Latter Day Saints refer to God the Eternal Father as Elohim, meaning God or gods, and to his Son Jesus Christ as Jehovah (YHWH of the Hebrew Bible): "Elohim is the literal Parent of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and of the spirits of the human race." They believe the premortal Jesus was born as a spirit son of Elohim before coming to earth. Source:
Elohim is nowhere described as an angel, but Latter Day Saints believe that Michael the Archangel (who is a created angel) became the man, Adam: “In his premortal and postmortal roles, he is known as Michael and as the archangel (D&C 29:26)... Latter-day scriptures attest that Adam is a son of God, that his physical body was created by the Gods in their own image and placed in the Garden of Eden.” Source:
There may be a connection between Michael (a created archangel) who is supposed to have been given a human body and is Adam (the father of all humans) in that Jesus was born of a woman, Mary: “Centuries before her birth, Book of Mormon prophets referred to Mary by name in prophecies of her vital mission (Mosiah 3:8). Describing her as "most beautiful and fair above all other virgins" (1 Ne. 11:13-20) and a "precious and chosen vessel" (Alma 7:10), they prophesied that Mary would bear the Son of God and was therefore blessed above all other women. "We cannot but think that the Father would choose the greatest female spirit to be the mother of his Son, even as he chose the male spirit like unto him to be the Savior" (McConkie, p. 327).” Source:,_Mother_of_Jesus
From what I have read, the following is a summary (as best I am able to understand):
Elohim is God the Eternal Father, Father in Heaven
Elohim is the literal Parent of Jesus Christ, and of the spirits of the human race
Father in Heaven is the director of creation and Father of the spirits of all mankind
God the Eternal Father is Elohim, meaning God or gods, and to his Son Jesus Christ as Jehovah
LDS identify Jehovah of the Old Testament (YHWH) as Jesus Christ
LDS identify Michael (the archangel) as Adam, who came to earth
Mary, the mother of Jesus, was once a spirit daughter of Elohim
The teachings of Joseph Smith and the beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (to give them their full and official title) would have been available to scholars in Morocco and Algeria during the 1900’s. I am not a member of this Church, and if I have inadvertently misrepresented their beliefs, I will apologise.
To my knowledge, no Christian denomination claims that Jesus was the son of an angel, although some claim Jesus is known in heaven as Michael the Archangel.