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Questions tagged [violence]

Intentional use or threat of force, likely resulting in harm to someone

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Do members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe in self-defense?

As the title asks, what does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teach its members about the responsibility to defend themselves and others?
pygosceles's user avatar
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What was the reason for the suspension of the “vegetarian mandate” in Gen 9:1-3 after maintaining it for over 1500 years? [closed]

Three points: #1 The “vegetarian mandate” was part and parcel of God’s original plan for creation. If one looks closely, one finds that the first chapter in Genesis is consistent in showing that the ...
Aaron Milavec's user avatar
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What is the "violence" (Gen 6:11) that prompted God to bring on the Great Flood during the time of Noah?

In Gen 6:11, the narrator says, "The earth was filled with violence." It is this "violence" that moves God to plan the Great Flood. The 2014 movie, "Noah," dramatizes ...
Aaron Milavec's user avatar
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What's the official Catholic position regarding the literal truth of incidents described in the Old Testament?

Someone recently told me that passages like Samuel 15:3 and Numbers 31:17-18 which talk of God and Moses giving orders for violence, are considered by the Catholic church as exaggerations and ...
Daud's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, can you hit someone in self defence?

Can you hit someone in self defence? That is, if someone is trying to kill you, can you hit them to protect yourself? What is the Catholic doctrine on such a question?
Aigle's user avatar
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How, according to the Catholic Church, can God order genocide even though the Church has declared such a situation impossible?

Quoting Veritatis Splendor: Reason attests that there are objects of the human act which are by their nature "incapable of being ordered" to God, because they radically contradict the good of the ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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Is there a formal statement or opinion in the Catholic Church regarding martial arts?

I have two kids. We don't do contact sports, but some of our friends are involved in American football or hockey, and there's plenty of contact, but it seems like a game. Indeed over the course of my ...
Stu W's user avatar
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Violence and Iconography

Are there any rules for painting (or praying) Orthodox Christian icons that disallow depictions of violence or conflict? For example: Would an icon depicting a murder be a problem?
Stephen's user avatar
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Does God encourage hurting or killing others in his name in the Bible? [closed]

In the Quran there is this passage: And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every ...
Fofole's user avatar
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Why did Simon Peter react so violently?

In John 18, when Jesus is in the Garden on Gethsemane, Judas approaches with a mob of Pharisees and soldiers, coming to arrest Him. 4 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and ...
Zach Gates's user avatar
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According to the Catholic Church, what was the point of all the plagues?

Did God really have to do all those plagues in order to get Moses' people free? Did each plague have a particular purpose? I heard about a documentary or hypothesis that only first or first few ...
Red Rackham's user avatar
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Does the Orthodox church ever condone violence on an individual level?

This post made me wonder. Is it true the Orthodox church thinks violence is always sinful no matter the circumstances? If so, in what manner do Orthodox Christians respond to personal violence? For ...
sirdank's user avatar
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If Orthodox Christians must repent of any act of violence, how does this not entail pacifism?

I have heard from many Orthodox that one should repent of any act of violence, including violence committed in self-defense or in the service of military duties. As I understand it, true repentance ...
Lepidopterist's user avatar
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What is the Biblical basis for opposing State Brutality?

If there was ever a case of a completely innocent man being beaten and killed for crimes he did not commit, it would have to be Jesus. Yet, when Peter sliced off the ear of a slave, Jesus told Peter ...
name's user avatar
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What is the Biblical basis for saying that wives can divorce their physically abusive husbands?

Some Christians teach that it is acceptable to divorce a physically abusive spouse. Some would even say that someone in that situation should do so. What is the Biblical basis for this? Society would ...
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9 votes
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Are Jehovah's Witnesses particularly anti-violence?

One of the things I've heard about Jehovah's Witnesses is that they've been persecuted by governments for their pacifism: They do not work in industries associated with the military, do not serve ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Why did Moses have the sons of Levi run about with swords slaying family and friends?

Today's OT Reading for CoE Common Worship was Exodus 32:15-34. Although to the modern ear it appears indiscriminate no doubt it wasn't. Please could someone explain why the Levites as the Priestly ...
Maple Lad's user avatar
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Why did Jesus physically throw out the money changers instead of winning the argument with reason?

When Jesus cleared the money changers from the Temple, he drove them out by overturning their tables and (in John) even using a whip. Why did he not try to remove them with persuasion, by making a ...
Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE's user avatar
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Did church fathers ever deal with "Bible requires brutality" critics?

A recent question here caused some confusion, and increases my curiosity about this topic. Someone asked why people say Christians have disdain for the handicapped. (Apparent) practicing Christians ...
pterandon's user avatar
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If Christians believe that Christ was a God and immortal (or resurrected), why do some avenge his killing in his name? [closed]

Arguably the killing of Jesus Christ was the most avenged killing in history. There is no other person for whom there were so many other people killed in the name of retaliation. In Russian Empire ...
Anixx's user avatar
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Does Jesus contradict Himself in these verses?

Just to state, I don't necessarily believe Jesus contradicted Himself. But these parts of Scripture sound like a contradiction, and I would like to hear any thoughts on how this can be reconciled. I ...
Nick Rolando's user avatar
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Is violence against LGBT people warranted by scripture? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there any Biblical basis for hating homosexuals? This week marks the 13th anniversary of Matthew Shepherd's torture and murder, a crime which appears to be motivated by ...
Ray's user avatar
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Is there any Biblical basis for hating homosexuals? [closed]

As I was raised: God is all-loving, and He wants us to be all-loving too. But, as you may know, homosexuals—particularly in America—have been shown hatred, and even violence (1)(2)(3)(4) from some ...
stoicfury's user avatar
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