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Why does the Catholic Church hold Mary's virginity and the absence of brothers against the historians?

Jesus does not have a brother in the catholic tradition, his mother Mary is a perpetual virgin, which can hardly be compatible with having several children. Yet in his epistle to the Galatians (1, 19)...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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Explain similarities and differences in "sinless from the womb " for James, John the Baptist and Mary

My perusal of this site has enlightened me to these three cases where a person is spoken of as being sinless from the womb. According Catholic Church were all three born sinless? 1) Mary according ...
Kristopher's user avatar
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Who do Catholics say the Mary in Matthew 27:56 is?

Roman Catholics believe that Mary the mother of Jesus remained a virgin for her whole life. Mary the mother of Jesus is sometimes seen in the gospels with men referred to as Jesus' brothers, with ...
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