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Questions tagged [apostolic-age]

Questions about the first century Church era in which the Apostles lived.

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5 answers

Could the apostles add to Jesus' teaching after He ascended?

My understanding is that God revealed everything He wanted to reveal in the life and teachings of Jesus. Jesus then commanded the apostles to proclaim those teachings to the world, but He didn't give ...
Ashpenaz's user avatar
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3 answers

What did the Apostolic Fathers believe regarding the state of the dead and the afterlife?

In the context of related debates such as: Bipartite vs. Tripartite natures of man, Soul sleep vs. Consciousness during the intermediate state, and Annihilationism / Conditional immortality vs. ...
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1 vote
3 answers

What is first time infant baptism was established and commissioned according to catholic church? What does church history say about this?

What is first time infant baptism was established and commissioned according to Catholic Church? What does church history says about this? What was reason for infant baptism being established instead ...
alvoutila's user avatar
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2 answers

Was there ever a period in Nascent Christianity before formalized ritual or dogma?

The title is pretty explicit. But further, if so, is there any reliable documentation of who the adherents were and how they comported themselves?
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1 answer

What does the historical evidence tell us about the pneumatological beliefs of the early Church during the first two centuries of Christianity?

What did the early Christians believe about the Holy Spirit in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD? What does the historical evidence tell us? Did most Christians believe that the Holy Spirit was a Person? ...
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8 votes
5 answers

How widespread was Marian devotion during the first two centuries of Christianity?

Was Marian devotion commonplace among early Christians during the first centuries of Christianity? What about the first century AD? What about the second century AD? There are a few related questions, ...
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6 votes
3 answers

Is there any historical evidence that the supernatural gifts of the Spirit were still in operation after the apostolic age?

Once the apostolic age finished with the death of the apostles, is there any evidence that the supernatural gifts of the Spirit (e.g., tongues, prophecy, words of knowledge, healing, miracles, etc.) ...
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1 vote
2 answers

What are the strongest apologetic arguments for the existence of miracles and the supernatural gifts of the Spirit during the apostolic age?

The four gospels, the book of Acts and the epistles by the apostle Paul affirm very clearly that the early Church was endued with power from on high. Christians during the apostolic age had access to ...
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2 votes
0 answers

Do any local churches in the lands evangelized by the apostles celebrate a particular feast of that apostle?

In Catholic and/or Orthodox traditions are there any liturgical feast(s) that are celebrated by local dioceses in the regions evangelized by the apostles in the honor of any of the apostles? The ...
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