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5 votes
10 answers

Given many questions as to whether Jesus was born on 25 December or not, I ask if the ambiguity in scripture is meant to teach us something?

Are we going all round the houses debating whether it was autumn, winter, or spring when Jesus was born, when it’s what the Bible does not say about the date of his birth that should speak volumes to ...
Anne's user avatar
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As a non-Christian, how to have best Christmas Day experience in Rome?

I'll be visiting Italy during holidays and will be in Rome with my partner between 20 to 28th December. I'd have already visited monuments, Vatican City and several popular cathedrals. Being a non-...
Aditya's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

What is the earliest historical testimony of the celebration of the nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ?

What is the earliest historical testimony (e.g., in writing) of the celebration (i.e., a feast) of the nativity of the Lord Jesus Christ, whether it be on the equivalent of December 25, January 6, or ...
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-1 votes
3 answers

Is Christmas biblical? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why is Christmas on December 25th? When did Christmas (the birth of Christ) first begin as a Christian celebration? On which date was Christ born? Also Related: Why do ...
Gerep's user avatar
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3 answers

Why do some traditions *not* celebrate Christmas or Easter in any official fashion?

Following-up to these previous questions, why do some traditions not celebrate the birth and death (or, more accurately, His resurrection) of Christ as "official" church "events"? I understand that ...
warren's user avatar
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