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2 answers

Are there paintings with Adam and Eve in paradise with the snake with legs?

I can't remember seeing paintings where Adam, Eve and the snake are depicted in paradise and the snake still having its legs. Are there paintings like that? I guess the snake must have depicted with ...
Walter's user avatar
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Was the serpent an animal or the devil?

Why do most Christians believe that the serpent was the devil himself directly appearing to Eve when scripture explicitly states that it was a literal snake and in this I quote the following verses ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
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How do we know the serpent did not act on his own to deceive Adam and Eve?

Since there isn't any text that clearly points to the spirit of Satan possessing the serpent so that he would lie to Adam and Eve and cause them to eat from the forbidden fruit, is it a possibility ...
So Few Against So Many's user avatar
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What is the scriptural basis for believing that animals talking was normal before the Fall?

In the book of Genesis, the serpent speaks to Eve at Genesis 3:1-5. 1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field that the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Did God really ...
Junior Theologian's user avatar
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According to Catholicism, was Adam with Eve when the serpent tempted her?

Genesis 3 says that the serpent addressed the woman: Gen. 3:1 "the serpent […] said to the woman" Gen. 3:4 "the serpent said to the woman" Gen. 3:6 is that chapter's first ...
Geremia's user avatar
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The bronze snake in numbers and the serpent Lucifer [closed]

In Numbers 21:4-9, Moses makes a bronze serpent on a stick to heal the Hebrews' snake bites, as per God's instructions. They don't worship it, but they are to look at it in order to live. Why did God ...
Anonymous P's user avatar
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Why is the "serpent" in the Fall believed to be literal by many?

We know there is only suppositions that Satan was probably the "snake", but nothing solid proves this. However many times, even today, we say "that bitch slapped me", or that "dirty rat" hit me on ...
Jake Stone's user avatar
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Is there any Denomination which think that the "serpent" at the beginning of his existence in Eden is not a bad being?

This question raised after my other question here Genesis 3:15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you ...
karma's user avatar
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Is there any basis in Catholic theology or in the writings of major Catholic theologians for the belief that snakes used to have legs?

Catholicism has pretty much stated that the Genesis creation account is allegorical. The serpent talking to Eve was not an actual event, but a story. Yet I see and hear often from Christians the ...
Kristopher's user avatar
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How Does the Copper Serpent Relate to Jesus? [duplicate]

When the Israelites complained God sent serpents to bite them. As a way to reverse the plague, Moses put a copper serpent on a pole. Upon looking at the copper serpent, the israelites would be healed ...
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What is the basis for translating the serpent in Gen. 3 as a being of light?

I've read two books that mentioned that the serpent in Genesis 3:1 which tempted Eve could have been rendered as a "shining one" or being of light rather than a serpent. Is there really a basis for ...
Steve's user avatar
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What is the biblical basis for the belief that Satan was the serpent in the Garden of Eden?

This seems to be the generally accepted belief, and it's taught to children in Sunday School in many churches, but is there biblical basis for it? Here's the actual text: 1 Now the serpent was more ...
Zenon's user avatar
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Was Cain a descendant of the serpent, through Eve?

In an article by Ben Heath titled Sex Affair in the Garden of Eden, he claims that the sin for which God expelled Adam and Eve from the garden was sexual intercourse with the serpent. Heath goes on ...
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