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2 answers

How widespread was the observance of the Jewish Sabbath among Christians during Early Christianity (A.D. 30–324)?

Question How widespread was the observance of the Jewish Sabbath among Christians during Early Christianity (A.D. 30–324)? Further Details As a reminder, the Jewish Sabbath is defined as: [...] the ...
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Why do the Seventh Day Adventists consider the Sabbath to begin on Friday at sunset?

I understand that for the Jews, the beginning of the Sabbath is at 5 PM on Friday. So why then does Sabbath start at sundown on Friday for the Seventh Day Adventists?
Dare to ask-I dnt mind punishm's user avatar
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1 answer

Does Jesus' public reading of the Scriptures imply that he had any authority within the religious community?

In Luke 4:17, Jesus reads from the Scriptures during a religious meeting. The passage reads, Luke 4:16-21 (NIV) He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went ...
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Should Jewish Christians not work on Saturday or Sunday? [duplicate]

I am Jewish, and this presents additional issues for me if I am considering Christianity, that non Jewish Christians don't have. For example, as far as I understand the Catholic Church has held that ...
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
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12 answers

Why does Judaism celebrate Sabbath on Saturday and most Christians celebrate Sabbath on Sunday?

When did most Christians (possibly excluding exceptions such as Seventh Day Adventists) and Jews start celebrating Sabbath on different days of the week and why?
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