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Questions tagged [john-piper]

John Stephen Piper (born January 11, 1946) is a pastor and a notable theologian. He has written several books. He is a Calvinist baptist.

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What is the difference between Christian Hedonism and Utilitarianism?

In my previous question What are counterexamples to the position that Christian morality is ultimately utilitarian (i.e., that God is utilitarian)?, someone in the comments referred me to this article:...
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What is the appeal of John Piper (Desiring God Ministries)?

This question is not a slight or belittlement of the pastor but I simply don't understand. He is the most referenced and watched pastor at my college, even among those that wouldn't identify as ...
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Help identifying a large FAQ about women pastors made by John Piper and someone else

I don't know if was a book, article, or interview, but recently I read a document which contained 30-50 question and answer items related to women as pastors. I know it was by John Piper and ...
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What is fundamentalism?

John Piper provides a list of traits that he respects about fundamentalists, yet he does not consider himself one. In the context of Christianity (of course), what is a fundamentalist? And ...
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