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29 votes
10 answers

What was it about the death of Jesus that allows God to forgive us?

I've heard many people state that it was the punishment inflicted by the Romans that allows God to forgive us. This just doesn't make any sense to me. How can a man suffer for a short while here on ...'s user avatar
19 votes
11 answers

Since God provided for the forgiveness of sins in the Old Testament, why do we need Jesus?

I thought of this when I was researching this question. Leviticus 4 goes into great detail about the sacrifice that must be made in order for a sin to be forgiven. However, we see here that God ...
Richard's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Are there unforgivable sins? [closed]

Jesus came and died for our sins so that we may be forgiven and have salvation. But Matthew 12:32 (NIV) says there is at least one thing to prevent being forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word ...
Derek Downey's user avatar
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4 answers

As Christians we are already saved, so why must we keep repenting of sin? [closed]

We believe that Jesus died for all our sins, past and future, so why do we need to keep asking to be forgiven if Jesus already died to forgive that sin?
regis's user avatar
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1 answer

How do Lutherans have their sin forgiven?

If a Lutherans sins, how is his sin forgiven? Must he confess? Is there a distinction between venial and mortal sin? What if he sins again the same sin?
Dan's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the Biblical basis for "God's already forgiven you" teaching?

I have recently heard many preachers and teachers, in particular Joel Osteen and Joseph Prince, say things like, "God has already forgiven you. All you have to do is accept God's free gift of ...
Daniel's user avatar
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8 answers

Are there examples of God forgiving without sacrifice?

So far I have seen, some kind of sacrifice, direct or indirect, is required to have forgiveness from sin. So, my question is - Are there examples of God forgiving our sins without any sacrifice?
Gulshan's user avatar
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8 answers

Are our sins of the future forgiven? (John 20:23)

Catholics say that our future sins are not forgiven (unless we confess them in the future) and say that John 20:23 (and maybe other verses which I can't remember), uses the past, i.e. "forgiven", so ...
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3 votes
5 answers

Why can't God forgive a sinner without having to kill Jesus the righteous one?

Non-Christians raise many objections to the atoning death of Jesus Christ, who is the Lamb of God. One of the most important objections is that God being the Almighty and Sovereign should be able to ...
TeluguBeliever's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Can punishment for unintentional sins be reconciled with Christians knowing they have eternal life?

My question isn't so much about reconciling specific Scripture passages as it is about reconciling two teachings supported by Scripture, so I'm asking here rather than on Hermeneutics. I'm wondering ...
The Editor's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What would be an orthodoxly Christian, biblically based response to a concern that a Christian could die without repenting of a given sin?

What is the fate of those who believe in Jesus Christ but who die without repenting of something they never discovered was sinful? Simon (Acts 8) likely represents an example with which I can ...
The Editor's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Replacement of sins with good

In my studies of Islamic Theology I have come across a doctrine of the replacement of sins for good deeds. Quran, Al-Furqân “Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous work. For them Allah ...
Johan88's user avatar
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3 answers

According to the Assembly of God, must a person love God to get into heaven, if he believes in Christ?

I was always taught, and my reading of the Bible (admittedly it has holes) tell me that the requirement to get into heaven is to accept Jesus as one's savior; that is, one must acknowledge one's ...
user's user avatar
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2 answers

Are people with sinful addictions doomed? [closed]

According to Acts 3:19-21: 19 Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, 20 that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ ...
milovan's user avatar
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Why is the sacrifice of Jesus needed for the atonement of sins? [duplicate]

Christianity teaches that Jesus was crucified in order that ours sins be forgiven, and without this sacrifice then atonement could not be attained. Why did Jesus have to die for our sins in order for ...
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