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Questions tagged [spiritual-theology]

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Is the term “Followers of The Way” related to Taoism?

I read that some early Christians were called “Followers of The Way”. I also know that The Tao (of Taoism) is often translated as “The Way”. Is there any connection either etymologically or in the ...
Bang Interro's user avatar
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3 answers

How does the power of the Holy Spirit manifest in Christians, as opposed to non-Christians who don't have access to this power?

To the best of my knowledge and understanding, access to the power of the Holy Spirit is an essential and distinctive attribute and privilege of Christians. People from other religions, as well as ...
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5 votes
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Why in the Reformed tradition the 7 spiritual gifts mentioned in Isaiah 11:1-3 are no longer taught?

Two lists of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Protestant vs. Catholic In the Evangelical church circles, when they do retreats / workshops, when they talk about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, they usually ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the rosary and why do some differ in the amount of beads they contain?

Should a Rosary be made of six or twelve beaded sections? Does it symbolize something specific or is it simply an object created to reflect something in the Catholic religion?
Earnestine Burtner's user avatar
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The Glory Be prayer and consolation - Catholic Spirituality

Is there a Catholic author who discussed how praying the Glory Be prayer can provide consolation? I am looking for a book/article on that topic.
brigittethecat's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are spiritual pleasures > carnal pleasures, according to Catholicism?

Does Catholicism consider spiritual pleasures greater than carnal/sexual/bodily pleasures?
Geremia's user avatar
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How do spiritual fathers of Catholic Church explain a sudden urge to pray?

I'd like to know how Catholic spiritual masters explain the urge to pray. Is it considered inspired by the Holy Spirit? Should we surrender to that urge? I was doing some research on that topic, but I ...
brigittethecat's user avatar