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JDM-GBG's user avatar
JDM-GBG's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 7 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
4 votes

What was Jesus referring to when He said "it is finished"? What is "it" in this case?

4 votes

Do Paul and Jesus disagree on homosexuality?

4 votes

Has Protestantism relegated the scripture to be the 'Subordinate Standard'?

4 votes

Matthew/Luke Generations missing between Rahab and David

4 votes

Which denomination agrees with our beliefs?

3 votes

What does Lewis mean by the things that stifle bitter resentment in elders in A Grief Observed

3 votes

How many Jews were there at exodus?

3 votes

What is the biblical basis for Christians NOT to quit their jobs, sell all their possessions, and preach the gospel?

3 votes

Where does the Bible say along the lines of, "The weakest saint is stronger than the strongest demon?"

2 votes

What is the biblical basis for identifying the Lazarus Jesus raised from the dead and the Lazarus in the story of the rich man and Lazarus?

2 votes

How to reconcile God telling Jeremiah to preach to people that won't listen while also saying not to cast your pearls before swine

2 votes

Do all YEC believe flat earth?

2 votes

Why did Nehemiah need to tell us that the Queen was sitting beside the King?

2 votes

Where can I find out more about other people rising from the dead, when Jesus died on the Cross?

2 votes

Who was the first person on record who was killed by a Christian or group of Christians for religious disagreements?

2 votes

What is the Christian counterpart of Sharia and Halakha?

2 votes

What is Adam, if he isn't literally the first human?

1 vote

How do you obtain spiritual gifts? (Overview)

1 vote

Is the dignity of man pertains to his soul only or to the wholeness of his being meaning body & soul?

1 vote

Why don't Christians wrap tefillin?

1 vote

How do denominations that ordain women at the same time justify not ordaining homosexuals?

0 votes

In contrast to Judaism and Islam, what is the importance of Abraham's sacrifice of his son in Christianity?

0 votes

What are the various beliefs about the fate of honest atheists?