Pre-Vatican II guidelines for vestments?
The book, Churches Their Plan And Furnishing has a whole chapter on Sacred Vestments (chapter 18) pages 184-208.
It explains styles, sizes trims as well as ornament to be placed on diverse liturgical vestments uased at Mass.
Apparently the ornaments and trims may be of any colour.
Here is a couple of sample images from this internet source:
It definitely does not explain everything prior to Vatican II, but it is a very relevant source.
Apparently gold trim was used with black vestments, but silver is by far the most popular traditional usage of adorning black vestments.
Apparently, skull and crossbones as well as memento mori or images of the dead (imagines mortuorum) are forbidden on sacred vestments.
Over the years I have shared many photos of black requiem vestments replete with skulls, scythes, bones, even the poor souls in Purgatory. These vestments usually inspire a great deal of interest for reason of their relative rarity and also for reason of these symbols. Reaction to them is either one of great interest or, alternatively, a certain hesitancy and discomfort.
Most of the extant examples of this sort of work comes from the 18th century. In the realm of liturgical books we also find a number examples from the first half of the 19th century. Interestingly, however, such inclusions -- at least as far as paraments were concerned -- were already excluded at least as early as the 1600 edition of the Caeremoniale Episcoporum. The text of the C.E. notes that images of the dead (imagines mortuorum), as well as white crosses (cruces albae), were not permitted on the paraments of the altar, the sacred ministers' vestments, the seldom used missal covering, for the coverings of the faldstool and so on. (See Book II, Chapter XI, No. 1) Later, in the 19th century, clarification was asked of the Sacred Congregation of Rites as to whether the prohibition against images of the dead was meant to only exclude those of the souls in purgatory as opposed to skulls and such, however the answer came back in the negative. It excluded both. (See SRC 4174.)
Here follows three examples of images that are forbidden on sacred vestments.
One last source I would like to add here is the book entitled Matters Liturgical (Collectio Rerum Liturgicarium). This book contains some helpful information, but is dispersed here and there throughout the liturgical norms presented.
Matters Liturgical for examples states that stoles must have a cross at the middle for priest to kiss before placing it over one’s shoulder.