I've just read from this link, an explanation by John Piper :
Nobody is in hell that doesn't deserve to be there
isn't in active rebellion to God
Because my own interpretation that Total Depravity means:
Before the creation, after knowing that Adam and Eve will eat the fruit, in God's point of view : *none deserve to be in heaven - everybody deserve to be in hell even if there is no active rebellion to Me yet (Adam and Eve has not eat the fruit yet or the generation to come die as a baby) *...
Then it made me wonder, why later on God change His mind into "not everybody deserve to be in hell - some deserve to be in heaven", hence the Predestination/Election ?
If I myself try to answer :
Because God is sovereign
So He is free to change His mind anytime He will.
But that leads me to conclude :
Then it's possible that to the one whom He already elected to deserve Heaven, later on He put him/her back to deserve hell. (Which I don't think this is what the Calvinist view).
Assuming my interpretation of Total Depravity is correct, so my question is : why later on God change His mind into "not everybody deserve to be in hell - some deserve to be in heaven" ?