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4 answers

What evidence and authority make The Song of Solomon a work of spiritual inspiration and not an erotic poem?

Is it not true that the place of this book in the Jewish bible was not established until sometime in the early Christian era? If that is so, is it not presumptuous to deem it as being among the so-...
Las Gayle's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Why do Protestants trust what Paul and Luke wrote 100%?

This has always been a big question for me. I can understand that many Christians believe there is good evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, and that gives a basis for their faith in the teaching ...
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Does specific authorship of a given book of the Bible "matter"? [closed]

Based on a variety of previous questions, it seems that specific authorship of many parts of the Bible are not known for sure. For example (though I realize there are traditions of who wrote what): ...
warren's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

What deuterocanonical books are quoted in the New Testament? [closed]

When talking with a Catholic friend (I'm a Protestant) about the apocrypha/deuterocanonical books, it occurred to me that a possible argument for their inclusion in the Canon would be their authority, ...
Jeff B's user avatar
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