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Questions about the history, composition and canon of the Bible. Don't use this tag for beliefs and practices in the Bible.

1 vote

Usage of Hades in the New Testament

According to Justin Martyr, the demons imitated the things written in the Bible and produced similar stories to deceive men. … (The First Apology 54) Many concepts in Greek Mythology is very similar to the Bible. The New Testament writers were also using the same name used in the Greek Mythology for Hades. …
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1 vote

Why do Pentecostals believe in a closed canon?

It is believed that the Jesus sent the Holy Spirit on earth and the the work of the Holy Spirit has not stopped yet, it is still working even today. However, the work of the Spirit and the Canonizatio …
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4 votes
4 answers

What is the importance of reading the Bible? [closed]

I have heard many pastors encouraging their members to read the Bible daily. Why do we have to read the Bible daily? Is going to church and listening to sermons not enough? …
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1 vote
4 answers

What is the importance of reading the Bible personally in Catholicism?

What is the importance of reading the Bible in Catholicism? Can a Catholic anticipate going to heaven by only attending the masses and going to Confession, but never read the Bible at home? … I believe that nowadays there is a Bible in the house of every Catholic family. …
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-2 votes
2 answers

How should we call a book with New Testament and Psalms? [closed]

I have seen some smaller version of the Bible(?), containing only New Testament and Psalms. Some have Proverbs also. What name should we give to such a book? A mini Bible? New Testament Bible? …
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9 votes

Does Revelation 22:19 apply to the whole Biblical canon or only the Book of Revelation?

(Revelation 1:10-11, NIV) There are many reasons why "this scroll" cannot refer to the whole Bible. … The whole Bible would not fit into a single scroll: The scrolls in the first century were big and thick. …
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5 votes
1 answer

When did the insertion of title-page for Old Testament and New Testament started?

All the Bible I have seen have title-pages for both New Testament and Old Testament. … read Greek, so please someone read for me what is written at the bottom right corner of the page as I believe it marks the end of Old Testament or something like that) :P When did the division of the Bible
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5 votes
4 answers

Why is the Bible divided into Old Testament and New Testament?

All the Bible I have seen (Catholic and Protestant) have the books in the Bible divided into two groups - Old Testament and New Testament. … Is there any Bible that doesn't have this division? …
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10 votes

What word did Jesus use for God in Aramaic?

The name of God in the Hebrew Bible is YHWH, pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah. … 'God' in English, 'Elohim' in Hebrew, 'Elaha' in Aramaic, 'Alaha' in Syriac etc. but the name of God in the Bible is YHWH, not Allah as some Muslim scholars may try to relate them. …
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1 vote

If God is omniscient , He would have forseen how He would send the flood and kill everyone

God is omniscient and He knew that he had to destroy the world by flood. But, the bigger question is... "If God knew that He had to die for human, why did He create human anyway?" Revelation 13 …
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2 votes

Did the devil reject God in heaven?

There are two famous verses believed to record the history of Satan; Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28:12-18. Ezekiel 28:14-15 (NIV) You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained …
Mawia's user avatar
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6 votes

Any mentions of Environmental protection in Bible?

If you search on Google with keywords like "bible environmental", you will get many sites which claim that the Bible supports the idea of Environmental Protection. …
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4 votes

Bible Translations and Omissions

Why are there so many Bible translations? Because, the original languages of the Bible are very old and no one speaks them anymore. … Protestants have 66 books in the Bible. Roman Catholics have 73. If you compile all these books (66 or 73) into one book and call it The Holy Bible, then of course, we have exactly one book! …
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2 votes

Who are the 144,000?

Here are some of the ways to interpret the 144,000. Some of them are from the first century Christians and the remnants are from some faithful members of Jehovah's Witnesses. They are the chosen pe …
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14 votes
4 answers

Why was the Bible not available to common people in the Medieval period?

The common people were poor and could not afford to get the Bible. The Bible was not for sale in the market. The Catholic Church did not want the common people to read the Bible. … The people were not pious enough to bother reading the Bible. The people had a mindset that reading the Bible is the job of scholars or bishops. Are there any other possible reasons? …
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