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14 votes

History of the age restrictions in the Priesthood in the LDS Church

Originally there was no age requirements mentioned when Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery received the Aaronic Priesthood on May 15, 1829.1 Doctrine and Covenants also do not mention a specific age.2 It ...
depperm's user avatar
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14 votes

Are priests who committed a sin together able to validly administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to each other?

The case you describe is explicitly forbidden and declared invalid in canon law. (The sixth commandment is against adultery.) can. 977 CIC The absolution of an accomplice in a sin against the sixth ...
K-HB's user avatar
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9 votes

Is there a respectful way to address a Catholic priest other than "Father"?

Is there a respectful way to address a Catholic priest other than "Father"? Military clergy, both Catholic or otherwise (Protestant or Jewish) are often called Padre. In Portuguese, priests ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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8 votes

Are Roman Catholic priests ever addressed as pastor?

Typically, in the United States, the priest to whom the parish is entrusted is referred to as "the pastor". The Latin word is "parochus", which the Code of Canon Law translates as &...
Matt Gutting's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis for in the catholic theology of a priest being in "persona christi"?

A priest is not being in "persona Christi" but the priest ACTS in the person of Christ(persona Christi) in pronouncing the words that comprise part of a sacramental rite. For example, in the Mass, ...
Grasper's user avatar
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What are the conditions for removing excommunication of a married priest?

If a man is ordained, he is unable to validly marry in the Church: Those in sacred orders invalidly attempt marriage. (Code of Canon Law, canon 1087) But he is not (as AthanasiusOfAlex points out)...
Matt Gutting's user avatar
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7 votes

Was Jesus The Lamb of God or the High Priest (that offers the lamb as a sacrifice)?

He was both, but offered Himself, His own body as the perfect sacrifice. The book of Hebrews goes into great details. If you have a little time, read an overview commentary of Hebrews; if you have a ...
user506814's user avatar
7 votes

If and When a Catholic Priest May Reveal Something from a Penitent's Confession

If and When a Priest May Reveal Something from a Penitent's Confession? A priest may ask the penitent to seek advice from another confessor. However the identity of the penitent must never be ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a specific purpose in placing a hot coal to your lips?

That is a reference to the commission of Isaiah (Isaiah 6). When he suddenly found himself in the immediate presence of the exalted God (likely Jesus), he was undone and fully aware of the separation ...
Chris Wright's user avatar
6 votes

What's the difference between pastor, parochial administrator and parochial vicar in the Catholic Church?

A pastor is a priest with primary responsibility of the cure of souls over a parish (Canon 519) A parochial vicar (Canon 545) assists the pastor in carrying out those duties, most often due to the ...
eques's user avatar
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How does the Catholic Church interpret Matthew 23:9 so as to normalize priests being called Father?

Taking the Matthew passage literally This would be the key. Catholicism doesn't interpret that passage as a literal prohibition. For one, the New Testament doesn't or else Peter, John and Paul missed ...
eques's user avatar
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5 votes

Similarities and differences between the priesthood of all believers and the LDS priesthood

Disclaimer: My knowledge of "priesthood of all believers" is limited, what I write always reflects my understanding of the general doctrine and may differ between denominations. Authority Priesthood ...
kutschkem's user avatar
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Why are there so many priests in the LDS Church?

A priest in the LDS Church is a priesthood office to which young men are ordained at the age of 16, or adults who are still progressing to higher priesthood offices. Most men in the church will be ...
Matt's user avatar
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What is a priest of Rome?

The priest referred to is actually William Henry Anderdon. Here is what the Catholic Encylopedia (via Wikipedia) has to say about him: William Henry Anderdon (26 December 1816 – 28 July 1890) was ...
bruised reed's user avatar
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What is the difference between a priest and a pastor?

I will first answer the question posed by the O.P. in the title. Priests vs. pastors A priest is a baptized man (he has to be a male) who has received the second degree of the Sacrament of Holy ...
AthanasiusOfAlex's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a respectful way to address a Catholic priest other than "Father"?

In my country, translated to English, it is very rare to call a priest “Father”. If any special title is being used, “reverend” is most common if combined with a name, or “mister pastor” if no name is ...
ABM K's user avatar
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Why does only the priest receive Communion under both kinds at a Catholic Mass?

Why does only the priest receive Communion under both kinds at a Catholic Mass? The faithful may receive communion under both species (bread and wine) at mass. But a priest must consume both species ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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What is the standard length of assignments for Catholic priests in parishes?

Canon Law permits a particular conference of bishops to establish guidelines for the length of pastor appointments. But being guidelines, a bishop may make adjustments according to the needs of a ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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If you request and receive pastoral advice from a priest, are you culpable if the advice is wrong?

This question seems to be a variant on the question of whether ignorance excuses from sin. In this case: "Does ignorance that the priest's advice is conducive to sin excuse one from sinning by acting ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What is a priest of Rome?

Does the RCC keep a database of priests somewhere? Yes, it's the annual Pontifical Yearkbook. Here's the Vatican press release about the publication of the 2017 edition.
Geremia's user avatar
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What are the conditions for removing excommunication of a married priest?

There are a number of issues discussed in this post. Excommunication is not incurred for attempted but invalid marriage First of all, a priest who attempts to marry does not incur a latae sententiae ...
AthanasiusOfAlex's user avatar
4 votes

Was there any meaningful difference between the terms "presbyter" and "priest" in early Christianity?

I don't have any documents to show you, but I do want to point out some linguistic aspects to this question that can lead to confusion. In English, the word priest comes from a contraction of the ...
Greg Graham's user avatar
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Are Roman Catholic priests ever addressed as pastor?

I managed to track down a Catholic web site which gives the following explanation, which I would like to share with you: Pastor: This term denotes a priest who has the cure of souls (cura animarum),...
Lesley's user avatar
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How does the Catholic Church interpret Matthew 23:9 so as to normalize priests being called Father?

"Taking the Matthew passage at face value there is no clear prohibition against a priest, for example, accepting the designation (spiritual) 'Father' but there is clear prohibition against anyone ...
Johannes's user avatar
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Parish Priests Who Have been Canonized in the Catholic Church?

Parish Priests Who Have been Canonized in the Catholic Church? Some years ago, I came to the conclusion that there are only two parish priests who have been canonized by the Catholic Church: St. John ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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Parish Priests Who Have been Canonized in the Catholic Church?

Working from the assumption that Ken came to the correct conclusion a number of years ago when he investigated the question for himself, my recommendation would be to examine the list of male saints ...
jaredad7's user avatar
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What Does St. Francis de Sales Mean by "Sounding Periods" in Sermons?

I had never heard that phrase before. Here is an article about techniques of public speaking which uses the term in context. It seems that “sounding periods” is a type of lofty and maybe pompous ...
Paul Chernoch's user avatar
3 votes

Can a priest administer last rites to himself?

A priest could consecrate a host and administer himself Viaticum (last Holy Communion before his death). A priest cannot absolve himself, but he could make an act of perfect contrition. Extreme ...
Geremia's user avatar
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What differentiates a priest, a clerk, a capellanus, a subdeacon and a rector?

I'm no expert, but will attempt a partial answer - first, the educational qualifications refer to:- BA - Bachelor of Arts MA - Master of Arts (traditionally awarded automatically to Oxford graduates ...
TheHonRose's user avatar

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