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2 votes

What are Christian responses to Carlo Alvaro's argument against theism (the “Heaven Ab Initio” Argument from Evil)?

The option is for God to create free-willed beings directly in a spiritual form in a non-physical state of eternal bliss. In such a state, there are no objects of temptation, and by directly creating ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
0 votes

What are Christian responses to Carlo Alvaro's argument against theism (the “Heaven Ab Initio” Argument from Evil)?

One the one hand, yes God could have put man in a bubble with no temptations and only eternal bliss. On the other, what value would there be in doing so? Obviously it would be nice for us if that had ...
Ryan Pierce Williams's user avatar
5 votes

What are Christian responses to Carlo Alvaro's argument against theism (the “Heaven Ab Initio” Argument from Evil)?

My answer is to ponder the lesson we are to learn from Gethsemane: 36 Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, “Sit here, while I go over there and pray.” ...
Paul Chernoch's user avatar
3 votes

What are Christian responses to Carlo Alvaro's argument against theism (the “Heaven Ab Initio” Argument from Evil)?

Yeah, this guy seems lost in the intellectual maze. If God created beings in a plane without choices to make, then how could they be free willed? And if they have a free will, then how can God stop ...
akostadinov's user avatar
4 votes

What are Christian responses to Carlo Alvaro's argument against theism (the “Heaven Ab Initio” Argument from Evil)?

OP: Alvaro argues that there is a way for Christian God to create free-willed beings that can grow morally without ever experiencing evil. Assuming the OP has correctly summarized Alvaro, I'd simply ...
SLM's user avatar
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5 votes

What are Christian responses to Carlo Alvaro's argument against theism (the “Heaven Ab Initio” Argument from Evil)?

Alvaro states that: Clearly, the strength of the HAIAFE depends on the likelihood that the premises are true. This is correct. He goes down various premises, eventually coming to: The question is ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
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7 votes

What are Christian responses to Carlo Alvaro's argument against theism (the “Heaven Ab Initio” Argument from Evil)?

I would answer that God did do this. He created the angels in Heaven who had already tasted the Fruit of Life. In his divine mercy he created mankind on the Earth, also. From this perspective the ...
Daniel Pietrobon's user avatar
0 votes

Can unbelievers change their attitude towards God in Hell?

The long answer, with context, history, etc... and at the bottom the short answer. I would say that the view of "Heaven" and "Hell" as states of being and not "places" is ...
Wyrsa's user avatar
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3 votes

What will a typical day in eternal life look like?

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3 Eternal life is not a place. It is a relationship which can take place in ...
Mike Borden's user avatar
  • 21.1k
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What will a typical day in eternal life look like?

I am sorry you are an atheist, but you are at least honest. Thank God you are asking questions. Yes, this life has many trials and the world is getting worse, but Jesus is coming soon. He will not ...
Margaretha Tierney's user avatar
0 votes

What will a typical day in eternal life look like?

Can someone tell me what a typical day in eternal life will look like? We are all Pilgrims in a land not designed to be our true home. Christians worthy of eternal life strive to obtain the ...
Ken Graham's user avatar
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5 votes

What will a typical day in eternal life look like?

Let's see what misconceptions we can dispel (taken not just from the Question, but also from comments): Christians bet their entire existence on a prize they know nothing about. This is a gross ...
Matthew's user avatar
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What will a typical day in eternal life look like?

If you are NOT saved (which is the case for you), you spend eternity in HELLFIRE. Luke 16:22-24 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich ...
Nathan Qi's user avatar
6 votes

What will a typical day in eternal life look like?

First off, the Bible does not promote reincarnation, so you won’t be coming back in another life onto this same old planet. Before you contemplate “what eternal life will look like” first you have to ...
Lesley's user avatar
  • 33.9k

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