himself is fully God?

There are two ways to look at whether Jesus can serve in the role of mediator. First is to use scripture to define what a valid mediator is, then analyze the nature of the Trinity and Christ in ...
Paul Chernoch's user avatar

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