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Did Mary pray to give birth to the Messiah although a virgin according to any Church Father? [duplicate]

I have judged this to be a not-so-impossible theory after some time doing a little investigation into the original intention of, and original Hebrew (or at least non-Greek words) underlying, the angel'...
Sola Gratia's user avatar
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How are the words of Mary in Luke 1:34 incontrovertible proof of her perpetual virginity?

Based on this question it seems that a lot of weight is given to the simple statement by Mary to Gabriel that she is a virgin. Luke 1:34 NIV How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a ...
Kristopher's user avatar
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Perpetual virginity of Mary: why did Mary see "not knowing man" as an obstacle to the conception of Jesus?

It seems rather incontrovertable from the logic (Luke 1): You will concieve and bear a son How shall this be, since I know not man That Mary sees it as impossible to conceive, specifically because ...
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