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Jeremy H's user avatar
Jeremy H
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • corydon, IN
7 votes

What were the scriptural arguments used for modern western racism?

6 votes

Was there doctrinal difference between Lollards and Waldenses?

4 votes

Why do Christian missionaries start schools?

4 votes

What did Jesus mean by 'take up your cross and follow me'?

2 votes

Does Jesus have two kingdoms?

1 vote

What is an overview of different stances on whether and why it is a sin to pay taxes?

1 vote

Did St. Francis pray the Rosary?

1 vote

In what sense was Jesus's death a sacrifice?

1 vote

Why does blood need to be put on the mercy seat

1 vote

Do any Christian traditions think that evil desires are not sin?

1 vote

Are we supposed to ASK for wisdom or SEEK it--or are they the same thing?

1 vote

Where is the prophecy of the star that the wise men followed?

0 votes

How does someone hinder their own prayers?

0 votes

A Catholic uncertain of the trinity

0 votes

We will judge angels? But we are lower than the angels