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Which Person of the Trinity is the Ancient of Days sitting on His throne?

Accordring to Trinitarians who is this person with a form, sitting on His throne? Daniel 7:9-27 New King James Version Vision of the Ancient of Days 9 “I watched till thrones were put in place, And ...
Read Less Pray More's user avatar
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What pronouns make most sense when referencing the Trinity?

The Trinity is 3 persons sharing 1 essence. They share It. (Where does the "He", "Him", "Me", "My" come from?) Jesus uses plural personified pronouns when ...
Read Less Pray More's user avatar
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In what way(s) is God the Father a father to God the Son? And in what way(s) is God the Son a son?

Every concept and Truth is from the creative mind of God. This includes what defines a father and a son. By observation, we can know how God defines a father within His design. Some examples of ...
Read Less Pray More's user avatar
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According to the Trinitarian interpretation of John 17:3, if Jesus's God and Father is the 1 True God, what type of god is Jesus?

If the Father is the only God who is True, than what type of godhood is the 2nd person of the trinity? John 17:3 (Jesus speaking to his God and Father) And this is eternal life, that they may know ...
Read Less Pray More's user avatar
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According to Trinitarians, were/are some Jews Trinitarians? Who is this "Father" - the Creator spoken of throughout the Old Testament?

The Old Testament identifies YHWH as "our Father", the Creator. Is this "Father"- the first person of the Trinity, God the Father? Is he YHWH, the God of Israel? Malachi 2:10 ...
Read Less Pray More's user avatar
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Can a human coherently claim to be "God the father"?

Can a human coherently claim to be "God the father"? Apologies for the obscure question; I have not read much of the bible. Is it theologically (metaphysically?) possible for a human (I ...
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When Christians say "the Lord" in everyday speech, do they mean Jesus or the Father?

It's very common to hear Christians say "Lord" or "the Lord" in different contexts: everyday conversations, prayer, testimonies, sermons, etc. Some example sentences that come to ...
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According to Catholic Tradition, did God the Father ever teach or punish God the Son?

Catholics are taught to believe in the Trinity - God in Three Persons - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If Catholics are taught to worship God "The Father" and God "The Son", ...
Jim G.'s user avatar
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What role does the Holy Ghost fill that the Father can't?

In trinitarian doctrine, what role does the Holy Ghost fill that the Father can't / doesn't? My understanding is, that according to trinitarians: The Father is a spirit The Holy Ghost is a spirit The ...
kutschkem's user avatar
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What does The Father do?

It seems like such a basic question: what does the Father do? It is said that the Holy Spirit is the life-giver and speaks through the prophets and everything is made through the Son, Jesus, and Jesus ...
MATTHEW's user avatar
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According to Trinitarianism, is Jesus God Almighty?

First of all I want a Trinitarian answer. Is it proper to say that Jesus is God Almighty? The Scriptures are very clear but they (and the church fathers) are very clear that the Father is God ...
Sebastian Clinciu's user avatar
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According to the Catholic Church, why is God called “Father” (and not, say, “Mother”)?

Throughout the Bible, Jesus specifically refers to God as Father, and us as his sons. Why is it significant that God is a Father? Why did God choose the image of “Father,” as opposed to other ...
AthanasiusOfAlex's user avatar
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According to Protestantism why did God choose the persona of a Father?

Throughout the Bible, God uses the persona of a Father. Jesus specifically refers to God as Father, and us as his sons. Why is it significant that God is a Father? And why did God choose the nature ...
Bluephlame's user avatar