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Questions tagged [self-defense]

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Do members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe in self-defense?

As the title asks, what does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teach its members about the responsibility to defend themselves and others?
pygosceles's user avatar
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Loving my neighbour's enemy

The New Testament is very clear that Christians should love their enemy and turn the other cheek. Similarly, Christians should defend others and stand up against injustice. These things are somewhat ...
Bennet's user avatar
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Did any Early Church Father believe that being armed/self-defence was justified?

As you know there were many prophets in the Bible who were armed and had swords for self-defence. Jesus himself allowed St. Peter and his apostles to buy a sword for self-defence. But did any of the ...
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Did the early church believe in self defence?

Does any of the early church fathers teach that we as Christians are allowed to defend ourselves if our life is in severe danger and if so what church fathers taught this?
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What Bible principles and scriptures apply to a situation where self-defense results in the death of the attacker?

Related but not answered: When do we as Christians draw the line on self-defense? Context: South Africa has a rather high rate of crime, far, far, far higher than America, Canada, or Europe. Please ...
AndrewJacksonZA's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, can you hit someone in self defence?

Can you hit someone in self defence? That is, if someone is trying to kill you, can you hit them to protect yourself? What is the Catholic doctrine on such a question?
Aigle's user avatar
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Is it justifiable to kill an innocent person with the following conditions?

I'm asking in the context of the Catholic Church's doctrines on just war and self-defense. Is it justifiable to kill an innocent person in order to prevent a greater evil, with no other practical ...
Red Rackham's user avatar
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When do we as Christians draw the line on self-defense? [closed]

At what line do Christians stop at self defense? Take a look here: Matthew 5:39 But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. ...
Nick122's user avatar
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Christian response(s) to disaster survival, or Christian self-defense

Every year, "end times" and apocalyptic films, books, and articles are produced in both the wider popular culture, and in religious contexts. In almost every post-disaster scenario as typically ...
warren's user avatar
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