According to Steven Runciman's The Great Church in Captivity (excerpt), the Orthodox Patriarch Jeremias II wrote a letter detailing the differences between the Orthodox doctrines and Lutheran teachings.

Is an English translation of the letter publicly available, and where can I find it? My searches keep taking me back to the linked book excerpt above.

  • I don't think that there was one letter. It was a correspondence... From Wikipedia "On 24 May 1575, Lutherans Jakob Andreae and Martin Crusius from Tübingen presented the Patriarch with a translated copy of the Augsburg Confession. Jeremias II wrote three rebuttals known as 'Answers,' which established that the Orthodox Church had no desire for reformation.[7]"
    – Byzantine
    Commented Oct 21, 2013 at 17:06

1 Answer 1


Is an English translation of the letter publicly available, and where can I find it?

If you are talking about finding it online, you aren't going to have any luck. These letters, as far as I know, are not available to read online.

However, if you are willing to spend some money, an English book compilation of the letters by George Mastrantonis can be bought from Amazon (published by Holy Cross Orthodox Press, however it seems to be more expensive on their website).

Quoting a review on Amazon by Dusk:

This book is very meaty, but I recommend it strongly to those interested. The letters provide a deeper understanding of both Lutheran and Orthodox beliefs. They provide a window into the age they were written in: the manners used in disagreement are delightful. They also provide a look into human nature itself. Read carefully or you may injure yourself.

I hope this helps! Have fun...

  • 2
    Excerpts from the Mastrantonis translation can currently be read here: orthodoxinfo.com/ecumenism/jeremiah.aspx
    – MetaEd
    Commented Oct 21, 2013 at 23:10
  • Oh, yes @MετάEd, thank you for that link. I saw it but didn't think of adding it.
    – Byzantine
    Commented Oct 21, 2013 at 23:17

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