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Questions tagged [godhead]

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1 vote
1 answer

LDS Holy Ghost god without body

It was brought up in a comment to an answer1 that the Holy Ghost as a personage of spirit contradicts the Church of LDS doctrine that a body is required for godhood. How does the LDS church reconcile ...
-4 votes
1 answer

What is the response of Trinitarians to these ten assertions? [closed]

It makes someone other than God also have the title of "God". (Exodus 20:3) There cannot be a capital-G God beneath the capital-G God—only a lowercase god. The capital-G God is the highest ...
4 votes
5 answers

How do people who claim Jesus is God defend this when God and Jesus can have two different wills?

So Jesus after seeing a vision of the suffering he would go through to pay the atonement required to save mankind from the gates of hell, offered a prayer to God asking him to remove that cup of ...