Will men be circumcised after the Resurrection?
The answer is NO!
In fact, that particular part of our body has a mind of it's own and is not subject to our control and it leads us to many sins of the flesh; and if we follow the Gospel what did Jesus say?
If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to depart into hell. (Matthew5:29-30)
So, for the sake of deeper theological understanding, has the Church (probably not) or the saints weighed in on this subject?
The answer again is NO, the Church mission is salvation of souls and issues like this on foreskin, beards or even tattooes is a useless subject and the Church time & effort will be more fruitful on other endeavor as inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Only the incorruptible saints had merited the "resurrection of the body", all of us by natural law our bodies will decompose and definitely will return to dust(CCC997). So, how can God resurrect what becomes dust?
997 What is "rising"? In death, the separation of the soul from the body, the human body decays and the soul goes to meet God, while awaiting its reunion with its glorified body. God, in his almighty power, will definitively grant incorruptible life to our bodies by reuniting them with our souls, through the power of Jesus' Resurrection.
The Catholic Church teaches "resurrection of the body" as written in our Creed but as we can see only the saints who have incorruptible bodies here on earth have merited that privelge. Our "resurrection of the body" pertain to God giving us a "spiritual body to be united to our soul". Why is this so? The souls of the Saints are already "glorified in Heaven" and when it is allowed to unite to it's incorruptible bodies it will become a "glorified body possessing a glorified soul". While most of us, particularly those blessed souls who gone purification of the soul when they return to earth can they find their bodies "incorupt"? No!...So, our Loving & Merciful God will give all souls whose body were corrupted due to fallen nature a "spiritual body" for them to face the "parousia".
What the Catholic Church teaches is that all of us will be given a "spiritual body" to be united to our souls in the coming parousia. CCC998
CCC998 Who will rise? All the dead will rise. "those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgement."
CCC999 ....but Christ will change our lowly body to be like "His glorious body", into "spiritual body".
Take note, the Catechism stated "glorious body of Christ" and not the "resurrected body of Christ". This two are different, when Jesus Christ possessed a "resurrected body" any person can look at it even the woman had mistaken Jesus resurrected body as one of the gardener;
..Who is it are you looking for; ? thinking he was the gardener...John20:15
And even the Road to Emmaus is also a good account that Jesus resurrected body can be look upon like normal human being....but Jesus "transfigured bodies" cannot be look upon as it pertains to a "glorified body" like Moses & Elijah possessed.
Let's look upon the appearance of a transfigured bodies;
"There he was transfigured before them,His face shone like the sun and his clothe became as white as the light....(Matthew17:2)
So, the scriptures differentiate the appearance of a "resurrected body" from a "transfigured body" of Jesus Christ.
And take note, tattoos are biodegradable it will decompose and even if it's not biodegradable our skin will decompose naturally and certainly it will not left its mark on our bodies as only bones & skull will remains.
We have to make a distinction on the following resurrected body, glorified body and transfigured body.;
Resurrected body only pertains to Christ and Mary as evidence in scripture & Tradition that their bodies was resurrected because sins has no hold of them and they are incorruptible. The resurrected bodies of Jesus Mary can be enter into heaven because it is "spotless" as God made a Holy Decree on scriptures;
"nothing defiled shall enter the Kingdom of God."(Book of Revelation)
The incorruptible bodies of the saints as prophecy in scriptures will be reunited to their "glorified souls" in the New Paradise and will lived among the Apostles of the Last Times for a certain time called millennium. This is the Eucharistic Era as Catholic Church understood it.
Now, how about the "transfigured bodies"? the Catholic Church teaches that those who partake the body,blood,soul divinity of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist will experience a foretaste of "Christ transfigured bodies" (CCC1000) as seen in the Gospel of Transfiguration. It's different from Christ "resurrected body" who is not cloth with a "dazzling or glorified light" that Peter, John & James was not able to stare.
The "resurrected body" of Jesus Christ still have the mark of his wounds because it has not been glorified as it was not yet ascended into Heaven.
1000 This "how" exceeds our imagination and understanding; it is accessible only to faith. Yet our participation in the Eucharist already gives us a foretaste of Christ's transfiguration of our bodies:
Just as bread that comes from the earth, after God's blessing has been invoked upon it, is no longer ordinary bread, but Eucharist, formed of two things, the one earthly and the other heavenly: so too our bodies, which partake of the Eucharist, are no longer corruptible, but possess the hope of resurrection.556
Did Jesus glorified body in Heaven have still have a mark of his wounds? That would be another question...to be continued..