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Does God the Son have Faith?

While answering another question, a comment perplexed me and I cannot quite understand it. "It was not Christ 'fulfilling the law' that saved, but him bearing the punishment for sin we all ...
Wyrsa's user avatar
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10 answers

To be one for whom Christ died, do you have to be elect?

First, to explain where I am coming from with this question. I believe that Jesus prayed "not for the world" "but for them which you have given me" John 17:9,20. Then Romans 8:28-...
Anne's user avatar
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2 answers

Has any trinitarian these days ever come across an argument for proof of the deity of Christ that goes like this:

If X saves, X must be God. Jesus saves. Therefore, Jesus must be God. All the trinitarian books / articles / sermons I’ve ever come across have never attempted such a simplistic way of reasoning ...
Anne's user avatar
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How do Biblical Unitarians rebut the following soteriological syllogism for the deity of Christ?

The argument If X saves, X must be God. Jesus saves. Therefore, Jesus must be God. Question According to Biblical Unitarians, what's wrong with this argument? Related questions Has any trinitarian ...
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What is the scriptural basis for the belief that a man is not capable of being the Saviour?

Mike Borden provides a thought-provoking answer to the question According to the Protestant denominations that hold to the doctrine of clarity of scripture, is Trinitarianism clear?. He says that ...
Only True God's user avatar
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According to Evangelical Christians, what does a person need to believe about Jesus in order to be saved?

The Bible teaches about Jesus of Nazareth many things. It teaches that Jesus was born to a virgin. It teaches that he was without sin yet suffered, died, and rose again for us. It also teaches that ...
TeluguBeliever's user avatar
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What is the Biblical basis for the belief that Trinitarian belief is “not” required for salvation?

What is the Biblical basis for the belief that Trinitarian belief is not required for salvation? The Athanasian Creed states "And in this Trinity, no one is before or after, greater or less than ...
Only True God's user avatar
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If Christ Has Been Given All Authority Why Does He Need to Make Intercession For Us?

The bible tells us both that Jesus has been given all authority but he also is ever making intercession for us with God the Father. Has there ever been any theological explanation by anyone on why ...
Adam Heeg's user avatar
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Christ 'made' sin - the Reformed, Protestant view?

Following on from both of the two recent questions regarding the inheritance or transmission of 'original' or 'inbred' sin, from generation to generation, I am interested in the Trinitarian, ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Why is it not enough for Jesus to be human to be the perfect sacrifice, why must he be God?

Regardless of whether Jesus is God or not, why do some stridently hold to, 'Jesus can only cover sin by His own death as God'? Until Jesus' perfect sacrifice/offering, the law required an animal to ...
steveowen's user avatar
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What does Trinitarian Protestantism understand by salvation being in the name of 'Jesus Christ of Nazareth'?

Peter had the following words to say to the rulers, elders and scribes in Jerusalem regarding the healing of the lame man at the temple : ... the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth ... neither is there ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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How is Union with Christ understood across Christianity?

1 Corinthians 1:30 (NIV): It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Union with Christ is an ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
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What are the predominant Christian views on whether Jesus had to specifically die by crucifixion? Could he have chosen another kind of death?

As I understand it, Jesus was sentenced to die "under Pontius Pilate" and was crucified as punishment. It seems to me that Jesus had no choice but to be crucified. After all, if a criminal is ...
StatCurious's user avatar
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Atonement in Eastern Orthodoxy

The mainline protestant idea of Atonement is, as Luther himself put it, this: Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, died for our sins and was raised again for our justification (Romans 3:24–25). He ...
Dan's user avatar
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(LDS view) Do animals have a possibility to eternal life and is this dependent on Jesus atonoment applied to them?

This is my other question that was inspired by what a quotation in this other question says about pre-existence prior to conception. The highest rated answer quotes from The Encyclopedia of Mormonism,...
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1 answer

What is the biblical basis for the imputation of Christ's righteousness to believers?

In Christendom as a whole, and within evangelicalism and Reformed theology more specifically, one of the controversial aspects of the doctrine of justification is the imputation of the righteousness ...
Nathaniel is protesting's user avatar
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According to Emanuel Swedenborg, will a good person who rejects Jesus go to heaven?

According to Emanuel Swedenborg, or the New Church, can a good person go to heaven if he or she rejects Jesus? If all religions are inherently good, it would mean the a good person who believes only ...
Mawia's user avatar
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Why do adherents to Hypostatic Union believe that God the Son (Jesus) must be fully Human?

Orthodox teaches that Jesus assumed the full human nature. Why is it necessary that he is fully human?
Matthew Morley's user avatar
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Where Does Jesus Say "I will save humanity"?

I had an old friend ask the following: "Where in the Bible does Jesus say, "I will go save humanity"" (Or something along those lines). I tried to explain God is Jesus, and it was his will. But they ...
JREAM's user avatar
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9 answers

What is the biblical basis for the claim that Jesus took on the sins of mankind?

It's been said that there is no biblical basis for the assumption that Jesus ever took on the sins of mankind, before, during or after his death. What is the biblical proof that Jesus did take on the ...
user40752's user avatar
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Was Jesus two separate individuals in one body?

I have always been told, and I thoroughly believe that Jesus was wholly God and wholly man. Since there are multiple occasions in the Bible where pre-incarnate Jesus apparently appeared to people, ...
BYE's user avatar
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What is the Biblical basis for thinking that Jesus died for me specifically?

I know that Jesus died for the whole world, but sometime this is phrased as Jesus died specifically for me. What is the Biblical basis for thinking that Jesus died for me specifically?
Ovi's user avatar
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Was Jesus' death legitimate? [closed]

Legitimate, not in the fact that He died, but in how specifically his blood was shed. It is said that Jesus' death was the final fulfillment of the old testament requirements. If this is true, then ...'s user avatar