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4 votes

Was the statement that Jesus ‘received sinners’ stated invidiously, meaning the people saying it could not consider themselves to be ‘sinners’?

In support of Mike Borden’s excellent answer, I post some relevant quotations from a Sunday evening sermon given by Charles Hadon Spurgeon on the evening of 14 September 1856 at the Exeter Hall, in ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Was the statement that Jesus ‘received sinners’ stated invidiously, meaning the people saying it could not consider themselves to be ‘sinners’?

Did they say it invidiously, with ill will, and being offended? While it can often be difficult to discern motivation when it is not clearly stated, as in "the Pharisees and Herodians asked Jesus,...
Mike Borden's user avatar
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Can a Catholic be excommunicated for willful disregard of Church law?

If you are persisting in public, scandalous sin, you can be excommunicated by the competent authority. That competent authority would be whichever bishop(s) you are subject to, including the Pope. ...
jaredad7's user avatar
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