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Do any Church Fathers speak about the similarity between εσωσεν and Ιησους?

The Greek verb for "he saves" is εσωσεν (esosen), and the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name of Jesus (Yeshua, meaning Saviour, but coming from the Hebrew yoshia, meaning "He saves") is Ιησους (...
Sola Gratia's user avatar
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Why use Yeshua instead of Jesus?

We known the name of Christ through the Bible which is written in κοινή greek. In the original language the name is Ἰησοῦς which transliterated to Latin as Iesus and then to English as Jesus. Why ...
wildmangrove's user avatar
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GOD/JESUS - Greek - Yahuwah/Yashuah - Hebrew

Growing up having a Christian background, I was taught to use God/Jesus to refer to the Creator and Son. Recently, I've come across some information stating that our Creator has a Name and that we ...
mph85's user avatar
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What is the Etymology of the Name of Jesus? [duplicate]

What is the origin of Jesus' Name? Is it derived from the Greek god, "Zeus"? Here's some context for my question. At my church this Sunday a woman told me that the name "Jesus " was derived from the ...
CJMW's user avatar
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Is Jesus the real name of Jesus or is it some kind of translation? [duplicate]

Do these small names we found in bible like Peter, Paul, Jesus, Christ used in Jerusalem or Israel 2000 years ago or are they just translations? Since Jesus was not speaking English, what was his ...
zod's user avatar
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If Jehovah's Witnesses believe they should use Jehovah to be accurate why don't they use Jesus' real Hebrew name?

I think everyone knows that the name Jesus is Greek, but why don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses use his Hebrew name, which is closer to Joshua than to Jesus?
Frederico.34's user avatar