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The doctrine of the three-personhood of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; who, though existing in three distinct persons and work towards different arenas, are the same God, of the same mind, and the same purpose.

7 votes

How is the doctrine of the Trinity substantiated?

The definition of the doctrine of the Trinity is not an "assumption." … Also, the Trinity cannot be understood, argued or refuted by appealing to any single passage in the Bible. It is drawn from the whole Bible. …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
7 votes

How do Trinitarian Christians respond to these differences between Jesus Christ and God

First and foremost the doctrine of the trinity is not an "assumption." … ONLY the three persons of the trinity receive some COMBINATION OF THESE 5. …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
6 votes

How do Trinitarians respond to passages in the Bible that seem to clearly distinguish betwee...

The answer is simple! As I've stated hundreds of times the Father has no separate manifestation from the Son. The Son is the only manifestation and REVELATION of the Father SO HE GAVE IT TO JESUS. Mor …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
5 votes

If Jesus was God (the famous John 1:1), why was He exalted to a higher position?

According to the context of Philippians 2:6 (specifically) the Son always was God. At Philippians vs 8 He was found in appearance as a man etc. "Therefore" or as a result of the above God highly exalt …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
4 votes

In Hebrews 1:10 Jesus is being addressed as the Creator which is God himself in Genesis

Absolutely, Jesus Christ is the creator even according to His own Father. Since the Son is the Father's agent in creating the universe and the ages through which it progresses (see 1:2), these words a …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Were the Jews right in accusing Jesus of claiming to be God? [duplicate]

I was once asked this question by a Jehovah Witness to prove if the Jews understood that Jesus was claiming to be God. I affirm that they did while the Jehovah Witnesses deny it. Related question he …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
4 votes

Were the Jews right in accusing Jesus of claiming to be God?

I'm going to approach this by saying the following. Whether or not the Jews are correctly or incorrectly understanding Jesus is not the issue. The issue is what was it that Jesus "SAID" that caused th …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Against the context of John Chapter One, are the three records of John the Baptist's words, ...

Three times, the apostle John records the witness of John the Baptist regarding Jesus being 'after' John yet 'before' John and 'first' - in 1:15, 1:27 and 1:30. John bore witness of Him, and cried ou …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
4 votes

How do Trinitarians understand the phrase 'image of God' as in Colossians 1:15?

The Apostle Paul here describes Christ as "the image of the invisible God." The Bible states in several locations that the essence or substance of God is invisible to human beings (Romans 1:20; 1 Timo …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
3 votes

How do Trinitarians respond to syllogistic arguments against the divinity of Jesus?

Now, the doctrine of the Trinity cannot be understood, argued or refuted by appealing to any single passage in the Bible. … Finally, I want to say regarding the doctrine of the Trinity that I do not believe Trinitarianism is a "REQUIREMENT" for salvation. …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
3 votes

Significance of one divine essence/nature

You made the following statement: "All human beings share a common nature/essence, yet are not one "being", but the 3 persons of the Trinity share a common essence/nature and are one being." …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
2 votes

Is William Barclay a respected theologian in mainstream Christianity?

The word "Trinity" has been brought up by some on this issue. I am not here to prove the Trinity, I am here to address the question, "Who is Jesus Christ." …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
2 votes

Is 1 Corinthians 15:27 problematic for trinitarians?

The Apostle Paul explains it quite nicely at Philippians 2:3-8. Vs3, "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of your regard one another as more important than …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
2 votes

If "God" is a Trinity, where in the Bible does the word "God" refer to the Trinity?

Explaining the nature of the one God is the whole point of the doctrine of the trinity. … ONLY the three persons of the trinity receive some COMBINATION OF THESE 5. …
Mr. Bond's user avatar
2 votes

According to Trinitarians, what is the correct personal pronoun to refer to the person who i...

Well one thing is for sure, the Holy Spirit is called God at Acts 5:3-4. This means that the Holy Spirit is a distinct person from the Father and the Son. In other words the Holy Spirit has personalit …
Mr. Bond's user avatar

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