One of the best illustrations I have seen in support of the Arminian concept is a "Dennis the Menace" cartoon in which Dennis has a boy on the ground and is sitting on him with his fist poised to punch him in the face. The caption is, "Alright Dennis, I'll be you're best friend." Anybody who knows anything about love knows it cannot be taken, it can only be given. God whose nature is love knows this most of all. He created man with free will and the ability to love whom we choose. If we look at His creation, including ourselves, we see the evidence of this everywhere.
That is from me. Officially, Wesleyan Arminians believe that for God to overcome man's choice to resist His grace would be an infringement on man's libertarian free will and that free will is tantamount to God truly being loved. To consider this a failure on God's part would indicate a lack of understanding of God and His nature. The only limitations on God are the ones He places on Himself.