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4 votes
0 answers

Source of "A priest can say three heresies in a sermon but must not insist on them"?

I was said that some pope of last centuries wrote a document where he stated this idea: "A priest can say three heresies in a sermon but must not insist on them." I have a suspicion that I ...
3 votes
1 answer

Jonathan Edwards on James 2:19

What did Edwards mean when he penned the subject line of a sermon he preached in 1752: "No such experiences as the devils in hell are the subjects of are any sure sign of grace." I'm trying ...
3 votes
1 answer

Locating a transcript of a Jonathan Edwards' handwritten sermon entitled "To The Children."

I'm trying to locate a transcript of Jonathan Edwards's sermon from August 1740 that he delivered to the children of his congregation. I have already located a facsimile of the handwritten manuscript ...
1 vote
0 answers

English translation of Karl Barth's Fürchte dich nicht (1949)

Does anyone know where I can find an English translation of a book containing Karl Barth's sermons from 1934 to 1948, Fürchte dich nicht! - Predigten aus den Jahren 1934 bis 1948, published in 1949?
8 votes
1 answer

Do Catholics have a religious duty to report possible cases of heresy committed by a priest to their local bishop?

I am a life-long Catholic. At almost all of the Catholic Churches I have attended over the years, the priests there have given sermons based on various Biblical passages/parables which have always ...
2 votes
1 answer

What Does St. Francis de Sales Mean by "Sounding Periods" in Sermons?

In St. Alphonsus Liguori's Dignity and Duties of the Priest, it is written: Empty words and sounding periods are, says St. Francis de Sales, the pest of sermons. (De la Predic. ch. 5, a. I.) First, ...
3 votes
0 answers

Where can I find the source of "I perish today not because of the crime I committed, but because of the pardon I did not accept"?

From a sermon illustration: That quote was the last words of a young man in southern USA (18th century), who was sentenced to be hung for a crime, whose family had interceded with the governor. The ...
2 votes
1 answer

Looking for Complete Online Collection of the Sermons of German Priest, Fr. Franz Hunolt, S.J

From Wikipedia: Hunolt's idea was to treat the entire field of morals in his sermons thoroughly and completely. Each of the six volumes contains seventy-two sermons, and the various divisions in each ...
2 votes
1 answer

Seeking full text of St. John Chrysostom's homily "On the Cemetery's Name and the Cross"

I became aware of a homily by St. John Chrysostom entitled "On the Cemetery's Name and the Cross" from a blog post by John Sanidopoulos. In the post, Sanidopoulos indicates that this sermon &...
1 vote
0 answers

Looking for a Digital Copy of Any Handwritten Sermon of St. John Vianney

I am looking for a digital copy of any personally handwritten sermon of St. John Vianney. From what I have read, I am under the impression that 80 or so are extant, but I have not been able to locate ...
1 vote
2 answers

English translation of "Sermon sur la communion indigne" by St. John Vianney

I am looking for the complete English translation of St. John Vianney's sermon, "Sermon sur la communion indigne" ("Sermon on Unworthy Communion"). It is part of the Sermons ...
2 votes
1 answer

An Original Source Containing the Sermon of St. Leonard of Port Maurice: The Little Number of Those Who are Saved

This rather famous homily of the eighteenth century Franciscan is rather easy to come by on the internet; for example, see
3 votes
1 answer

What did pastors in the 1800s in the United States teach their congregations about interacting with Native Americans?

Background During the 1800s, Americans expanded farther west into the territory of Native Americans, which led to many interactions between settlers and Native Americans. From my limited but ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to suggest more reasonable themes/paradigms for Covid-19 homilies (sermons) to Catholic priests and bishops?

While I am a fan of Catholic theology particularly and religious sciences and philosophy of religion generally (For example, I am trying to read journals such as Theological Studies from cover to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Are there denominations that emphasize apologetic sermons?

Are there denominations that emphasize apologetic sermons?
1 vote
1 answer

Homilies during liturgical seasons?

I would like to know the differences, if any, seen in homilies offered at Mass during different liturgical seasons. For instance are both Marian and Rosary-based prayers included customarily or are ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is there a script of St. Francis' "famous" speach in Bologna, the 15th of August of 1222?

I was reading a book about St. Francis and there is a mention about a "famous" speech he gave in the piazza of Bologna, the 15th of August of 1222. There are several descriptions around of this speech....
1 vote
1 answer

What does "labor or cost of a godly life" mean?

Richard Baxter, the famous Puritan writer, wrote: In a word, that in all your neglects of duty, your sticking at the supposed labor or cost of a godly life, yea, in all your cold and lazy prayers ...
3 votes
3 answers

Looking for a specific sermon about Barnabas

I remember hearing a sermon1 in the last few years (so probably after 2010). I think it was a series of three about Josephs in the Bible (hence one sermon per Joseph). The first was about Joseph, son ...
6 votes
2 answers

Can I project more than 500 verses of Scripture over the course of a year? Or, an entire book of the Bible? [closed]

In this question What major translations of the Bible are in the Public Domain? we established that most modern translations allow for fair use of a certain amount of Scripture - meaning that ...