Is partaking of the Holy Eucharist the key to incorruptibility of the saints?
Inedia, according to the Catholic theologian Antonio Royo Marín, O.P. (Teología de la Perfección Cristiana p. 845), is the "ayuno absoluto durante un tiempo muy superior al que resisten las ...
Does the incorrupted body of St. Cecilia still exist?
This article is a synthesis for many sources I've had read, everything relevant about her incorruption which is likely past. Sorry for my too late reply.
Some interesting point from it is: When her ...
Corrupted incorruptible saints (Catholicism)
Frame issue...
You are clearly not understanding the same thing as the catholic church about the term "incorruptible" it does not mean "never decays".
In the realm of Catholicism, ...
Corrupted incorruptible saints (Catholicism)
Corrupted incorruptible saints according to Catholicism?
Why does the Catholic Church promote the bodies of certain individuals as "incorruptibles" when their bodies have clearly corrupted?
Does the incorrupted body of St. Cecilia still exist?
Well, Some facts we should take into account.
Her head was cut off from her body and for centuries and centuries the relic was held for popes, archbishops, kings, and it's a very very very long ...
How do Protestants explain the incorruptibility of Catholic and Orthodox saints?
For the Protestant who is truly born again, and not just a nominal Protestant, the question would be: Where in Scripture does it ask us to take the slightest bit of notice of this kind of thing?
"To ...
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