As the one living God cannot be divided into parts, then it is the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit sharing the one, divine nature in the absolute unity of the Spirit who subsist in this one living God. This touches on the person of God.
In a chapter entitled "The Living God", this is made clear. The trinitarian author deals with the "Simplicity" of God, in brackets, (Unity). I quote:
"'Simple' means undivided and indivisible; not complex or made up of
different things. For example, a jacket made entirely out of wool is
simple in its fabric, while one composed of different fabrics is
complex. To say that God is simple is to say, first of all, that he is
pure spirit. We are made up of different parts. Not only are we
composed of spiritual and physical aspects, even our soul and body are
complex. The soul has capacities for thinking, desiring, and willing,
and the body is composed of a host of different parts. However, God is
not composed of different faculties or parts.
One of the important implications of divine simplicity is that God's
attributes are not literally different aspects of God's essence but
various descriptions of God's unified being...
We live, but only God is life and possesses life "in himself." In
fact, this is the point Jesus made in John 5:26, claiming this divine
attribute for himself as well as the Father." Pilgrim Theology pp.
74-77, Michael Horton, Zondervan 2011
I stop the quote after just that one example of how God having life in himself is also true of Christ. That is one way of showing how we cannot separate the living God from Christ. The book has a great deal more to say on this, and other aspects of how God cannot be divided into parts, nor should he ever be viewed that way. This touches on the essence and being of God.
That is why, when Peter had revealed to him by the Father, through the Holy Spirit, that Jesus is "the Christ, the Son of the living God", Christ rejoiced at this turning point in Peter's understanding. It has to be revealed. It is not about verbally assenting to a formula of words regarding God; it is about entering into personal, spiritual relationship with God through proper, heart-felt confession of Christ as "the Christ, the Son of the living God". The Holy Spirit's role is to convict repentant people, to lift Christ up, and so all three are involved in bringing spiritual life to formerly spiritually dead people. Once that has happened, the reality of the living God begins to grow. This touches further on the person of God, and relating to him. But if this never happens, the whole idea of the triune God will just seems peculiar, if not downright ridiculous.
That is why the start of entering into this spiritual relationship with God will be, as the Psalmist declared, "My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." Those who seek him earnestly will discover him to be the only source of life, the truly Living One, the only one who can relate to them by his revealing of himself to them through faith in his Son who gives everlasting life to those who have a living faith in him. It is a work of the Holy Spirit. This touches on the matter of 'relation' which you also ask about.
However, an answer here can only ever touch on such matters, and there is a certain futility in even trying to answer such a question. Those who appreciate the awesomeness of the undivided, and indivisible, living God can have an experience of him as such which those who are in awe of mystical rituals, religious performances, and repeating formulas, might put in the place of entering into experience of God, due to having their minds corrupted from "the simplicity that is found in Christ - 2 Corinthians 11:3. It is too easy to allow desire for a 'head-trip' and/or an emotional experience to fool one into thinking they have actually experienced the living God, when they have not. Jesus warned that there is only one way to go, and that is to find the small, contracted, strait, narrow gate (Luke 13:24). It leads to life, to salvation. Jesus is that gate, that way (Matthew 7:13).