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9 votes

Do Mormons in European countries also sing patriotic American songs?

Latter-day Saints in other countries do not typically sing United States patriotic songs. The full LDS hymnbook is currently published in 38 languages. The English hymnbook has 341 hymns, including ...
Samuel Bradshaw's user avatar
3 votes

No non-Latin prayers in European churches before Reformation?

No non-Latin prayers in European Catholic Churches before Reformation? Is this true that before the Reformation, all Christians in Europe would have to study Latin in order to understand the prayers ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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2 votes

No non-Latin prayers in European churches before Reformation?

Not all: Saints Cyril and Methodius and the Moravian Church Note that this happened before the Schism between Rome and Constantinople. In 867, Pope Nicholas I invited the brothers to Rome. Their ...
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
1 vote

Why was "lay investiture" condemned?

Why was "lay investiture" condemned? The Concordat of Worms in 1122 finally ended the strife between the emperors and the Holy See That is to say it more or less granted autonomy of the ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there any evidence that in the middle ages (France and maybe Spain), there was a wafer/bread given to the priests as a gift for the priest?

Is there any evidence that in the middle ages (France and maybe Spain), there was a wafer/bread given to the priests as a gift for the priest? There is no direct historical proofs of this, but it ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
  • 74.5k

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